North Carolina Democratic Party

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The North Carolina Democratic Party is the North Carolina affiliate of the national Democratic Party. It is headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina.


[edit] Recent electoral results

[edit] 2006

North Carolina Democrats scored impressive victories in the 2006 general elections, increasing their majorities in both houses of the North Carolina General Assembly and defeating incumbent Republican Congressman Charles Taylor. In addition, most candidates backed by Democrats in the non-partisan races for the North Carolina Supreme Court and the North Carolina Court of Appeals were elected. These victories came despite controversies surrounding Jim Black, a Democrat and former Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives. The State Board of Elections ruled that Black's campaign illegally accepted corporate contributions and checks with the payee line left blank. He pleaded guilty to a federal corruption charge, after denying charges through the November 2006 election. He won re-election by just seven votes in a heavily Democratic district, but resigned from office in 2007.[1][2]

[edit] 2008

In 2008, the North Carolina Democratic Party once again saw major victories in state and federal elections. For the first time since 1976, the Democratic nominee carried North Carolina in the presidential election. Meanwhile, Kay Hagan was elected to the U.S. Senate over incumbent Elizabeth Dole, and Beverly Perdue was elected governor to succeed fellow Democrat Mike Easley.

[edit] Chair

The current chair is David Young, who was elected in 2009.[3] The chair is elected by and leads the state Executive Committee, a body of more than 700 Democratic Party leaders and activists from all 100 counties, which governs the party.[4]

[edit] Current Statewide Democratic Officeholders

[edit] Current Leaders in General Assembly

[edit] Current NC Democrats in the U.S. Congress

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

[edit] External links

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