All posts in Social Customer


How to Reward Yourself Using Social Media

September 3, 2010 by Keredy Stott
As social media and marketing professionals, we all spend lots of time thinking about how to use social networking to improve our business, contact lists or to advise others to do the same. Part of this process is looking what others are doing and transposing successful ideas into our own campaigns but how often do we put our... [read more]

Think before you post

September 1, 2010 by Sandy Miller
We all have heard “silence is golden” but certainly not when you are talking about social media. Here is an area where we want constant chatter and feedback.But I’d like to go against the tide and say that maybe we should reconsider this point. We all have friends that “overuse” their social profiles. It can be those that share the most... [read more]

Social Servicing – A First Step to Social CRM

September 1, 2010 by Mike Spataro
I’ve been hearing and reading a lot lately about Social CRM, or as some call it, SCRM, but never thought I’d have anything to say about this topic because I didn’t really think when I joined Visible Technologies five years ago that I would have anything to do with SCRM. Man, I was wrong.  Although I’m certainly not an expert in SCRM... [read more]

12 Steps To Hiring A Social Media Manager

August 30, 2010 by Maria Ogneva
I think we can all agree by now that social media is here to stay. As such, the importance of formulating a social media strategy, executing on it, educating and aligning the whole organization, is paramount. This is why your social media manager / director is going to be a crucial hire. Someone asked me on Wednesday night at the SFAMA... [read more]

Customer Service 2.0: Is the Phone Number Dead?

August 27, 2010 by Rajeev Malik
First off, you know you’re getting old when you begin a blog post with the phrase “this new generation”…and then comment on how things used to be done.  Of course, you’re probably not that old if you’re writing a blog post in the first place, but my point is, when you start noticing differences, you’re aging is noticeable. But... [read more]

Social media is therapy for the 21st century

August 16, 2010 by Sandy Miller
Sandy Miller has been working in marketing and advertising for many years. During that time she has met many people that could benefit from some good therapy and some that she felt were driving her to need therapy. You can check her out at @sandeemiller or [read more]

13 Rules of Leadership for Communication, Influence and Social Media Strategy

August 16, 2010 by Don Bulmer
For many years I have drawn great inspiration and lessons from leaders of all sorts - political, corporate, social and the like.A political and social leader who has had among the greatest impact on me is former U.S. Army General and U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell.  In his autobiography 'My American Journey' Mr. Powell shares... [read more]

How social media is changing the way we travel

August 15, 2010 by mattrhodes
I am about to embark on a trip alone across Europe overland – mainly by train. It’s almost 15 years since I last made a similar trip. Many things have changes over this period – I’m older, have travelled a lot more and am now more likely to stay in hotels than camp rough – but the biggest change is the way that social media is helping me... [read more]

Shopping the Social: Beyond the "Like" Button

August 13, 2010 by Mat Burnett
Is it just us, or does the “like” button (despite its recent release into the wild) seem so 2008.  Yeah, that was cute….two years ago.  Yes, “liking” something, even off site, will continue to be popular in a lazy man’s reflexive action kind of way.  The reality is that socially influenced shopping has been around for a... [read more]

Are we becoming a nation of whiners or adapting to a new channel for obtaining customer service?

August 13, 2010 by Shel Holtz
Long before Twitter, business consultants advised to embrace customer complaints. Wise people like Don Peppers and Martha Rogers saw complaints for what they were: opportunities to identify problems companies can fix, leading to happier customers, better word of mouth and more sales. In their 1993 book, “The One-to-One Future,” Peppers... [read more]

How to Serve the New Self-Serve Customer

August 11, 2010 by Debra Ellis
Once upon a time, pulling into a gas station meant that a uniformed attendant would dash out to pump your gas, wash your windows, and give a quick check under the hood. After your tank was full and payment rendered, a wave and smile sent you away. In the 1970’s, things changed. Self-service stations started appearing across the... [read more]

Grow your business with social media

August 10, 2010 by Sandy Miller
Sometimes talking with clients it comes down to one simple question and that is where they challenge me to tell them “why do I need social media?” I’m never bothered by that question because it’s the same reason a company does any advertising and marketing.Most businesses will agree their primary goal is to make more money and to... [read more]