France–Israel relations

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French–Israeli relations
France   Israel
Map indicating location of France and Israel
     France      Israel

French–Israeli relations are foreign relations between France and Israel. There have been many changes in the relations between the two nations which have been both closer and more distant since the founding on Israel in 1948. France has an embassy in Tel Aviv and a consulate-general in Jerusalem. Israel has an embassy in Paris and a consulate-general in Marseille. Both countries are full members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). In recent years there have been rising political tensions as a result of the Israeli Palestinian conflict while in the economic and technological sector Israeli French partnership and business cooperation is higher than it has been for decades.


[edit] History

[edit] Before the founding of Israel / pre 1948

The first connection between the Zionist Movement and France was during World War II between the years 1940–1944 when France was under German occupation. After France's liberation by allied forces, David Ben Gurion was confident that Charles de Gaulle would assist him in the founding of a Jewish state. On 12 January 1949 France recognized the existence of Israel and supported the decision for Israel to join the United Nations. In 1953 France announced that it intended to sell French weapons to Israel.

[edit] 1950s – '60s

In June 1956 president of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser's actions brought about a closer relationship between Israel and France. Israel was afraid of an Egyptian attack and France saw Nasser as a threat because Nasser supported the anti French insurgency in Algeria. France sent Israel airplanes and tanks and Israel began to prepare for a war with Egypt. In July 1956 Nasser took control of the Suez Canal and than France, the Britain and Israel planned a joint operation to take the Suez Canal back under their control. In October the Sinai war broke out and resulted in a complete victory for the Anglo-Israeli-French coalition. However, international pressure led by the U.S. forced the three to return full control of Sinai to the Egyptians. Despite the setbacks of the war, relations between Israel and France grew stronger.

During the late 1950s France supplied Israel with the Mirage - Israel's most advanced aircraft to date and their first serious combat aircraft. During the 1970s Israel used this Mirage model to develop their own fighter aircraft: the Kfir.

In October 1957 an agreement was signed between France and Israel about the construction of the nuclear power plant in Israel which was completed in 1963. Current Israeli President Shimon Peres was the politician who brokered the deal. In 1962 Ben Gurion arrived in France for Israel's first official visit.

Until the 6 Day War France was the main supplier of Israel's weapons. In 1967 Charles de Gaulle made a one-sided disconnection with Israel. The reason was that de Gaul supported the Arab neighbors of Israel (Egypt, Syria and Jordan) and stated that if Israel attacked any of them and as a result made an arms embargo on Israel.

In 1969 de Gaul retired from presidency of France and Israel hoped that the new president Georges Pompidou would bring about a better relations between Israel and France but Pompidou left the weapons embargo continue. This was one of the weakest moments in Israeli French relations.

[edit] 1970s – '90s

In 1974 there were new elections and Valéry Giscard d'Estaing did not improve relations just like his predecessor and he supported the Palestinian cause and even met with Yasser Arafat and supported the entrance of the PLO to the United Nations.

In 1981 François Mitterrand was elected 21st President of the French Republic. Mitterrand was the first left-wing head of state since 1957 and was considered a friend of the Jewish people and a lover of the Bible. In 1982 he visited Israel and in doing so was the first French president to visit Israel and even spoke in the Israeli parliament the Knesset. During this time Israel and France worked to improve the relations between them but in June 1982 relations worsened because of the First Lebanon War.

In 1988 Mitterrand won a second term and in 1990 Mitterrand it was discovered that he was in positive relations with the Vishi Government in occupied France and wasn’t willing to accept Frances responsibility in the treatment and eventual deportation of Jews during the Second World War. from this point on he was no longer thought of as a friend of the Jewish people. In 1993 the Israeli football team beat the French team 3-2 in a very tense game and won in overtime in the 93rd minute. The Winning goal was scored by Reuven Atar.

In 1995 Jacques Chirac was elected and during his time in office he did recognize Frances responsibility during World War II. He also took a more active part in the relations between Israel and the Palestinian authority. Chirac financially supported Arafat and put pressure on Israel to go back to the borders of 1967.

[edit] 2000s

In 2003 Israel was angry at France for not supporting the United States in its war in Iraq against Saddam Hussein. This was regarded by Israel as lack of consideration for its security given Iraqs support of the Palestinian cause despite the Al-Aqsa Intifada which went on until the disengagement.

After Prime Minister Ariel Sharon announced Israel's unilateral disengagement plan in 2004 relations again began to escalate. Sharon went to Paris and was accepted with respect and honor and France demanded of the Hamas to recognize Israel and cease their terror attacks. An Israeli French committee was created to increase cooperation. The committee had two goals. The first was the improve Israel's public image in France. The second was to improve Israeli French relations on all levels.

In 2007 Nicolas Sarkozy was elected president of France. He is considered a supporter of Israel and he has proclaimed that he will not compromise on the security of Israel. He was thought to be especially because of his taught immigration policies on immigration from Islamiccountries. In August 2008 Nicolas Sarkozy used his first major foreign policy speech to signal a shift from his predecessor, Jacques Chirac, casting himself as a "friend of Israel". The Israeli public viewed Chirac as hostile towards Israel, particularly when Chirac stood steadfastly behind former Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, especially during the first stages of the second Intifada.

On February 13, 2008, Sarkozy spoke at the annual dinner of the French Jewish CRIF (Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France). The address was seen as a sign of newfound warmth between France's Élysée Palace and French Jewry, whose place in French society has been shaken in recent years following a surge in anti-Semitic attacks. "Israel can count on a new dynamic to its relationship with the European Union", said Sarkozy. "France will never compromise on Israel's security." Israel has welcomed Sarkozys taught stance against the Iran-backed Hamas and Iran-backed Hezbollah. President Sarkozy has positioned himself as a possible peace intermediary, inviting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Syrian President Bashar al Assad to attend a Middle East conference in Paris on July 13, 2008.

On 26 June 2009 France and the rest of the G8 called on Israel to halt Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories as a key step toward a renewed peace drive. France was extremely supportive of Israel during Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's statement that the Holocaust was "a myth" on his address at the united Nation September 2009. France, along with the United States, Britain, and Germany all issued statements slamming Ahmadinejad's outburst dismissing the killing of some six million Jews of occupied Europe by the Nazis during World War II.

On 30 June 2009, French President Nicolas Sarkozy urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to dismiss Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman from his post, saying "You have to get rid of that man. You need to remove him from this position".[1]

[edit] Current relations

[edit] Economic relations

In 2006 French exports to Israel have grown 10 percent to $ 683.000 (€1.06 billion) since 2003. France is Israel's 11th greatest supplier of goods and represents Israel's ninth largest market. France's main export items are motor vehicles, plastics, organic chemicals, aeronautical and space engineering products, perfumes and cosmetics.

France is the second-leading tourist destination for Israelis, after the United States. At the same time the number of French people visiting Israel has grown considerably over the last few years.

[edit] Cultural, scientific and technical cooperation

There are numerous French cultural events that take place on a regular basis in Israel due to its large French speaking population. As a result of this in June 2007 a new French Institute opened in Tel Aviv. In honor of Israel's 60th anniversary of its independence, Israel was the official guest at the annual Book Fair in Paris in March 2008. France's cultural, technological and scientific cooperation with Israel is based on bilateral agreements that date back to 1959. the origin of this project is based on the existence of the high number of native French speakers in Israel (approximately 600,000 – 10 percent of the population) and considerable resources are devoted to this cooperation: $3.5M (€2.3M in 2007).

In 2009 Nissan unveiled its first all electric car the Leaf. The Japanese maker of the car is 44-percent owned by France's Renault. Israel is among the countries set to have charging stations for this initiative. Since 2004, six network research programs have been launched in medical genetics, mathematics, medical and biological imaging, as well as bioinformatics, with nearly 100 researchers involved in each. New programs are expected to be introduced in the areas of genomics, cancer research, neuroscience, astrophysics and robotics.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Russia Today - Sarkozy to Netanyahu: fire your foreign minister

[edit] External links

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