DISCLAIMER: The contents of this post are the views of the writer and do not represent the views, ideas or beliefs of the company…

In keeping with the theme of Friday 13th I thought I’d bring you 13 Social media Practices that I find particularly Horrific. So sit back relax, agree/ disagree have a laugh (hopefully) as we take a break from regular programming to bring you this quick announcement: 

1. #Placing a #hashtag #before #each #word of a #tweet

2. Ensuring that every tweet includes an @reply with your name. Nope that doesn’t increase your Klout…

3. Arbitrary people @replying you in their tweets trying to sell you something…très annoying

4. Complaining about your job , bosses, relationships and life in general day after day after day…Get over yourself

5. Providing sage quotes as your status updates daily…yes you’re clever, very clever

6. Faceless, nameless entities commenting on blog posts with the line “Great Post/ Great Content…I found it useful” and leading back to some dodgy link. Thank goodness for askimet and by the way we know you are a bot.

7. The demise of Google Wave…I’m probably one of the few who will miss you.

8. Posting unflattering pics of yourselves and receiving ‘Wow…great photo…you look lovely’ comments from friends. Note to you, they aren’t really your friends.

9. Friends tagging you in unflattering photos. Are these really your friends?

10. Not having the dsilike button on Facebook.

11. Having the dislike button but knowing I’ll never use it because ‘my friends’ may be offended. I’m human after all , can’t live with… can’t live without

12. Fanpages that don’t allow fan comments by default.

13. Forums which insist that you must add their logo before you can participate /get an invite / use them.

What are your social media pet peeves?  Let me know by adding them in the comments below.