Jonas Savimbi

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Jonas Savimbi

Jonas Malheiro Savimbi (August 3, 1934 – February 22, 2002) was an Angolan rebel leader. Savimbi led UNITA, a rebel group that fought against the initially pro-Soviet MPLA in the Angolan Civil War until his death in a clash with Government troops in 2002.

With support from the governments of the United States, the People's Republic of China[1], South Africa, Israel,[2] several African leaders (Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Côte d'Ivoire, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire,[3] King Hassan II of Morocco and Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia), and foreign mercenaries from Portugal, Israel, South Africa, and France,[2] Savimbi spent much of his life battling Angola's Marxist-inspired government, which was supported by weapons and military advisers from the Soviet Union, Cuba, and Nicaragua (under the Sandinistas).[4] The war ultimately became one of the most prominent Third World conflicts of the Cold War.


[edit] Early years

Jonas Savimbi was born on August 3, 1934 in Munhango, Bié Province, a small town on the Benguela Railway and raised in Portuguese Angola's central province of Bié, which together with Huambo later, after independence of Angola, served as his power base during the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002). Savimbi's father, Lote, was a stationmaster on Angola's Benguela railway line and a Protestant preacher. Both of his parents were members of the Ovimbundu tribe, which later served as Savimbi's major political base.[5]

Savimbi was educated in his early years both in Protestant and Catholic schools. Eventually, at the age of 24 he was given a scholarship to study medicine in Portugal.

In Portugal, Savimbi associated with the Portuguese Communist Party and distributed their literature among Angolans and other students. He knew Agostinho Neto, who was at that time still studying medicine, but whose life was to change dramatically in the next few years. Under increasing pressure from the PIDE(Policia International de Defensa de Estado) to become an informer, Savimbi left Portugal for Switzerland with the assistance of Portuguese and French communists, and eventually wound up in Lausanne. Here he was able to get a new scholarship from American missionaries. He then went on to the University at Fribourg to continue to study Medicine.[6]

While there, probably in August 1960 [7]( he met Holden Roberto who was already a rising star in émigré circles. Roberto was a founding member of the UPA (União das Populações de Angola) and was already known for his efforts at the United Nations on behalf of Angolan independence. He tried to recruit Savimbi who seems to have been undecided at that time. At about this time Savimbi changed his course of study from Medicine to Political Science.

Following Angola's independence in 1975, Savimbi gradually drew the intrigue of powerful Chinese and, ultimately, American policymakers and intellectuals. Trained in China during the 1960s, Savimbi was a highly successful guerrilla fighter schooled in classic Maoist approaches to warfare, including baiting his enemies with multiple military fronts, some of which attacked and some of which consciously retreated. Like the Chinese Red Army of Mao Zedong, Savimbi mobilized large segments of the rural peasantry as part of his military tactics. From a military strategy standpoint, he is generally considered one of the most effective guerrilla leaders of the 20th century.

While Savimbi originally sought a leadership position in the Marxist MPLA, he later denounced Marxism and joined forces with the FNLA in 1964. The same year he conceived UNITA with Antonio da Costa Fernandes. Savimbi went to China for help and was promised arms and military training. Upon returning to Angola in 1966 he formally launched UNITA and began his career as an anti-Portuguese guerrilla fighter, but also fought the FNLA and MPLA, as the three resistance movements tried to position themselves to lead a post-colonial Angola. Portugal would later release PIDE archives revealing that Savimbi in fact signed a collaboration pact with Portuguese colonial authorities to fight the MPLA.[8][9]

Complementing his military skills, Savimbi also impressed many with his intellectual qualities. He fluently spoke seven languages, including four European languages and three African languages. In visits with foreign diplomats and in speeches before American audiences, he often cited classical Western political and social philosophy, ultimately becoming one of the most vocal anti-communists of the Third World.

Some dismiss this intellectualism as nothing more than careful handling by his politically savvy American supporters, who sought to present Savimbi as a clear alternative to Angola's regime. But others saw it as genuine and a product of the guerrilla leader's raw intelligence. Savimbi's biography describes him as " incredible linguist. He spoke four European languages, including English although he had never lived in an English-speaking country. He was extremely well read. He was an extremely fine conversationalist and a very good listener."[10]

These contrasting images of Savimbi would play out throughout his life, with his enemies calling him a power-hungry warmonger, and his American and other allies calling him a critical figure in the West's bid to win the Cold War.

[edit] Savimbi's Washington allies

Savimbi's war against Angola's Marxist government became a sub-plot to the Cold War, with both Moscow and Washington viewing the conflict as important to the global balance of power. In 1985, with the backing of the Reagan administration, Jack Abramoff and other U.S. conservatives organized the Democratic International in Savimbi's base in Jamba, in Cuando Cubango Province in southeastern Angola.[11] The meeting included most of the anti-communist guerrilla leaders of the Third World, including Savimbi, Nicaraguan contra leader Adolfo Calero, and Abdul Rahim Wardak, then leader of Afghanistan's mujahideen who now serves as Afghanistan's Defense Minister.

Equally important, Savimbi also was strongly supported by the influential, conservative Heritage Foundation. Heritage Foundation foreign policy analyst Michael Johns and other conservatives visited regularly with Savimbi in his clandestine camps in Jamba and provided the rebel leader with ongoing political and military guidance in his war against the Angolan government. Savimbi's U.S.-based supporters ultimately proved successful in convincing the Central Intelligence Agency to channel covert weapons and recruit guerrillas for Savimbi's war against Angola's Marxist government, which greatly intensified and prolonged the conflict.

During a visit to Washington, D.C. in 1986, Reagan invited Savimbi to meet with him at the White House. Following the meeting, Reagan spoke of UNITA winning "a victory that electrifies the world."

Two years later, with the Angolan Civil War intensifying, Savimbi returned to Washington, where he was filled with gratitude and praise for the Heritage Foundation's work on UNITA's behalf. "When we come to the Heritage Foundation", Savimbi said during a June 30, 1988 speech at the foundation, "it is like coming back home. We know that our success here in Washington in repealing the Clark Amendment and obtaining American assistance for our cause is very much associated with your efforts. This foundation has been a source of great support. The UNITA leadership knows this, and it is also known in Angola."[12]

[edit] Savimbi's military success

As U.S. support began to flow liberally and leading U.S. conservatives championed his cause, Savimbi won major strategic battles in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and Moscow and Havana began to reevaluate their engagement in Angola, as Soviet and Cuban fatalities mounted and Savimbi's ground control increased. At the height of his military success, Savimbi controlled nearly half the country and was beginning, in 1989 and 1990, to launch attacks on government and military targets in and around the country's capital, Luanda. Observers felt that the strategic balance in Angola had shifted and that Savimbi was positioning UNITA for a possible military victory.[13]

Signaling the concern that the former Soviet Union was placing on Savimbi's advance in Angola, former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev raised the Angolan war with Reagan during numerous U.S.-Soviet summits. In addition to meeting with Reagan, Savimbi also met with Reagan's successor, George H. W. Bush, who promised Savimbi "all appropriate and effective assistance."[14]

In January 1990 and again in February 1990, Savimbi was wounded in armed conflict with Angolan government troops. But the injuries did not prevent him from again returning to Washington, D.C., where he met with his American supporters and President George H. W. Bush in an effort to further increase U.S. military assistance to UNITA.[15] Savimbi's supporters warned that continued Soviet support for the MPLA was threatening broader global collaboration between Gorbachev and the U.S.[16]

Under military pressure from UNITA, the Angolan government negotiated a cease-fire with Savimbi, and Savimbi ran for president in the national elections of 1992. Foreign monitors claimed the election to be fair. But because neither Savimbi nor Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos obtained the 50 percent necessary to prevail, a run-off election was scheduled.[17]

In late October 1992, Savimbi dispatched UNITA Vice President Jeremias Chitunda and UNITA senior advisor Elias Salupeto Pena to Luanda to negotiate the details of the run-off election. But on November 2, 1992 in Luanda, Chitunda and Pena's convoy was attacked by government forces and they were both pulled from their car and shot dead. Their bodies were confiscated by government authorities and never seen again.[18] The offensive against Chitunda, Pena and other UNITA officials has come to be known as the Halloween Massacre.

Alleging governmental electoral fraud and questioning the government's commitment to peace, Savimbi withdrew from the run-off election and resumed fighting, mostly with foreign funds. UNITA again quickly advanced militarily, encircling the nation's capital of Luanda.[19]

One of Savimbi's largest sources of financial support was the De Beers Corporation, which bought between $500 and $800 million worth of illegally mined diamonds in 1992-1993.[citation needed] In 1994, UNITA signed a new peace accord, but Savimbi declined the vice-presidency that was offered to him and again renewed fighting in 1998.

Savimbi also purportedly purged some of those within UNITA who he may have seen as threats to his leadership or questioned his strategic course. Savimbi's foreign secretary, Tito Chingunji and his family, were murdered in 1991 after Savimbi suspected that Chingunji had been in secret, unapproved negotiations with the Angolan government during Chingunji's various diplomatic assignments in Europe and the United States. Savimbi denied his involvement in the Chingunji killing and blamed it on two UNITA dissidents.[20]

[edit] 2002: Killed in combat

After surviving more than a dozen assassination attempts, Savimbi was killed on February 22, 2002, in a battle with Angolan government troops - and, reportedly, South African mercenaries and Israeli special forces[21] - along riverbanks in the province of Moxico, his birthplace. In the firefight, Savimbi sustained 15 machine gun bullets to his head, throat, upper body and legs. While Savimbi returned gun fire, the blows proved immediately fatal.[22]

Savimbi's somewhat mystical reputation for eluding the Angolan military and their Soviet and Cuban military advisors led many Angolans to question the validity of reports of his 2002 death. Not until pictures of his bloodied and bullet-ridden body appeared on Angolan state television, and the United States State Department subsequently confirmed it, did the reports of Savimbi's death in combat gain credence in the country. Savimbi was interred in Luena Main Cemetery in Luena, Moxico Province.[23] On January 3, 2008, Savimbi's tomb was vandalised and four members of the youth wing of the MPLA were charged and arrested.[24]

[edit] UNITA after Savimbi

Savimbi was succeeded by António Dembo, who assumed UNITA's leadership on an interim basis in February 2002. But Dembo had sustained wounds in the same attack that killed Savimbi, and he ended up dying from them ten days later. Dembo was succeeded by Paulo Lukamba. In 2003, Lukamba was succeeded by Isaías Samakuva, who served as UNITA's ambassador to Europe under Savimbi and has headed UNITA ever since.

Six weeks following Savimbi's death, a ceasefire between UNITA and the MPLA was signed, but Angola remains deeply divided politically between MPLA and UNITA supporters. Parliamentary elections in September 2008 resulted in an overwhelming majority for the MPLA, but their legitimacy was questioned by international observers.

[edit] Quotes

Flag of UNITA.

[edit] See also

[edit] Books

[edit] Further reading

Chilcote, Ronald H. Emerging nationalism in Portuguese Africa . Hoover Institutions publications, 97 Stanford, Calif. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University [1972] ISBN 0817919716

Christine Messiant, "Les Eglises et la dernière guerre en Angola. Les voies difficiles de l'engagement pour une paix juste", LFM. Social sciences & missions, No.13, Oct. 2003, pp. 75–117

[edit] References

  1. ^
  2. ^ a b Angola: A Country Study
  3. ^ However, Mobutu has always personally denied this. See Blaine Harden, Africa: Dispatches from a Fragile Continent, p. 51, and Sean Kelly, America's Tyrant: The CIA and Mobutu of Zaire, p. 4
  4. ^ Nicaragua Betrayed, by Anastasio Somoza and Jack Cox, backflap
  5. ^ "Jonas Savimbi, 67, Rebel of Charisma and Tenacity," The New York Times, February 23, 2003.
  6. ^ Bridgland pp. 42ff
  7. ^ Chilcote, p.63
  8. ^ Contested Power in Angola: 1840s to the Present | Journal of Third World Studies | Find Articles at
  9. ^ Brittain, Victoria (February 25, 2002). "Jonas Savimbi". The Guardian (London).,4273,4362364,00.html. Retrieved May 7, 2010. 
  10. ^ "Angola: Don't Simplify History, Says Savimbi's Biographer,", Johannesburg, June 22, 2002.
  11. ^ The tale of "Red Scorpion" -
  12. ^ The Coming Winds of Democracy in Angola
  13. ^ "Angola says rebels are launching new attacks, jeopardizing accord," The New York Times, August 21, 1989.
  14. ^ "Bush pledges Angola rebel aid," The New York Times, January 1989.
  15. ^ Alao (1994). p. XX.
  16. ^ "Angola: Testing Gorbachev's 'New Thinking', Heritage Foundation Executive Memorandum #259, by Michael Johns, February 5, 1990.
  17. ^ "Runoff Now Expected in Angola as Leader Falls Short," The New York Times, October 16, 1992.
  18. ^ "Rebels in Angola suffer a setback," The New York Times, November 4, 1992.
  19. ^ "Luanda is encircled by former guerrillas," The New York Times, October 24, 1992.
  20. ^ Angola: Don't Simplify History, Says Savimbi's Biographer (Page 1 of 4)
  21. ^ Bridgland, Fred; Evans, Michael (August 5, 2006). "Dogs of War ban will rob British Army of vital frontline soldiers". The Times (London).,,3-2299853,00.html. Retrieved May 7, 2010. [dead link]
  22. ^ "Savimbi 'died with gun in hand'", BBC News, February 25, 2002.
  23. ^ Jonas Savimbi at "Find a Grave".
  24. ^ "Jonas Savimbi's tomb vandalised, says UNITA", Mail and Guardian, January 23, 2008.
  25. ^ a b c d Men at War: Angola's Liberation Leaders, December 12, 1975. Alicia Patterson Foundation.
  26. ^ Siler, Michael J. Strategic Security Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography, 2004. Page 311.

[edit] External links

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