Pew Reports that the ubiquity of the Internet continues to grow

34% of internet users have logged on with a wireless internet connection either at
home, at work, or someplace else.

The report indicates that most usage is checking news, and using email.

27% of adult internet users have logged onto the internet using a wireless device at
some place other than their home or place of employment.

As this continues forward, more individuals will not be bound by physical boundaries or cables at home or work to access information about weather, traffic, stocks, email. All sorts of interesting targeted information will continue to be focused to pinpoint and triangulate information for individuals.

For the web strategist, one must consider the value of developing for WAP vs mobile that can handle more data, as well as starting to think about contextual, location based advertising or marketing. I've been getting some reports in via email and word-of-mouth of several companies working on just this.

To read the full report access Pew's Internet Access Report (PDF).

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