All posts in twitter

Social Media Weekend Challenge: Don’t Tweet it Away!

September 4, 2010 by Pam Moore
What is a weekend anymore? We look forward to them, but why? Are we enjoying them?  When we are lucky, weekends are a time for us all to enjoy some down time with family and friends. Regardless of your role; business leader in corporate, an entrepreneur, small business owner, intern or worker bee… it is easy for us to lose track of... [read more]

Social “Me”dia and the Evolving Twitter Egosystem

September 3, 2010 by Brian Solis
There’s a saying, “technology changes, people don’t.” Yet, when we consider the impact of technology on our daily lives, some very interesting observations surface… A pen now feels awkward to hold and as such, our penmanship is deteriorating It’s now common to sit at a dinner table with family and friends where some are actively... [read more]

40 useful things you can share on Twitter besides blog posts

September 3, 2010 by Adam Vincenzini
I was never good at 'pass the parcel' when I was a kid. I blame it mainly on being over zealous. That and my unhealthy competitiveness - always had to win (which didn't always make me the best birthday party guest!) Twitter reminds me of pass the parcel a bit - RSS readers are ripped open first thing in the morning and then the shiniest... [read more]

How to Reward Yourself Using Social Media

September 3, 2010 by Keredy Stott
As social media and marketing professionals, we all spend lots of time thinking about how to use social networking to improve our business, contact lists or to advise others to do the same. Part of this process is looking what others are doing and transposing successful ideas into our own campaigns but how often do we put our... [read more]

Is There a “Press Pass” for Live Event Tweeters and Bloggers?

September 3, 2010 by Mike Brown
I’d been looking forward all last week to a Saturday night event at the KC Artists Coalition. Peregrine Honig, the Kansas City artist who appeared on the Bravo reality hit “Work of Art: The Next Great Artist” was speaking about her work and experiences as a finalist on the show. I tweeted about the event several times during the week... [read more]

Don’t Just Retweet it - Personalize it!

September 2, 2010 by Jason Gorham
For many, Twitter has become the go to place to obtain real time information by people all over the world. If you like what you see and/or want to share it with others you can “retweet” it.  Rather that just retweeting a link, blog post, article, etc. why not personalize it a little? In other words, what exactly about the item (you... [read more]

Twitter Announces built-in URL Shortener

September 2, 2010 by Ky Ekinci
Twitter announces they are soon to release --twitter's own URL shortening service built-in to the twitter's own web interface.Other than convenience of doing it all in one place for those folks who tweet using twitter's own web-interface Primary, it appears primarily security is on twitter's mind:" Twitter’s link service at http://t... [read more]

What Type of Twitter User Are You?

September 2, 2010 by Daniel Schawbel
After reading Chris Brogan’s 50 Power Twitter Tips I started really thinking about how people are using Twitter. The tips are insightful and should be read by everyone who using, thinking about using, and obsessing over Twitter. While most of the tips Chris covers are included in my book, Twitter Marketing for Dummies, it is... [read more]

Think before you post

September 1, 2010 by Sandy Miller
We all have heard “silence is golden” but certainly not when you are talking about social media. Here is an area where we want constant chatter and feedback.But I’d like to go against the tide and say that maybe we should reconsider this point. We all have friends that “overuse” their social profiles. It can be those that share the most... [read more]

Five Columns to Help You Get More from Twitter

September 1, 2010 by Mike Brown
Even among people signed up on Twitter, you see questions about Twitter’s value and what Twitter is good for strategically. Many times these questions come from people who are still using Twitter at and haven’t gravitated toward a more robust application such as Hootsuite or Tweetdeck. As a Tweetdeck user, here are 5... [read more]

How To Organize A Successful Tweetup

August 31, 2010 by AmithaAmarasinghe
So you want to organize a Tweetup and want to know how to do it right? Organizing a successful Tweetup isn’t easy. Especially because we have very little knowledge about how to deal with different types of individuals who never met in their life before, the task of organizing a successful Tweetup becomes much more difficult. If you are... [read more]

The Art of using #FollowFriday Effectively

August 30, 2010 by gautam hans
If you are an active twitter user, you will be aware of #followfriday, a hashtag that is used to recommend people you like, so that your followers also follow them. As this trend was followed on Fridays, that is why it was named as FollowFriday. The problem with the #Followfriday used nowadays is that people don’t care whom to give... [read more]