Democratic Party of Hawaii

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Democratic Party of Hawaii
Democratic Party of Hawaii logo.png
Chairman Brian Schatz [1]
Senate Leader Colleen Hanabusa
House Leader Calvin Say
Founded April 30, 1900
Headquarters Honolulu, Hawaii
Ideology American Liberalism
Hawaiian nationalism
Political position Center-left
National affiliation Democratic Party
Color(s) Blue

The Democratic Party of Hawaii is an arm of the Democratic Party of the United States based in Honolulu, Hawaii. The party is a centralized organization established to promote the party platform as drafted in convention biennially. It is also charged with registering voters and delivering voter turnout through county organizations for Hawaii County, Kauaʻi County, Maui County and the City and County of Honolulu. The Hawaii Democratic Party maintained political control of the state government in Hawaii for over forty years, from 1962 to 2002.


[edit] Early years

David Kawānanakoa was a prince and second-in-line to the throne after Liliuokalani. While the majority of his house chose to support the Republican Party, who had gained power after overthrowing the monarchy, Kawānanakoa formed the Democratic Party.
John H. Wilson was a civil engineer who joined the Hawaiian insurgency and served as a smuggler bringing guns and ammunition to the resistance fighters of the exiled kingdom.
Charles J. McCarthy served in the Hawaiian Legislature and the Honolulu Rifles which had switched its allegiance from the Kingdom to the forerunner of the Republican Party. He opposed the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii.

The Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi was formed on April 30, 1900 by supporters of the queen in the wake of a plague quarantine in Honolulu. The meeting brought together five men: John H. Wilson, son of Marshal of the Kingdom Charles B. Wilson; John S. McGrew, a doctor and supporter of Kalākaua; Charles J. McCarthy, a saloon owner and former Honolulu Rifle; David Kawānanakoa, prince of the House of Kawānanakoa; and Delbert K. Metzger, an engineer from Kaua'i. These five men established the Democratic Party of Hawaii. The intention of the party was to promote Jeffersonian philosophy and oppose the former Missionary Party[citation needed]. The first convention of the Democratic Party of Hawaii was held May 16 that year and was attended by 500 people. Later that year, Kawānanakoa attended the 1900 Democratic National Convention in Kansas City, becoming the first royal attendee. The party managed to elect a mayor and several other positions but maintained a weak reputation throughout the territorial years.[which?]

An oligarchy of powerful sugar corporations called the Big Five effectively controlled government in the Hawaiian Islands. The oligarchy of Castle & Cooke, Alexander & Baldwin, C. Brewer & Co., Amfac, and Theo H. Davies & Co. worked in favor of the Hawaiʻi Republican Party, crediting it for the successful overthrow of the monarchy and delivery of annexation which in turn drove sugar profits into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

The 1932 Massie-Kahahawai Case was a seminal event that fortified the political will of territorial citizens against the administration of Republican Governor Lawrence M. Judd, who commuted the sentence of socialite Grace Fortescue, convicted of manslaughter in the death of Joseph Kahahawai to one-hour of exchanging pleasantries in his executive chambers.

[edit] Burns Machine

Up to the Revolution of 1954, Democrats held a stronger pro-Hawaiian stance, resulting in anti-Asian sentiments based on fears Asian Americans would outperform Hawaiians in education and job performance. Up to WWII, half of elected Democrats were Hawaiian while only a quarter were Caucasian. Following World War II, a local movement to empower laborers in Hawaii was formed. Honolulu Police Department officer John A. Burns began organizing the plantation laborers, especially the Japanese Americans and Filipino Americans he came to know while on his police beats. He began what would be known as the Burns Machine. He believed grassroots organizing and the power of elections could overturn the corruption and unfairness of the Republicans in power. The movement received its biggest boost when Burns successfully influenced Japanese American veterans who fought in World War II to become involved, notably incumbent Daniel Inouye. The coalition was composed of the Democratic Party, Communist Party, 442nd Infantry Regiment, ILWU, and other organizations. During the Burns movement, the party shifted towards egalitarianism, allowing an untapped Japanese voter base to bring them to power. Burns' efforts culminated in his election to the governorship after attaining statehood, heralding a forty year era of Democratic rule in Hawaiʻi.

[edit] Political position

[edit] Liberalism

The Democratic Party has tended to hold a position on social issues based on how a issue would affects bystanders and/or the environment. In 1997 the reciprocal beneficiary registration gave recognition to same-sex couples. In 1970 Democratic Governor John A. Burns legalized Abortion in Hawaii. But this position has also lead to restrictions. In 2006 strict smoking bans were put in place based on the effects of secondhand smoke on bystanders and Mobile phone bans while driving have been enacted because it may engages other motorists.

[edit] Progressivism

Since the Revolution of 1954, The Democratic Party of Hawaii has been considered center-left and promoted racial tolerance, multiculturalism and protection of minorities.

[edit] Nationalism

Hawaiian nationalism has been one of the Democratic Party’s founding principles. Democratic Party, in part, was founded on bringing Hawaiian representation to government. The Democrats advocated for the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act. During the Revolution of 1954 and rising to power Democrats had shifted toward racial equality and left-wing nationalism, while marginalizing the nationalist right especially over Anti-Japanese sentiment and racism. Under left-wing nationalism, the Democratic Party has focused on preserving Hawaiian culture and traditions while tolerating and recognizing those of other groups in Hawaii. The Democratic Party has also focused on preserving Hawaii’s individuality from “Mainlandization”. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) was formed during the 1978 Hawaii State Constitutional Convention. Part Hawaiian Senator Daniel Akaka proposed the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act (Akaka Bill) to create a native government. Right-wing nationalists have accused the Democrats of being too mild.

[edit] Laborism

The Democratic Party has asserted itself as Hawaii’s Labour Party since gaining support from unions and plantation workers in the 1950s. The party has supported workers rights and collective bargaining. Opposition has come from employers and small business owners who feel their rights have been neglected because of the emphasis on employee protection and rights.

[edit] Other issues

[edit] Economics

The Democrats prefer increased regulation of big companies because of the relatively small marketplace in Hawaii and past experiences with monopolies and oligopolies. The shipping and airline industries in particular are targeted for regulation. The Democrats tend to be closely involved with the tourism industry.

[edit] Environment

The Democracy Party has favored conservation efforts such as wildlife sanctuaries and reserves. Pollution reduction initiatives have received bipartisan support in Hawaii.

[edit] Health care

Democrats have been involved with healthcare issues and supportive of non-profit healthcare providers. They are also responsible for the Prepaid Health Care Act.

[edit] Religion

Religion in the Democratic Party varies among individuals. In an anti-communist speech, Governor Ingram Stainback warned that communist influence would threaten to "take the Christian religion out of public schools." Governor John A. Burns, a devout Roman Catholic, allowed Hawaii to become the first state to legalize abortion. Initially he vowed to void bill, but realized he was governor of "ALL the people"[clarification needed] of Hawaii, even those who did not share his beliefs, and he put his religions views aside when he decided not to veto the bill. Former Governor Ben Cayetano supported the separation of church and state in an interview on civil-unions.

[edit] Voter base

The main voter base of the Democratic Party has been composed of the working class and lower middle class.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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