Inquisition: The Persecution and Prosecution of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon

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Inquisition is a 1991 book by Carlton Sherwood about the early 1980s investigation and trial of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the leader of the Unification Church, for violations of United States tax law (see Sun Myung Moon tax fraud and conspiracy case). The book, subtitled The Persecution and Prosecution of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, alleges that there were elements of racism and religious persecution in the prosecution of the Moon case. The book was published by Regnery Publishing, an American publisher which specializes in conservative books.


[edit] Contents

Inquisition relates the story of Moon's life from his childhood in Korea but mainly focuses on the opposition he encountered in the United States after moving there in the 1970s and being active in religious, social, and political activism. Sherwood mentions opposition by the news media, major Christian denominations, and members of the government including Representative Donald Fraser and Senator Bob Dole. Sherwood characterizes this opposition as unfair, dishonest, and mean-spirited. He concludes that the federal prosecution of Moon on tax charges was unjust, citing the court's refusal to allow Moon's fellow defendant Takeru Kamiyama to provide his own translator, its refusal to allow the two men a bench trial rather than a jury trial, possible tainting of the jury, and the unusual length of Moon's sentence, 18 months, for a tax case. He also mentions that Moon could have avoided the trial if he had remained outside of the United States.[1][2]

Sherwood sums up his views by writing:

The Unification Church, its leaders and followers were and continue to be the victims of the worst kind of religious prejudice and racial bigotry this country has witnessed in over a century. Moreover, virtually every institution we as Americans hold sacred the Congress, the courts, law enforcement agencies, the press, even the U.S. Constitution itself was prostituted in a malicious, oftentimes brutal manner, as part of a determined effort to wipe out this small but expanding religious movement.[3][1][2]

[edit] Critical reception

Criticism of objectivity

Critics of the book have alleged that Sherwood has strong ties to the Unification Church that preclude objectivity, though there has never been proof of any of these ties. Frontline reported that “Alfred Regnery [former president of Regnery Publishing, which published Inquisition], was told by Carlton Sherwood that the Moon Organization would purchase one hundred thousand copies of Inquisition – at least according to former Washington Times editor James Whelan, another Regnery-Gateway author. But Alfred Regnery denies it.” [4]

Sherwood had previously worked for the Washington Times, owned by members of the Unification Church. In the story "The Resurrection Of Reverend Moon" (January 21, 1992), the PBS television series Frontline produced a copy of a letter addressed to Moon, written by James Gavin, a leader in Moon's Unification Church. Gavin tells Moon he reviewed the "overall tone and factual contents" of the book before publication and suggested revisions. Gavin adds that "Mr. Sherwood has assured me that all this will be done when the manuscript is sent to the publisher." Gavin concludes by telling Moon, "When all of our suggestions have been incorporated, the book will be complete and in my opinion will make a significant impact.... In addition to silencing our critics now, the book should be invaluable in persuading others of our legitimacy for many years to come."[4]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Review, J. Isamu Yamamoto and Paul Carden, Christian Research Institute Journal, Fall 1992, page 32
  2. ^ a b Shooting for the Moon, Dean M. Kelley, First Things, October 1991
  3. ^ Review, Candadai Seshachari, Weber Journal, Fall 1992
  4. ^ a b "Moon Transcript 2". Frontline: The Ressurection Of Reverend Moon. Retrieved 2007-05-29. 

[edit] Further reading

Book reviews

[edit] External links

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