Israel Border Police

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The Israel Border Police (Hebrew: מִשְׁמַר הַגְּבוּל‎, Mishmar HaGvul) is the gendarmerie and border security branch of the Israel National Police. It is also commonly known by its Hebrew abbreviation Magav (Hebrew: מג"ב), meaning border guard, whilst its members are colloquially known as Magavnikim (Hebrew: מג"בניקים). Border Guard is often used as the official name of the Israel Border Police in English. While its main task is securing Israel's borders, it has also been deployed in assisting the Israel Defense Forces, and for counter-terrorism and law enforcement operations in the Palestinian territories, as well as in the predominantly Arab East Jerusalem.


[edit] History

Magavniks in Jerusalem

The Border Police was founded as the Frontier Corps (Hebrew: חיל הספר‎, Heil HaSfar), a gendarmerie under the IDF in 1949 with the task of providing security in rural areas and along the borders. In the course of the following years, it was gradually transferred to the command of the Police and became the Border Police. During these years, it secured new settlements and countered infiltration of Palestinian Fedayeen, especially from Egypt and Jordan.

Magavnik in the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City.
Magavnikim with an Israel Border Police Sufa jeep in the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City.
The elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit detaining suspects

During the 1956 Suez War, the Border Police was involved in the Kafr Qasim massacre. On the second day of the war, a curfew was imposed on the Israeli Arab village. Villagers who had worked in the village fields and were apparently unaware of the curfew were shot as they returned to the village[1], resulting in 49 dead. This event raised a strong protest in the Israeli public and resulted in a landmark Supreme Court ruling on the obligation of soldiers to disobey manifestly illegal orders.

During the 1967 Six-Day War, the Border Police took part in the fighting alongside the IDF. Following the war, it was deployed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and charged with maintaining law and order as part of the military administration. Since then, a significant portion of the Border Police's activity has been in these territories, especially during the years of the First Intifada and the Second (al-Aqsa) Intifada.

In 1974, the counter-terror unit Yamam was established.

In the October Riots the Border Police were used as the main branch of the treatment in the events. During al-Aqsa Intifada the Border Police took a large part in the security activity.

In 2005 the Border Police participated in the implementation of the disengagement plan.

The Border Guards heaviest area of operation is the City of Jerusalem. Virtually all soldiers that can be seen patrolling the streets of Jerusalem are Border Guard servicemen. Approximately 20% of all Border Guard personnel in the country are located in the City of Jerusalem alone. Besides Jerusalem MAGAV also provides security, conducts military operations, raids and arrests on Palestinian territories in cities like Jenin, Nablus, Jericho, Qalqilyah, Tul-Karem, Ramallah and Hebron.

The total number of Border Guards is believed to be about 6000 soldiers and officers.

[edit] Structure

The Border Police is composed of professional officers on payroll and field policemen redirected from the IDF (men and women at the age of 18 can choose to serve in the Border Police instead of the IDF, serving 3 years as a border policeman is equal to 3 years as an IDF soldier). All border policemen receive combat training and in addition are also trained for CT (counter-terrorism), riot control and policework. Excellent policemen can specialize in some profession and receive special training to become snipers, buggie-drivers, dog operators, bomb squad, etc.

Because of their combat training, border policemen are employed in unique areas, where there are greater risks for riots, violence and even terror. They serve mainly in the countryside, in Arab villages and towns (along with the regular police), near the borders and in the West Bank.

The Border Police is also responsible for security of rural settlements inside Israel with its Rural Police (Hebrew: שיטור כפרי, shitur kafri) units and community security coordinators (Hebrew: רב"ש, rabash). Rural policemen are full time professional officers and security coordinators are a mixture of full time and volunteer officers.

[edit] Special Operations Units

A Border Policeman in a tear gas mask
A Border Policeman in the Old City of Jerusalem

The Border Police has four Special forces units:

[edit] Yamam

YAMAM (Counter-Terror and Hostage Rescue unit) - The Yamam record includes the capture of a terrorist group hidden in the Arab town of Tayibe, the rescue of Eliyahu Goral, the killing of the Hamas head in Hebron and Abbedullah Qawasameh.

[edit] YAMAS

Yamas (Counter-Terror Undercover Unit) - Yamas is considered the most highly efficient of all IDF's special units. While their sister unit Yamam has been grabbing the spotlight, Yamas has been able to avoid the publicity and due to the ultra secret nature of their work this is no accident. Their very existence has long been denied by the government, but they constitute the most effective and brutal counter terror unit in the world. The undercover operators have clocked more combat missions in the field than any other unit in the Israeli arsenal, often conducting multiple operations in a 24 hour period. Their unique ability to infiltrate the very places where terrorists feel the safest, has spread fear deep into the ranks of the Palestinian terror apparatus.

Structure and Modus Operandi

Widely believed to have the most advanced urban warfare capabilities in the world, Yamas has a unique mode of operations that allows it to carry out complex missions with little or no preparation due to the high level of professionalism among its troops. Often the soldiers are given just a short briefing before riding off to engage heavily armed terrorist groups. In Israel's long battle for peace the most dangerous missions have been assigned to this fearless unit. In Israel's war for survival they are the very tip of the spear, striking mercilessly and violently dismantling terror infrastructure in the West Bank, Gaza and Israel. Known for daring day time raids and the brazen ability to surface in the most volatile Arab areas, Yamas does not follow regular military or police command structure and answers directly to the Shabak.

The Border Police has an excellent record of thwarting terrorist attacks. One of the most famous incidents is the capture of a car bomb, containing more than 500 kg of explosives, near Wadi Ara.

[edit] Others

[edit] Volunteer Border Guard

The Border Guard also deploys a large number of volunteer servicemen. These volunteer Border Guard members enlist as volunteers and serve in regular Border Guard units. The Border Guard relies on the volunteer soldiers in order to reinforce their manpower and help maintain the country's heavy security needs. The volunteer Border Guard are given special attention in sensitive places like Jerusalem where security threats are the highest and at times can double or even triple the manpower of full time security forces in a given area.

Many of these special Border Guard volunteers are Jewish immigrants that have immigrated to Israel from all over the world from places like the United States, UK, Australia, Italy, France, Germany, South Africa, South America, and the former Soviet Union, etc. [2]

The volunteer Border Guard members leave behind jobs & families on a regular basis in order to serve in this special combat unit. Some come from cities like Beit Shemesh, Ofrah, Ashkelon, Ra'anana and even Haifa to serve in the Border Guard. The volunteers receive no pay for serving in the Border Guard units and serve in the Border Guard in their off work hours.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Jewish Literacy, Joseph Telushkin, p.595, Harper-Collins, 1991, ISBN 0688085067
  2. ^ About the Volunteers. Retrieved on December 3, 2007.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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