Dennis Kucinich presidential campaign, 2008

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Dennis Kucinich

Dennis Kucinich (D - Ohio)

Political party Democratic
Occupation Congressman since 1997, previously Mayor of Cleveland 1977–1979
Website Dennis Kucinich 2008

Dennis Kucinich announced on December 12, 2006 that he would seek the nomination for the Democratic Party to run for President of the United States. Although a Democratic candidate, he was not included in the New Hampshire debates on January 4, 2008 or the South Carolina debates on January 21, 2008 because of his poor showings in the Iowa caucuses and the polls.

On Thursday, January 24, 2008, Kucinich dropped his bid for the Democratic nomination after failing to draw more than 2% of the vote in a single contest. In withdrawing from the race, he cited his exclusion from Presidential debates and to continue his service in Congress.[1]


[edit] Campaign platform

On December 11, 2006 in a speech delivered at Cleveland City Hall, Kucinich announced he would seek the nomination of the Democratic Party for President in 2008. His platform[2] for 2008 included:

Dennis Kucinich campaign logo

Kucinich describes his stance on the issues as mainstream.[3] "My politics are center for the Democratic party," he said in an interview before an AFL-CIO sponsored debate.[4]

[edit] Polling

Dennis Kucinich was last (8-12th) in early polls but got stronger and in June and July climbed to 4th and 5th in several polls. In the Rasmussen Reports poll of August 14, 2007, Dennis Kucinich is tied for 5th place, behind Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Barack Obama, former Senator John Edwards, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, and tied with Senator Joe Biden. Data from Rasmussen Reports The latest Rasmussen poll of Democratic candidates, released on September 5, 2007 showed Kucinich in a tie for fourth place with Governor Richardson with 4% of Democratic voters saying they support him.[5] The latest Fox News poll that did not include former Vice President Al Gore placed Kucinich with 4% of registered Democratic voters, behind Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards. Including Gore, Kucinich is tied with Governor Richardson.[citation needed]

In the early primary state of New Hampshire, Kucinich has polled as high as tied for 4th place at 7%.[6]

Kucinich has fared much better with unofficial online polls of "netroots" voters, winning the November 2007 Democracy for America "pulse poll", taking first place in over 40 states [2]. Likewise, Kucinich took first in a Daily Kos poll of who won the Las Vegas presidential primary debate [3].

[edit] Endorsements

Kucinich's campaign was endorsed by Shelley Morrison, Viggo Mortensen, Sean Penn,[7] the Mexican America Political Association,[8] Atlanta Progressive News,[9] and Bill Rosendahl[10]

[edit] Exclusions from debates and primaries

Kucinich was excluded from the January 15, 2008 debate in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kucinich sued for the right to participate in the debate, but the Nevada Supreme Court ruled in favor of MSNBC.[11]

Kucinich was excluded from Texas Democratic Primary because he refused to sign a so-called "loyalty oath," which required the signers to "fully support the Democratic nominee for president, whoever that shall be." Kucinich lost his federal suit to be included on the ballot. Kucinich is appealing the decision to the United States Supreme Court.[12]

[edit] Withdrawal from race

On January 24, 2008, Dennis Kucinich dropped his presidential bid.[13]

[edit] Endorsements of other candidates

Kucinich named Ron Paul as his choice running mate in November, 2007.[14] In a January 1, 2008 press release Kucinich asked his Iowa supports to make Barack Obama their second choice.[15]

On August 26, 2008, Kucinich gave a spirited speech in support of Obama and Joe Biden at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. He received a standing ovation.

[edit] Delegate count

2008 Democratic presidential primaries delegate count
As of June 10, 2008
Candidate Actual
pledged delegates1
(3,253 of 3,909 total)
pledged delegates2
(3,409 of 3,909 total)
(694 of 825 total)
Estimated total delegates2
(4,103 of 4,934 total;
2,118 needed to win)
Barack Obama 1,661 1,763 438 2,201
Hillary Rodham Clinton 1,592 1,640 256 1,896
John Edwards 6 6
Color key

     1st place      Candidate has withdrawn his/her campaign

1 "Primary Season Election Results". The New York Times. (regularly updated). 
2 "Election Center 2008 Primaries and Caucuses: Results: Democratic Scorecard". CNN. (regularly updated). 

[edit] Notes and references

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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