Zeno (emperor)

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Emperor of the Roman Empire
Tremissis-Zeno-RIC 0914.jpg
Zeno depicted on a Tremissis; the coin's design celebrates Zeno's victories, and was issued during his second reign.
Reign 9 February 474 – 9 January 475
August 476 – 9 April 491
Full name Tarasis (until mid-460s), Flavius Zeno
Born c. 425
Birthplace Zenonopolis
Died April 9, 491 (aged 66)
Place of death Constantinople
Predecessor 1) Leo II
2) Basiliscus
Successor 1) Basiliscus, revolted
2) Anastasius I
Consort Arcadia,
Offspring Zenon (by Arcadia),
Leo II (by Ariadne)
Royal House House of Leo
Father Kodisa
Mother Lallis

Zeno (Latin: Flavius Zeno; Greek: Ζήνων; c. 425 – 9 April 491), originally named Tarasis,[1] was Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Emperor from 474 to 475 and again from 476 to 491. Domestic revolts and religious dissension plagued his reign, which nevertheless succeeded to some extent in foreign issues. His reign saw the end of the Western Roman Empire under Julius Nepos and Romulus Augustulus, but he contributed much to stabilizing the eastern Empire.

In ecclesiastical history, Zeno is associated with the Henotikon or "instrument of union", promulgated by him and signed by all the Eastern bishops, with the design of solving the monophysite controversy.


[edit] Biography

[edit] Rise to power

[edit] Early life

A detail of the Missorium of Aspar, depicting the powerful magister militum Aspar and his elder son Ardabur (434 circa). Zeno caused Ardabur's fall, producing treacherous letters that linked him to the Sassanid King; Ardabur later bribed some of Zeno's soldiers into trying to kill him.

Zeno's original name was Tarasis.[1] Tarasis was born in Isauria, at Rusumblada, later renamed Zenonopolis in Zeno's honour.[2] His father was called Kodisa (as attested by his patronimic "Tarasicodissa"), his mother Lallis, his brother Longinus. Tarasis had a wife, Arcadia, whose name indicates a relationship with the Constantinopolitan aristocracy, and whose statue was erected near the Baths of Arcadius, along the steps that led to Topoi.[3] According to a Near Eastern Christian legend, Zeno had two daughters, Hilaria and Thaopesta, who followed a religious life,[4] but historical sources attest the existence of only one son by Arcadia, called Zenon.[5] Tarasis was probably related to the Isaurian general Zeno, who had fought against Attila in 447 to defend Constantinople and had been consul the following year.[2]

The Isaurians were a people who lived inland from the Mediterranean coast of Anatolia, in the core of the Taurus Mountains (generally what is now the Konya/Bozkir area of Turkey). Like most borderland tribes, they were looked upon as barbarians by the Romans even though they had been Roman subjects for more than two centuries. However, being Catholics rather than Arians, as the Goths and other Germanic tribes were, they were not formally barred from the throne.[2]

According some scholars, in the mid-460s Eastern Roman Emperor Leo I wanted to balance the weight of the German component of the army, whose leader was the Alan magister militum Aspar. He thought that Tarasis and his Isaurians could be that counterweight, and called him, with many Isaurians, to Constantinople. This interpretation, however, has been contested.[6] By mid-460s, Arcadia and Zeno had been living at Constantinople for some time,[3] where also Lallis and Longinus lived, the latter married to a Valeria, possibly a woman of aristocrat rank.[6]

According to ancient sources, the earliest reference to Tarasis dates back to 464, when he put his hands on some letters written by Aspar's son, Ardabur, which proved that the son of the magister militum had incited the Sasanid King to invade Roman territory, promising to support the invasion. Through these letters, which Tarasis gave to Leo, the emperor could dismiss Ardabur, who at the time was magister militum per Orientem and patricius, thus reducing Aspar's influence and ambition. As reward for his loyalty, that Leo praised with Daniel the Stylite,[7] Tarasis was appointed comes domesticorum, an office of great influence and prestige.[3] This appointment could mean that Tarasis had been a protector domesticus, either at Leo's court in Constantinople, or attached at Ardabur's staff in Antioch.[6]

In 465 Leo and Aspar quarrelled about the appointment of consuls for the following year; it was in this occasion that Tarasis' position was strengthened, as he become friend and ally of the emperor.[8]

[edit] Son-in-law of Leo I

Relief of Ariadne, elder daughter of Emperor Leo I and wife of Zeno.

To make himself more acceptable to the Roman hierarchy and the population of Constantinople, Tarasis adopted the Greek name of Zeno and used it for the rest of his life. In mid-late 466 Zeno married Ariadne, elder daughter of Leo I and Verina; as there is no reference to a divorce with Arcadia, she should have died in those years. The next year their son was born, and Zeno become father of the heir apparent to the throne, as the only son of Leo I's had died in his infancy; to stress his claim to the throne, the boy was called Leo.[9] Zeno, however, was not present at the birth of his son, as in 467 he participated to a military campaign against the Goths.[6][10]

Leo I, father-in-law of Zeno, Eastern Roman Emperor from 457 to 474.

Zeno, as member of the protectores domestici, did not take part in the disastrous expedition against the Vandals, led in 468 by Leo's brother-in-law Basiliscus. The following year, during which he held the honour of the consulate, he was appointed magister militum per Thracias and led an expedition in Thrace. The sources do not clearly state what enemy he fought there, and historians had proposed either Goths or Huns, or the rebels of Anagastes. Either way, before leaving, Leo and Zeno asked for Daniel the Stylite's opinion about the campaign, and Daniel answered that Zeno would have been the target of a conspiracy but would have escaped unharmed. What happened was that Leo sent some of his personal soldiers with Zeno to protect him, but they were bribed by Aspar to actually capture him. Zeno was informed of their intention and fled to Serdica, and because of this episode Leo grew even more suspicious of Aspar.[11]

After the attack, Zeno did not return to Constantinople, where Aspar and Ardabur were and had still considerable power. Instead he moved to the "Long Wall" (the Chersonese Long Wall or, less probably, the Anastasian Wall), then to Pylai and from there to Chalcedon. While waiting here for an opportunity to return in the capital, he was appointed magister militum per Orientem. He took the monk Peter the Fuller with him and left for Antioch, his office's see, passing through Isauria, where he put down the rebellion of Indacus. Zeno stayed at Antioch for two years.[12]

While living in Antioch with his family, Zeno sympathised with the Monophysite views of Peter the Fuller, and supported him against his opponent, the Chalcedonian bishop Martyrius. Zeno allowed the arrival in Antioch from nearby monasteries of monks who increased the number of Peter's followers, and did not repress effectively their violences. Martyrius went to Constantinople, to ask Leo for help, but returning to Antioch he was informed that Peter had been elected bishop and resigned (470). Leo reacted ordering the exile for Peter and addressing to Zeno a law that forbade the monks to leave their monasteries and to promote rebellion (1 June 471).[13] In 470/471 Zeno had also to deal with an invasion of Tzanni, who attacked the Roman Armenia.[14]

With Zeno far from Constantinople, Aspar had increased his influence having his son Julius Patricius appointed Caesar and married to Leo I's younger daughter, Leontia (470). Sources are contradictory on the causes, but clearly state that in 471 Leo I had Aspar and Ardabur treacherously killed, certainly with Zeno's and Basiliscus' approval, as in the eve of the murders, the two generals had moved closer to Constantinople (Zeno was at Chalcedon). After their death, Zeno returned to Constantinople and was appointed magister militum praesentalis.[15]

[edit] Reign

[edit] First reign and Basiliscus' revolt (475–476)

Coin of Leo II, minted in the name of "Leo and Zeno perpetual Augusti"; it belongs to the period when both Zeno and his son were emperors, between February 9 and November 17, 474.

On 25 October 473 Leo I appointed Caesar his nephew Leo II, the son of Zeno and Ariadne. On 18 January 474 Leo I died; if Leo II had not already been proclaimed co-emperor by his grandfather, he become Augustus in that occasion. Since Leo II was seven years old, too young to rule himself, Ariadne and her mother Verina prevailed upon him to crown Zeno, his father, as co-emperor, which he did on February 9, 474. When Leo II became ill and died on November 17, Zeno became sole emperor.

Zeno had to settle the matters with the Vandals of King Genseric, who treated the sea commercial routes with their incursions on the coastal cities of the Empire. Zeno sent Genseric a high-ranking officer as ambassador, Severus, who succeeded in stipulating an "eternal" peace between the Vandals and the Eastern Roman Empire, a peace which allowed the Romans to pay ransoms for the prisoners in Vandal hands and which ended the Vandal persecution of Catholics in the Vandal territory.[16]

Despite this success, Zeno continued to be unpopular with the people and senate because of his barbarian origins; his right to the throne was limited to his marriage with Ariadne and his relationship to Verina, the dowager empress. Therefore he chose to support himself on the Isaurian component of the army, in particular to strengthen his bond with the Isaurian generals and brothers Illus and Trocundes. However, Verina decided to overthrow her son-in-law Zeno and replace him with her lover, the ex-magister officiorum Patricius, with the help of her brother Basiliscus. The conspirators caused riots in the capital against the Isaurian emperor; Basiliscus succeeded also in convincing Illus, Trocundes and the Ostrogothic general Theodoric Strabo to join the plot.[16]

Coin of Basiliscus, who revolted against Zeno in January 475 and held the power until Zeno's return in August 476. Basiliscus was Verina's brother; he took the power after having Zeno flee from Constantinople, but alienated the support of the people of Constantinople and was captured and put to death by Zeno.

In January of 475 Zeno was forced to flee Constantinople to Isauria with his wife and mother,[17] some Isaurian fellows and the imperial treasure. Illus and Trocundes were sent to chase him, and Zeno was compelled to shut himself up in a fortress, where Illus besieged him, capturing also Zeno's brother, Longinus and keeping him as an hostage.[16]

However, the conspirators quickly fell in contrast with each other. Basiliscus took the throne for himself, putting to death Verina's lover and candidate, Patricius. He also allowed the mob to kill all of the Isaurians left in Constantinople, an episode that damaged his bond to the Isaurian generals Illus and Trocundes. Basiliscus appointed his nephew Armatus magister militum, thus alienating Theodoric Strabo. Since Zeno had left no money, Basiliscus was forced to levy heavy taxes. Finally, he alienated the Church, supporting the Monophysites. The people of Constantinople also put the blame on him for a great fire that burned several parts of the city. With the secret support of the Senate, and with the help of the bribes paid by Zeno, Illus accepted to switch sides and united his army with Zeno's, marching on Costantinople. Basiliscus tried to recover popular support and sent another army against Zeno, under his nephew Armatus' command. Zeno succeeded in bribing Armatus too, promising to confirm his rank of magister militum praesentalis for life and promoting his son (also called Basiliscus) to the rank of Caesar; Armatus' army did not intercept Zeno's troops marching on Constantinople, and the lack of Theodoric Strabo and his army decided the fate of Basiliscus, who fled with his family in the church of Hagia Sophia.[16] In August 476, Zeno besieged Constantinople. The Senate opened the gates of the city to the Isaurian, allowing the deposed emperor to resume the throne. Basiliscus fled to sanctuary in a church, but he was betrayed by the Patriarch Acacius and surrendered himself and his family after extracting a solemn promise from Zeno not to shed their blood. Basiliscus and his family were sent to a fortress in Cappadocia, where Zeno had them enclosed in a dry cistern, to die from exposure.[18]

After his restoration, Zeno fulfilled his promises, letting Armatus keep his title of magister militum praesentalis (possibly even raising him to the rank of Patricius) and appointing his son Basiliscus Caesar in Nicaea.[19] In 477, however, Zeno changed his mind, probably by instigation of Illus who would have gained by the fall of Armatus, and ordered Armatus' death. Zeno confiscated all of the properties of Armatus, deposed his son Basiliscus, and had him ordained priest.[20][21][22]

[edit] The fall of the Western Empire

This solidus was minted by Odoacer in name of Zeno. The king of the Scirii ruled Italy under the formal patronage of the Eastern Emperor.

In Spring 474, Julius Nepos left the Eastern Roman Empire territory to conquer the Western Roman Empire from Glycerius, an Emperor elevated by the Western Patrician Gundobad. Leo I had chosen Julius because he was related to the emperor through his own wife, a nephew of Leo's, and thus received the agnomen "Nepos", "nephew"; the appointment took place in 473, but the bad weather of the winter sea delayed the operation until the next year; it was therefore Zeno who had to support Julius Nepos' claim for the Western throne. Julius arrived in Italy, deposed Glycerius and become Emperor in June 474. Julius was in good terms with Zeno, and he even minted coins in the names of Zeno, Leo II and himself.[23]

On August 475, during Basiliscus' reign, while Zeno was in Isauria blocked by Illus' army, Julius Nepos was overthrown by his own Patricius Orestes and forced to flee in Dalmatia; Orestes elevated to the throne his own son, Romulus Augustus.[23] One year later, while Zeno was entering in Constantinople to end Basiliscus' reign, Romulus was deposed by the Chieftain of the Heruli, Odoacer. By will of Odoacer, the Roman Senate sent an envoy to Zeno, to bring the restored Emperor the imperial robes of Romulus and to claim that the West did not need its own Emperor, but that they recognised Zeno as their legitimate ruler; also, the Senate asked Zeno to appoint Odoacer both Patricius and official imperial governor of Italy. At the same time Zeno received another embassy, sent by Julius Nepos, who asked Zeno to give him the money and the army he needed to take back his throne. Zeno answered the Roman Senate to welcome back Julius Nepos, their rightful Emperor; he also said that Odoacer should receive the patriciate by Julius Nepos, and that he would be glad to grant it unless Nepos granted it first.[24]

After Nepos' death, in 480, Odoacer recognised Zeno as emperor, even minting coins in his name, but increasingly started using the title Rex ("King") for himself.[25]

[edit] Revolt of Marcian (479)

Marcian was the son of the Western Roman Emperor Anthemius (467–472) and a grandson of Emperor Marcian (450–457). He had married Ariadne's sister Leontia, and was therefore Zeno's brother-in-law; he was twice consul, in 467 and 472.

In 479 Marcian tried to overthrow Zeno and reclaim the throne for himself. With the help of his brothers Procopius Anthemius and Romulus, he gathered in Constantinople troops composed by both citizens and foreigners in the house of a Caesarius, south of the Forum of Theodosius, and from there they marched at the same time on the imperial palace and on the house of Illus, who was a supporter of Zeno. The emperor almost fell in the hands of the rebels, who, during the day, overwhelmed the imperial troops, who were hit also by the citizens from the roofs of their houses. During the night, however, Illus succeeded in moving inside Constantinople an Isaurian unit whose quarters were in the nearby Chalcedonia and in corrupting Marcian's soldiers, who allowed Zeno to flee. On the following morning Marcian, understanding that his situation was desperate and that the reinforcements of the Gothic general Theodoric Strabo would have not arrive in time, took refuge in the church of the Holy Apostles, but was arrested with his brothers.[26]

Zeno sent Marcian and his brothers to Caesarea in Cappadocia. They tried to flee, but Marcian was captured and obliged to become a monk in Tarsus (Cilicia),[27] or imprisoned in Isauria, in the fortress of Papurius. He tried to escape a second time, and this time he succeeded, but, after gathering new troops and attacking Ancyra, he was defeated and captured by Trocundus, Illus' brother.[26]

[edit] Revolt of Illus (484–488)

The commanding position and popular favour of Illus rendered him an object of suspicion, and Zeno in various ways sought to rid himself of him. Also Verina, the dowager empress, was his enemy, and formed a plot against his life. Verina's attempt was defeated, and Zeno, equally jealous of her and of Illus, banished her at the instance of the latter, and confined her in the fort of Papurius. There is some doubt as to the time of these events also. Candidus places the banishment of Verina before the revolt of Marcian, and Theodore Lector assigns as the cause of it her share in the revolt of Basiliscus. It is not unlikely, indeed, that this turbulent woman was twice banished, once before Marcian's revolt, for her connection with Basiliscus, and again after Marcian's revolt, for her plot against Illus.

From her prison she managed to interest her daughter Ariadne, the wife of Zeno, in her favour, and Ariadne endeavoured to obtain her release, first from Zeno, and then from Illus, to whom the emperor referred her. Illus refused her request. Ariadne, like her mother, attempted to assassinate Illus. Jordanes ascribes her hatred to another cause: he says that Illus had infused jealous suspicions into Zeno's mind which had led Zeno to attempt her life, and that her knowledge of these things stimulated her to revenge. The assassin whom she employed failed to kill Illus; he was taken, and Zeno, who appears to have been privy to the affair, was unable to prevent his execution.

Illus — with his friend Pamprepius, Leontius and his brother Trocundus — now retired from court, went first to Nicaea, and then, on pretence of change of air and of procuring the cure of his wound, into the East, where he was made magister militum. Having traversed Asia Minor they raised the standard of revolt in 484, when Illus declared Leontius emperor. Zeno sent an army to fight them, but Illus won, obtained possession of Papurius, released Verina, and induced her to crown Leontius at Tarsus.

In 485 Zeno sent against the rebels a fresh army, said to consist of Macedonians and Scythians (Tillemont conjectures, not unreasonably, that these were Ostrogoths) under John the Hunchback, or, more probably, John the Scythian, and Theodoric the Amal, who was at this time consul. John defeated the rebels near Seleucia and drove them into the fort of Papurius where he blockaded them. After few months Trocundus died; the fort was taken only after four years of siege, by the treachery of Trocondus's brother-in-law, who had been sent for the purpose from Constantinople by Zeno, and Illus and Leontius were beheaded (488) and their heads sent to the emperor.[28]

[edit] Affairs with the Goths (474–487)

Bronze weight with the name of Theodoric the Great, King of the Ostrogoths and ruler of Italy. Theodoric served under Zeno, fighting against his opponent Theodoric Strabo (476–481), and then was the leader of the army that besieged the fort of Papurius and captured and killed Illus' brother, Trocondus (484).

The aggressions of the two Ostrogothic leaders, Theodoric the Amal (Theodoric the Great), the son of Theodemir and leader of leader of the Moesian Ostrogoths, and Theodoric Strabo, the leader of the Thracian Ostrogoths, had been a constant source of danger since 472. Although Zeno at times contrived to play them off against each other, they in turn were able to profit by his dynastic rivalries. It was only by offering them pay and high command that he kept them from attacking Constantinople itself.

At the death of Leo II (January 474) Theodoric Strabo rebelled against Zeno. His support was fundamental for the overthrowing of Zeno and the rise of Basiliscus to the Byzantine throne (475), but Theodoric was very upset by Basiliscus, so When Zeno returned to Constantinople in 476 and defeated Basiliscus, Strabo is not reported to defend the city.[22][29]

In 476/477, Zeno allied himself with Strabo's rival, Theodoric the Amal, and ordered him to attack Strabo. The leader of the Thracian Goths sent an embassy to the Byzantine emperor, offering peace and blaming the Moesian Theodoric. Zeno understood that this offering was hiding further conspiracies, and obtained that the Constantinople senate and army declare Strabo a public enemy.[22]

The plan of Zeno was to have the two Theodoric attack each other. He sent the Amal against Strabo, who supported the revolt of Marcian, with the promise of a huge Roman force as reinforcement (478). When Theodoric the Amal arrived through the mountains at Mount Soundis, he did not find the Roman reinforcement army he expected, but instead Theodoric Strabo's army, in a strongly fortified camp. The two Theodoric agreed to put forward a joint request to the Roman Emperor, in order to extend to the south the settlement territory of the Ostrogoths in Moesia.[30]

Zeno tried to divide the two Theodoric, bribing the Amal, who refused. The imperial army obtained some initial successes, however Zeno did not capitalize upon his victory, and allowed the Amal to move westward in Thrace, plundering the territories as he went. With the Amal far away, Strabo accepted an agreement with Zeno: Strabo was to be given back his wealth, money to pay 13,000 soldiers, the command of two palatinae units, and the title once more of magister militum.[30] However, the army of Theodoric Strabo, 30,000-men strong was still a menace for Zeno, who convinced the Bulgars to attack the Thracian Goths in their own base. Strabo defeated the Bulgars in 480/481, and moved towards Constantinople, but he had to deal with problems with his own men, so he could not capitalize upon his victory and was forced to return to Greece. On his way back, he died in an accident.[30]

After Theodoric Strabo died in 481, the future Theodoric the Great became king of the entire Ostrogoth nation and began to be a source of trouble in the Balkan peninsula. Zeno allied to Theodoric, whom he appointed magister militum praesentalis and even consul for the year 484, the first time a barbarian not citizen of the Empire reached such a high distinction. Zeno had Theodoric fight against Illus and the usurper Leontius, besieging them at Papurius in 484–488. However, in 486 Theodoric revolted again and attacked Constantinople, severing the city's water supply. Zeno bought a peace and agreed with Theodoric that the Ostrogoths should have gone to invade Italy and fight Odoacer, who had allegedly supported Leontius, and to establish his new kingdom there (487). This all but eliminated the Germanic presence in the east.[31]

[edit] Promulgation of the Henotikon (482)

In religious matter, Zeno is famous for his Henotikon, "Act of Union", issued in 482 to mediate between Chalcedonian and Miaphysite opposing views about the nature of Christ. The Chalcedonians recognised two natures (physis) in Christ, the Miaphysites only one; the Council of Chalcedon (451) had issued the Chalcedonian Creed and condemned the Miaphysite position, but the Miaphysites were still strong, especially in the Eastern provinces of the Empire, and the Patriarch of Alexandria, Peter Mongus, was a Miaphysite. Supporting the Miaphysites was one of the mistakes made by Basiliscus, as the people of Constantinople was Chalcedonian, but Zeno needed the support of the Miaphysite provinces, Egypt, Syria, Palestine and Asia Minor; also the Patriarch of Constantinople, Acacius, was interested in reducing the distance among the two positions.

Therefore, in 482 he issued the Henotikon, a document he had elaborated with the support of Acacius and addressed to the factions in Egypt. The edict affirmed the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed (i.e. the Creed of Nicaea completed at Constantinople) as affording a common, final and united symbol or expression of faith. All other symbola or mathemata were excluded; Eutyches and Nestorius were unmistakably condemned in an anathema, while the twelve chapters of Cyril of Alexandria were accepted. The teaching of Chalcedon was not so much repudiated as passed over in silence; Jesus Christ was described as the "only-begotten Son of God [...] one and not two" and there was no explicit reference to the two natures.[32]

The bishop of Rome, Pope Felix III, refused to accept the document and excommunicated Acacius (484), thus beginning the Acacian schism, that lasted until 519.[33]

In 488 the patriarch of Antioch, Peter the Fuller came to Constantinople to have his right on the Church of Cyprus confirmed. Zeno called the bishop of Cyprus, Anthemius, to answer the accusations. The bishop claimed that before his departure, he had had a vision of St. Barnabas, in which the position of the tomb of the apostle had been revealed to him. In the tomb, Anthemius had found the relics of the apostle and a copy of the Gospel of Matthew written in Hebrew by Barnabas himself. Zeno received the relics and the manuscript, and in exchange he proclaimed the autonomy of the Church of Cyprus.[34]

In 489 Zeno closed the Persian school of Edessa, Mesopotamia, by request of bishop Cyrus II of Edessa, because it promoted Nestorian teachings, and built a church in its place. The school relocated to its original home of Nisibis, becoming again the School of Nisibis, leading to a wave of Nestorian immigration into Persia.[35]

[edit] Suppression the Samaritan revolt (484)

Mount Gerizim, where Samaritan sources have Zeno buried.

According to Samaritan sources, Zeno (whom the sources call "Zait the King of Edom") persecuted the Samaritans. The Emperor went to Sichem (Neapolis), gathered the elders and asked them to convert; when they refused, Zeno had many Samaritans killed, and re-built the synagogue to a church. Zeno then took for himself Mount Gerizim, where the Samaritans worshipped God, and built several edifices, among whom a tomb for his recently died son, on which he put a cross, so that the Samaritans, worshipping God, would prostrate in front of the tomb. According to these same sources, Zeno was buried on Mount Gerizim.

Later, in 484, the Samaritans revolted. The rebels attacked Sichem, burnt five churches built on Samaritan holy places and cut the fingers of bishop Terebinthus, who was officiating the ceremony of Whitsun. They elected a Justa (or Justasa/Justasus) as their king and moved to Caesarea, where a noteworthy Samaritan community lived. Here several Christians were killed and the church of St. Sebastian was destroyed. Justa celebrated the victory with games in the circus. According to John Malalas, the dux Palestinae Asclepiades, whose troops were reinforced by the Caesarea-based Arcadiani of Rheges, defeated Justa, killed him and sent his head to Zeno.[36] According to Procopius of Caesarea, Terebinthus went to Zeno to ask for revenge; the Emperor personally went to Samaria to quell the rebellion.[37]

Modern historians believe that the order of the facts preserved by Samaritan sources should be inverted, as the persecution of Zeno was a consequence of the rebellion rather than its cause, and should have happened after 484, around 489. Zeno rebuilt the church of St. Procopius in Neapolis (Sichem) and the Samaritans were banned from Mount Gerizim, on whose top a signalling tower was built to alert in case of civil unrest.[38]

[edit] Death and succession

Zeno died on April 9, 491,[39] of dysentery[40] or of epilepsy,[41] after ruling for 17 years and 2 months. No sons were to succeed him: Leo had died in 474, Zenon, the first son, in his youth, while living at court.[5] Ariadne then chose a favoured member of the imperial court, Anastasius, to succeed Zeno, whose brother Longinus revolted, starting the Isaurian War.

According to a popular legend recorded by two ancient historians, Zeno was buried alive after becoming insensible out of drinking or of an illness; he called for help, but Ariadne did not allow to open the sarcophagus.[42]

[edit] Zeno in culture

A game of tabula played by Zeno in 480 and recorded by Agathias in 530 circa because of a very unlucky dice result for Zeno. The game is similar to backgammon; Zeno threw 2, 5 and 6 and was forced to leave eight pieces alone.[43]

Zeno was a player of Tabula, a game related to modern backgammon. In 480 he had a hand that was so unlucky that he wrote an epigram to record it; Agathias reproduced it half a century later and this allowed the game to be reconstructed in the 19th century. The game is considered the ancestor of backgammon and has similar rules. Zeno, who was white, had a stack of six checkers, three stacks of two checkers and three blots, checkers that stand alone on a point and are therefore in danger of being put outside the board by an incoming opponent checker. Zeno threw the three dice with which the game was played and obtained 2, 5 and 6. The white and black checkers were so distributed on the points that the only way to use all of the three results, as required by the game rules, was to break the three stacks of two checkers into blots, thus ruining the game for Zeno.[43]

Zeno is the protagonist of the theatrical drama in Latin language Zeno, composed in 1641 circa by the Jesuit play-writer Joseph Simons and performed in 1643 in Rome, at the Jesuit's English College.[44] On this Latin Zeno is modelled a Greek anonymous drama, belonging to the so-called Cretan Theatre, written and performed at Zakynthos in 1682–1683, which has Zeno buried alive and his brother Longinus executed.[45]

The play Romulus the Great (1950), by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, has Zeno as one of its characters. The plot is loosely based on history; here Zeno flees to Italy and tries to convince Romulus Augustus to unite their forces and fight together, but his plan fails. Dürrenmatt's Zeno is an Emperor oppressed by the Byzantine ceremonial.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ a b The sources call him "Tarasicodissa Rousombladadiotes", and for this reason it was thought his name was Tarasicodissa. However, it has been demonstrated that this name actually means "Tarasis, son of Kodisa, [coming from] Rusumblada", and that "Tarasis" was a common name in Isauria (R.M. Harrison, "The Emperor Zeno's Real Name", Byzantinische Zeitschrift 74 (1981) 27–28).
  2. ^ a b c Stephen Mitchell, A history of the later Roman Empire, AD 284–641: the transformation of the ancient world, Wiley-Blackwell, 2007, ISBN 1405108568, p. 114.
  3. ^ a b c Croke, pp. 160–161.
  4. ^ Terry G. Wilfong, Women of Jeme: lives in a Coptic town in late antique Egypt, University of Michigan Press, 2002, ISBN 0472066129, p. 35.
  5. ^ a b Martindale, "Zenon 4", p. 1198.
  6. ^ a b c d Croke, pp. 166–168.
  7. ^ Life of Daniel the Stylite, 55, cited in Croke, p. 168.
  8. ^ The source is Photius's epitome of the first book of Candidus' chronicle (Croke, p. 161).
  9. ^ Croke, pp. 172–173.
  10. ^ Croke, pp. 178–179.
  11. ^ Croke, pp. 185–186.
  12. ^ Croke, pp. 188–190.
  13. ^ The law is contained in the Justinian Code (1.3.29).
  14. ^ Croke, p. 194.
  15. ^ Croke, p. 198.
  16. ^ a b c d Williams and Friell, pp. 181–183.
  17. ^ Hussey, Joan (1966). The Cambridge medieval history, Volume 4. Cambridge University Press. p. 473. 
  18. ^ Elton, Hugh (10 June 1998). "Flavius Basiliscus (AD 475–476)". De Imperatoribus Romanis. http://www.roman-emperors.org/basilis.htm. Retrieved 23 August 2006. 
  19. ^ There exist some solidi and tremisses in the name of "Zeno and Leo nob[ilissimus] caes[ar]". They have been attributed to Zeno as emperor and to Armatus' son as Caesar; in this case Armatus' son would have changed his name from Basiliscus, the name of the usurper, to Leo, the dynastic name of Zeno's house (Philip Grierson, Melinda Mays, Catalogue of late Roman coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection: from Arcadius and Honorius to the accession of Anastasius, Dumbarton Oaks, 1992, ISBN 0884021939, pp. 181–182).
  20. ^ Evagrius Scholasticus, Historia Ecclesiae, 3.xxiv. Evagrius reports that Basiliscus, the son of Armatus, later became bishop of Cyzicus.
  21. ^ Suda, s.v. "Ἁρμάτιος".
  22. ^ a b c Martindale, J.R. (1980). The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. pp. 148–149. ISBN 0-521-20159-4. 
  23. ^ a b Ralph W. Mathisen, "Julius Nepos (19/24 June 474 – [28 August 475] – 25 April/9 May/22 June 480)", De Imperatoribus Romanis
  24. ^ Malchus, fragment 10, cited in Ralph W. Mathisen, "Romulus Augustulus (475–476 A.D.)--Two Views", De Imperatoribus Romanis.
  25. ^ Williams and Friell, p. 187.
  26. ^ a b John Bagnall Bury, "X.2 The Revolts of Marcian and Illus (A.D. 479‑488)", in History of the Later Roman Empire, Dover Books [1923], 1958. pp. 395, 397–398.
  27. ^ Evagrius Scholasticus, Historia ecclesiastica, 3.26..
  28. ^ William Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, volume 2, p. 570.
  29. ^ Zeno had become allied in this occasion with Theodoric Amal, whose Goths had moved to attack the Byzantine Empire. It has been suggested that Constantinople was defenceless during Zeno's siege because the magister militum Strabo had moved to the north to counter this menace. See Heather, Peter (May 1998). Goths. Blackwell Publishing. pp. 158–159. ISBN 0-631-20932-8. 
  30. ^ a b c Wolfram, Herwig ((1979) 1990). History of the Goths. University of California Press. pp. 32, 270–276. ISBN 0-520-06983-8. 
  31. ^ Stephen Mitchell, A history of the later Roman Empire, AD 284–641: the transformation of the ancient world, Wiley-Blackwell, 2007, ISBN 1405108568, pp. 118–119
  32. ^ Evagrius Scholasticus, Historia Ecclesiastica III. 14.
  33. ^ Alexander A. Vasiliev, History of the Byzantine Empire, 324–1453, Volume 1, University of Wisconsin Press, 1958, ISBN 0299809250, pp. 107–109.
  34. ^ Steven Runciman, Elizabeth Jeffreys, Byzantine style, religion and civilization: in honour of Sir Steven Runciman, Cambridge University Press, 2006, ISBN 0521834457, p. 400.
  35. ^ J.B. Segal, Edessa, the Blessed City, Gorgias Press LLC, 2005, ISBN 159333059, p. 95.
  36. ^ Malalas, 15.
  37. ^ Procopius, 5.7.
  38. ^ Alan David Crown, The Samaritans, Mohr Siebeck, 1989, ISBN 3161452372, pp. 72–73.
  39. ^ Theophanes the Confessor, 135,31–136,5. Cited in Michael Whitby, The ecclesiastical history of Evagrius Scholasticus, Liverpool University Press, 2000, ISBN 0853236054, p. 164.
  40. ^ Malalas, 391.1–4. Cited in Whitby, ibidem.
  41. ^ Evagrius Scholasticus, 3.29.
  42. ^ Cedrenus, I; Joannes Zonaras, 14.2.31–35. Cited in Whitby, ibidem. Michael Psellus, 68.
  43. ^ a b Robert Charles Bell, Board and table games from many civilizations, Courier Dover Publications, 1979, ISBN 0486238555, pp. 33–35.
  44. ^ James A. Parente, Religious drama and the humanist tradition: Christian theater in Germany and in the Netherlands, 1500–1680, BRILL, 1987, ISBN 9004080945, pp. 177–178.
  45. ^ Frederick W. Norris, "Henotikon", in Encyclopedia of early Christianity, Everett Ferguson, Michael P. McHugh, Frederick W. Norris, Taylor & Francis, 1998, ISBN 0815333196. Bruce Merry, Encyclopedia of modern Greek literature, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004, ISBN 0313308136, p. 419.

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] Primary sources

The events of Zeno's reign are quite obscure; only one continuous account of his reign has been preserved, by Evagrius Scholasticus, in his Historia Ecclesiastica (Chapter 3). Other sources are:

[edit] Secondary sources

For a discussion of recent scholarship on the life of Zeno until Aspar's death, see:

An account of the reign of Zeno after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, see:

[edit] External links

Zeno (emperor)
Born: c. 425 Died: 491
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Leo II
Byzantine Emperor
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Basiliscus as Eastern Roman Emperor, Julius Nepos as Western Roman Emperor
Eastern Roman Emperor
Succeeded by
Anastasius I
Political offices

Preceded by
Imp. Caesar Procopius Anthemius Augustus II (alone)
Consul of the Roman Empire
with Flavius Marcianus
Succeeded by
Flavius Messius Phoebus Severus,
Flavius Iordanes
Preceded by
Imp. Caesar Flavius Leo Iunior Augustus (alone)
Consul of the Roman Empire
Post consulatum Leonis Augusti (East)
Succeeded by
Imp. Caesar Flavius Basiliscus Augustus II,
Flavius Armatus
Preceded by
Illus (alone)
Consul of the Roman Empire
Succeeded by
Flavius Caecina Decius Maximus Basilius
Personal tools