Wecome to the new Social Media Today!

Social Media Today has a brand new look, and it's all-new under the hood as well! We're very excited because we know this change is going to make it easier for our members to connect, contribute, and interact in our community.

Below is some important information about logging on to your accounts, and answers to some other likely questions:

  1. All user accounts were imported from our old system, so if you had an account there, you have one here as well. Any profile information you provided was imported as well. NOTE: We have reports that some folks are not seeing their profile info. If you can stand to wait a couple of days while we check the wiring on that, we're pretty sure we'll be able to restore in those instances. Thanks!

  2. To log in for the first time, you will be required to reset your password. It's easy. If you want the details, they're right here.

  3. All the content you've contributed that was published on this site is still here, accessible to you via your profile. It all still resides at the same web addresses as it did before. Links from other sites and search engines to your content will still work.

  4. Have a comment? Need a hand? Click the "Feedback" tab on your left.

We hope you enjoy the new platform, and we thank you for your patience while we tidy up all the corners!


Here's how you get a new password:

  • Click login and follow the instructions to Request a Password
  • You'll get an email with a link to click to login to the site
  • Reset your password to whatever you like by clicking "Profile"


    and then Settings...

    and then create your new password and Save!
