Israeli settlement

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Map of Israeli settlements (magenta) in the West Bank as of 2006.
Map of Israeli settlements in the Golan Heights as of 1992.
A neighbourhood in Ariel, home to the Ariel University Center of Samaria, Israel's largest public college

Israeli settlements are Jewish only housing subdivisions built by Israel on occupied and confiscated land that is obtained through wars (such as the Six-Day War) and forceful evacuation of the indigenous people from their homes in Palestinian West Bank.[1] [2] Such settlements currently exist in the West Bank,[3] East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. The latter two areas are governed under Israeli civil law but all three territories are considered to be under military occupation by the international community.[4][5][6]

Eighteen settlements formerly existed in the Sinai Peninsula and twenty-one in the Gaza Strip. All of these areas were withdrawn from in 1982 and 2005, respectively.[7]

As of July 2009, approximately 304,569 Israelis live in the 121 officially-recognised settlements in the West Bank, a further 192,000 Israelis live in settlements in East Jerusalem and over 20,000 live in settlements in the Golan Heights.[8][9] Settlements range in their character from farming communities to suburbs to frontier villages, and, in the case of East Jerusalem, city neighborhoods. The three largest settlements, Modi'in Illit, Maale Adumim and Betar Illit, are cities with over 30,000 residents each.

International intergovernmental organizations such as the Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention,[10] every major organ of the United Nations,[11] the European Union, and Canada,[12] have declared that the settlements are a violation of international law. A review of Israel's country report conducted by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination stated "The status of the settlements was clearly inconsistent with Article 3 of the Convention, which, as noted in the Committee's General Recommendation XIX, prohibited all forms of racial segregation in all countries. There is a consensus among publicists that the prohibition of racial discrimination, irrespective of territories, is an imperative norm of international law."[13] Non-governmental organizations including Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch have also characterized the settlements as a violation of international law. In 1978, the Legal Adviser of the Department of State to the United States Congress concluded that "the establishment of the civilian settlements in those territories is inconsistent with international law."[14][15] Israel, the Anti-Defamation League and some prominent legal scholars disagree.[16][17][18] Under Israeli law, West Bank settlements must meet specific criteria to be legal; Approximately 100[9] unauthorized small communities that do not meet these criteria exist and are called illegal outposts.[15][19][20][21]

Israeli policies toward these settlements have ranged from active promotion to removal by force, and their continued existence and expansion since the 1970s, and recently through the use of legal loopholes and violations despite a temporary ban on expansion [22], is a key issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.[23] The ongoing settlement construction by Israel is frequently criticized as an obstacle to the peace process by third parties including the United Kingdom,[24] the European Union,[25] the United Nations[26] and the United States.[26]


[edit] Historical timeline

Settler population by year in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights 1972-2007[27][28]

The cease-fire agreement following the 1967 Six-Day War left Israel in control of a number of areas captured during hostilities.

[edit] Settlement types and locations

Greater Jerusalem, May 2006. CIA remote sensing map showing what they regard as settlements, plus refugee camps, fences, walls, etc.
Upper L: 3 are outside barrier Top L of center: part of Israel's unilateral disengagement Whole right: Jordan Valley
L: W. Samaria bloc to Kedumim Center: hills around Nablus/Shechem
Lower L: W. Samaria bloc to Ariel Lower middle: E. Trans-Samaria Hwy outside barrier

The Jewish population in the areas held since 1967 live in a wide variety of centers:

[edit] Municipal entities

[edit] Types of localities

Upper left: Modiin bloc Upper middle: Mountain ridge settlements outside barrier Right: Jordan Valley
L above center: Latrun salient Center: Jerusalem envelope, Ma'ale Adummim at right
Lower L of center: Etzion bloc Lower center: Judean Desert Lower right: Dead Sea

[edit] Settlements on sites of former Jewish communities

A few of the settlements were established on sites that had been inhabited by Jews during the British Mandate of Palestine.

partial listing only

[edit] Population

As of July 2009, approximately 304,569 Israelis live in the 121 officially-recognised settlements in the West Bank, a further 192,000 Israelis live in settlements in East Jerusalem and there are a further 102 unauthorized outposts in the West Bank not officially recognized by Israel.[8][9]

According to various statistics,[53][54][55] the demographics can be estimated as follows:

Jewish population 1948 1966 1972 1983 1993 2004 2007 2009
West Bank (excluding Jerusalem) 480 (see Gush Etzion) 0 1,182 22,800 111,600 234,487 276,462[56] 304,569[8]
Gaza Strip 30 (see Kfar Darom) 0 700 1 900 4,800 7,826 0 0
Golan Heights 0 0 77 6,800 12,600 17,265 18,692 20,000
East Jerusalem 2,300 (see Jewish Quarter, Atarot, Neve Yaakov) 0 8,649 76,095 152,800 181,587 189,708 192,000
Total 2,810 0 10,608 1 106,595 281,800 441,165 484,862 516,569
1 including Sinai

In addition to internal migration, in large though declining numbers, the settlements absorb annually about 1000 new immigrants from outside Israel. In the '90s, the annual settler population growth was more than three times the annual population growth in Israel.[57] In the '00s, the large settler population growth continues.[58] The population of settlements in the West Bank has been growing at a rate of 5-6% since 2001.[9]

According to the NGOs B'Tselem and Peace Now, the Israeli government has implemented a consistent and systematic policy intended to encourage Jewish citizens to migrate to the West Bank. One of the tools used to this end is to grant financial benefits and incentives to citizens.[59][60]

As of 2009, the total number of Israeli settlers was 516,569. This figure includes settlers in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights.[8]

[edit] Administration

The Golan Heights is administered under Israeli civil law as the Golan sub-district, a part of the Northern District. As the residents of pre-1967 communities in the Golan Heights (mainly Druze) are Israeli citizens, Israel makes no legal or administrative distinction between these communities and the post-1967 settlements.

East Jerusalem is defined in the Jerusalem Law as part of Israel's capital, Jerusalem. As such it is administered as part of the city and its district, the Jerusalem District. Pre-1967 residents of East Jerusalem and their descendants have residency status in the city but are mostly not citizens of Israel. Thus, the Israeli government maintains an administrative distinction between Israeli citizens and non-citizens in East Jerusalem, but the Jerusalem municipality does not.

Settlements in the West Bank are encompassed in the Judea and Samaria District. Authority for planning and construction in the district is held by the Israel Defense Forces Civil Administration. Since Israeli civil law does not apply to the West Bank, settlers in the area are theoretically subject to martial law. In practice, however, settlers are generally judged in civil courts within Israel proper. The district consists of four cities, thirteen local councils and six regional councils.

The Yesha Council is an umbrella organization of municipal councils in the Judea and Samaria district. (Yesha is a Hebrew acronym for Judea, Samaria and Gaza, which was coined when there were Israeli settlements in the Gaza strip.)

[edit] Education

[edit] Higher education

The major Israeli institution of higher education in the West Bank is the Ariel University Center of Samaria (formerly The College of Judea and Samaria), Israel's largest public college. The college was accredited in 1994 and awards bachelor degrees in arts, sciences, technology, architecture and physical therapy.[61]

Teacher training colleges in West Bank settlements include Herzog College in Alon Shevut and Orot Israel College in Elkana. The Golan Heights boasts Ohalo College, located in Katzrin.[61]

Curricula at Israeli academic institutions in the West Bank are overseen by the Council for Higher Education in Judea and Samaria (CHE-JS).[62]

[edit] Economy

The UK Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has suggested that products produced by the settlements for sale in UK markets be labeled as such.[63]

[edit] Debate on the settlements

Palestinians argue that the policy of settlements constitutes an effort to pre-empt or even sabotage a peace treaty that includes Palestinian sovereignty, and claim that the settlements are built on land that belongs to Palestinians.[64][65]

The Israel Foreign Ministry asserts that some settlements are legitimate, as they took shape when there was no operative diplomatic arrangement, and thus they did not violate any agreement.[66][67][68] Based on this, they assert the following specific reasons for accepting settlements as legitimate:

[edit] Legal status

The consensus view of the international community is that the building of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights is illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this.[40][75][76][77]

Article 3 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination[78] says "States Parties particularly condemn racial segregation and apartheid and undertake to prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of this nature in territories under their jurisdiction." A review of Israel's country report by the experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination took issue with the establishment of Jewish-only settlements and stated "The status of the settlements was clearly inconsistent with Article 3 of the Convention which, as noted in the Committee's General Recommendation XIX, prohibited all forms of racial segregation in all countries. There was a consensus among publicists that the prohibition of racial discrimination, irrespective of territories, was an imperative norm of international law.[79] The primary judicial organ of the UN, the International Court of Justice, found the settlements to be illegal under international law.[80] The Court's finding was based on the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention and UN Security council resolutions, which condemned establishment of settlements and attempts by Israel to alter the demographics of the territories under its control, including resolutions 446, 452, 465, 471, and 476, which find the settlements to be illegal.[81]

[edit] Settlements, Palestinians, and human rights

Settlements (darker pink) and areas of the West Bank (lighter pink) where access by Palestinians is closed or restricted. Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, January 2006.

Human rights organisation Amnesty International argues that Israel's settlement policy is not only illegal, but is discriminatory and a violation of Palestinian human rights.[82] The Israeli human rights centre B'Tselem has highlighted the impact on Palestinian freedom of movement due to Israeli travel restrictions. In Hebron especially, "grave violations" of Palestinian human rights have occurred due to "the presence of the settlers within the city."[83][84][85] They claim that more than fifty percent of West Bank land has been expropriated from Palestinian owners "mainly to establish settlements and create reserves of land for the future expansion of the settlements". While the seized lands mainly benefit the settlements, the Palestinian public is prohibited from using them in any way.[86] They also regard some of the roads established by Israel throughout the West Bank that are closed to vehicles with Palestinian license-plates as 'discriminatory'.[87]

Human Rights Watch reports on "settler violence," which refers to the phenomenon of violence, such as stoning and shooting, committed by Israeli settlers against Israeli security forces and Palestinians who live in the Palestinian territories.[88] In recent years Israeli withdrawals from Gaza and Hebron have triggered settler rioting in protest. There is also continual conflict between settlers and Palestinians over land, resources and perceived grievances.

According to B'Tselem, more than fifty percent of the land of the West Bank has been expropriated from Palestinian owners "mainly to establish settlements and create reserves of land for the future expansion of the settlements". While the seized lands mainly benefit the settlements, the Palestinian public is prohibited from using them in any way.[86] According to Meron Benvenisti,

'the entire "settlement enterprise" has become a commercial real estate project, which conscripts Zionist rhetoric for profit'.[89]

The recent construction of the Israeli West Bank barrier routed inside the green line to encompass a variety of settlements has also been cited as an infirengement on Palestinian human and land rights. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs estimates that 10% of the West Bank will fall on the Israeli side of the barrier.[90][91]

[edit] Relations with Palestinians

[edit] Palestinian opinion of settlements

According to Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, 63% of Palestinians oppose efforts made by the Palestinian National Authority to criminalize Palestinians from working in the settlements. However, 72% of Palestinians support a boycott of the sale of the communities products.[92]

[edit] Human rights

Human rights organisation Amnesty International argues that Israel's settlement policy is not only illegal, but is discriminatory and a violation of Palestinian human rights.[82] The Israeli human rights centre B'Tselem has highlighted the impact on Palestinian freedom of movement due to Israeli travel restrictions. Travel restrictions imposed on Palestinians have been compared to South Africa's apartheid regime.[93] In Hebron especially, "grave violations" of Palestinian human rights have occurred due to "the presence of the settlers within the city."[83][84][85]

[edit] Economic

Palestinians have been highly involved in the construction business since the settlements first started appearing in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority estimates over 12,000 Palestinians are employed by Jewish and Arab contractors in building and expanding settlements. It is reported that even supporters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad work in the settlement business. A lack of jobs and relatively high salary has been cited as a motivation for Palestinian involvement. Arab workers are said to be paid approximately 3 times as much by Israeli contractors than Palestinian employers. Jewish employers pay an average of NIS 400 ($100 US$) while Palestinian contractors pay NIS 100 to NIS 150 per day.[94]

According to a 2008 annual report by Kav LaOved, many Palestinians who work in Israeli settlements are not given the same basic protections that apply to Israeli workers under Israeli labor law such as a minimum wage, payment for working overtime, work safety and other social rights. Instead, many Israeli employers in the West Bank treat Palestinian workers according to Jordanian labor law, which is much more "lax" than Israeli law. Jordanian law does not require minimum wage, payment for working overtime and other social rights. This system was legally challenged in 2007 by Kav LaOved and reached the Israeli Supreme Court, which ruled that Israeli labor law does apply to Palestinians working in West Bank settlements. The court ruled that applying different rules in the same work place based on differing nationalities constituted as discrimination and was unacceptable. In spite of the ruling, Kav LaOved believes the law will not be enforced as only a few workers have gained rights that they are legally entitled to. The ruling has however allowed Palestinian workers to file lawsuits in Israeli courts, which has led to an average settlement of "100,000 shekels."[95] Israeli human rights group B'Tselem has expressed similar concern for the conditions of Palestinian workers in the West Bank.[96]

[edit] Violence

[edit] Background

IDF soldiers face off against Palestinian demonstrators near Nablus, August 2009

Israel has justified its civilian settlements by stating that a temporary use of land and buildings for various purposes appears permissible under a plea of military necessity and that the settlements fulfilled security needs.[97] The United Nations affirmed the principle of international law that the continuation of colonialism in all its forms and manifestations is a crime and that colonial peoples have the inherent right to struggle by all necessary means at their disposal against colonial Powers and alien domination in exercise of their right of self-determination.[98] National liberation struggles are categorized as international armed conflicts by Article 1(4) of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 to which the majority of states (including the Western states) are parties.[99][100] The International Court of Justice concluded that Israel had breached its obligations under international law by establishing settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and that Israel cannot rely on a right of self-defence or on a state of necessity to preclude the wrongfulness of imposing a régime that is contrary to international law. The Court also concluded that the Israeli régime violates the basic human rights of the Palestinians by impeding the liberty of movement of the inhabitants of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (with the exception of lsraeli citizens) and their exercise of the right to work, to health, to education and to an adequate standard of living.[101]

This said, the number of settlers killed by Palestinians far exceeds the number of Palestinians killed by settlers. Between the beginning of the Second Intifada and the end of 2008, 237 Israeli settlers were killed by Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, while 45 Palestinians were killed by Israeli settlers in those areas.[102]

[edit] Palestinian violence against settlers

Types of fatal attacks by Palestinians against settlers have included suicide bombings of buses and hitchhiking posts, firing of rockets and mortars, shootings, stabbings, bludgeonings, stonings and axe attacks. Children, including infants, have often been targeted in these attacks. Incidents that received relative notoreity include:

[edit] Settler violence against Palestinians

Israeli settlers committed violence against Palestinians over 500 times during 2007 and the first half of 2008.[109] There is continual conflict between settlers and Palestinians over land, resources and perceived grievances. The Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and settler evictions in other areas have triggered settler rioting and attacks against Palestinians in protest. Extremist settlers using a tactic called Price Tagging, if the Government sends police or soldiers to dismantle an outpost that is being built, the settlers make the Palestinian population pay the price.[110]

Israeli human rights group B'Tselem says that the violence is "a means to harass and intimidate Palestinians" and that the evacuations are a necessary part of the peace process. According to B'Tselem that when a building is evacuated by the Israeli government, settlers lash out at Palestinians because they're "easy victims" and as a means to widen the area under settler control.[111] B'Tselem says Israeli authorities "employ an undeclared policy of leniency and compromise" toward settlers who commit violent crime against Palestinians.[112] The United Nations says that Israeli security forces fail to intervene in settler attacks and arrest settlers suspected of violence.[113]

Unlike Palestinians, Israeli civilians living in the Palestinian Territories are not subject to military or local law, but are prosecuted according to Israeli penal law.[114] Haaretz has stated "Israeli society has become accustomed to giving lawbreaking settlers special treatment", noting that no other group could similarly attack Israeli law enforcement agencies without being severely punished.[115]

Olive farming is a major industry and employer in the Palestinian West Bank and olive trees are a common target of settler violence, with over 10.000 olive trees destroyed by settlers in 2007-2010.[116][117]

There are a number of extremist groups associated with the settler movement. Gush Emunim Underground was a terrorist organization linked to the settler activist group Gush Emunim. They carried out attacks against Jewish students and Palestinian officials, attempted to bomb a bus and planned an attack on the Dome on the Rock.[118][119]

According to B'Tselem 45 Palestinians were killed by Israeli civilians between 2000 and 2008,[120] of which the vast majority would be settler-related.

Palestinians have accused Israel of "encouraging and enabling" settler violence in a bid to provoke Palestinian riots and violence in retaliation.[121]

[edit] Violence of activists against the settlers

International left-wing, anarchists and pro-Palestinian activists frequently demonstrate near settlements. There have been recorded cases of them stone-throwing and physical attacks as well as provocations within the settlements.

It has been claimed that they sometimes record only the settler response on film in order to publicize it in the media as evidence of settler violence.[122][123][124] In 2008, Commander Avshalom Peled, head of the Israel Police's Hebron district, described "left-wing" activity in the city as dangerous and provocative. He claimed that the "leftists" liked to antagonize the settlers in hope of getting a reaction. He called organizations like Bnei Avraham and Breaking the Silence as wolves in sheep's clothing.[125]

In April 2010, a group of left-wing activists broke into Otniel on the Jewish holy day of Shabbat and made a provocation when one of their women stripped to the waist and began to play a flute while topless. The activists resisted the requests of the local action squad and Israeli soldiers who needed to wait for police to arrive to arrest the group.[126][127]

[edit] Environmental issues

The Municipal Environmental Associations of Judea and Samaria was set up by settler councils to promote environmental awareness in the West Bank. Their stated goals include a commitment to find solutions to sewage treatment problems and to work with the Palestinian Authority on environmental issues.[128]

[edit] Sewage and water

While Israeli settlers account for only 10% of the population in the West Bank, they are responsible for approximately 25% of all sewage according to a study by Haaretz. Residents of Beit Duqqu and Qalqilyah have accused settlers of polluting their farmland for the past 15 years. Villagers claim children have become ill after swimming in a local stream polluted with sewage by settlement Givat Zeev. Legal action has been taken against 14 colonies by the Israeli Ministry of the Environment but enforcement is problematic due to difficulties by the Israeli administration in the West Bank. Some Israeli settlers have criticized Palestinians on "their own environmental record". The Palestinian Authority has reportedly been targeted by environmentalists for not doing more to prevent water pollution.[128][129]

Settlers and Palestinians share the mountain aquifer as a water source, and both generate sewage and industrial effluents that endanger the aquifer. A 2004 report by Friends of the Earth Middle East said that inadequate sewage treatment existed among Palestinians and settlers. Sewage from Palestinian sources was estimated at 46 million cubic meters a year, and sources from settler sources are 15 million cubic meters a year. The report concluded that sewage from many settlements received unsatisfactory treatment, while sewage from Palestinian villages was disposed in unlined cesspits with no treatment at all, and sewage from Palestinian cities was generally discharged without treatment into streams or the open environment.[128][130]

According to a 2007 study conducted by the Israel Nature and Parks Authority and the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection, Palestinian towns and cities produce an estimated 56 million cubic meters of sewage per year, 94 percent of which is discharged without adequate treatment, while Israeli sources produce an estimated 17.5 million cubic meters per year, 31.5 percent of which is discharged without adequate treatment.[131]

[edit] Industrial waste

Settlers also operate industrial and manufacturing businesses that can create pollution as many do not conform to Israeli standards according to Palestinian environmentalists.[128][129] Abu Shusha, a former Palestinian quarry located between Kedumim and Nablus in the West Bank is to be converted to an industrial waste dump that will receive 10,000 metric tons each month from Israel. Pollution experts warn that the dump will threaten Palestinian water sources.[132]

[edit] Settlements and the peace process

Gush Katif was a block of 16 Israeli settlements in the southern Gaza Strip. Its 8,000 residents were forced to leave and had their homes demolished in August 2005 as part of Israel's unilateral disengagement plan.

The settlements have on several occasions been a source of tension between Israel and the U.S.. President Jimmy Carter insisted that the settlements were illegal and unwise tactically, and decades after leaving office he wrote Palestine Peace Not Apartheid. President Ronald Reagan stated that they were legal, though he considered them an obstacle to negotiations.[17] In 1991 there was a clash between the Bush administration and Israel, where the U.S. delayed a subsidized loan to pressure Israel not to proceed with the establishment of settlements for instance in the Jerusalem-Bethlehem corridor. In 2005 the United States ambassador to Israel, Dan Kurtzer, expressed U.S. support "for the retention by Israel of major Israeli population centres [in the West Bank] as an outcome of negotiations",[133] reflecting President Bush's statement a year earlier that a permanent peace treaty would have to reflect "demographic realities" in the West Bank.[134] In June 2009, President Barack Obama said "The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements."[135]

Although the Oslo accords did not include any obligation on Israel's part to stop building in the "settlements", Palestinians argue that Israel has undermined the Oslo accords, and the peace process more generally, by continuing to expand the settlements after the signing of the Accords. Israel previously also had settlements in the Sinai Peninsula, but these were forcibly evacuated and destroyed as a result of the peace agreement with Egypt. Many have noted the role of private U.S. corporations and charities in funding these settlements, and the tax breaks they enjoy from the government on these 'donations.'For more information, see the article "Time to Crack down on Settlement Funding," an article published by [The Jerusalem Fund] in Washington, DC [16]

Most Israeli and U.S.[citation needed] proposals for final agreement have also involved Israel being allowed to retain long established communities in the territories near Israel and in East Jerusalem (the majority of the settler population is near the "Green Line"), with Israel annexing the land where the communities are located. This would result in a transfer of roughly 5% of the West Bank to Israel, with the Palestinians being compensated by the transfer of a similar share of Israeli territory (i.e. territory behind the "Green Line") to the Palestinian state. Palestinians complain that this would legitimize what they see as an illegitimate land grab, and that the land offered in exchange is situated in the southern desert, whereas the areas that Israel seeks to retain are among the West Bank's most fertile areas, including major aquifers. Israel, however, sees the current "Green Line" as unacceptable from a security standpoint - Israel would have at some points no more than 17 kilometers from the border to the sea. For more details, see Proposals for a Palestinian state.

Former President George Bush has stated that he does not expect Israel to return entirely to pre-1967 borders, due to "new realities on the ground."[136] One of the main compromise plans put forth by the Clinton Administration would have allowed Israel to keep some settlements in the West Bank, especially those in large blocs near the pre-1967 borders of Israel. in return, Palestinians would have received some concessions of land in other parts of the country.[137]

Both U.S. President Bill Clinton and U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, who played notable roles in attempts at mediation, noted the need for some territorial and diplomatic compromise on this issue, based on the validity of some of the claims of both sides.[138][139]

Fayed Mustafa, Palestinian ambassador to Russia, has called on the return of Palestinian territories to Egypt and Jordon if the current talks fail.[140]

[edit] Proposal of Palestinian citizenship for remaining settlers

A number of proposals for the granting of Palestinian citizenship or residential permits to Jewish settlers in return for the removal of Israeli military installations from the West Bank have been fielded by such individuals[141] as Arafat,[142] Ibrahim Sarsur[143] and Ahmed Qureia.[144] According to Rabbi Yehoshua Magnes, the possibility that any such exchange of sovereignty over the Jewish settler population can occur without subsequent Arab reprisal violence is low.[145]

Israeli Minister Moshe Ya'alon said in April 2010 that "just as Arabs live in Israel, so, too, should Jews be able to live in Palestine." ... "If we are talking about coexistence and peace, why the [Palestinian] insistence that the territory they receive be ethnically cleansed of Jews?"[146].

[edit] Dismantlement of settlements

[edit] Background

Given the dispute over the territories where the settlements were built, the issue of dismantling them has been considered. Arab parties to the conflict have demanded the dismantlement of the settlements as a condition for peace with Israel. As part of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty, Israel was required to evacuate its settlers from the 18 Sinai settlements. The evacuation, which took place in 1982, was done forcefully in some instances, such as the evacuation of Yamit. The settlements were demolished, as it was feared that settlers might try to return to their homes after the evacuation.

During the peace process with the Palestinians, the issue of dismantling the West Bank and Gaza Strip settlements has been raised.

As part of the Disengagement Plan, Israel has evacuated the Gaza Strip and part of the West Bank, including all 21 settlements in Gaza and four in the West Bank, while retaining control over Gaza's borders, coastline, and airspace. Most of these settlements have existed since the early 80's, some are over 30 years old, and with a total population of more than 10,000, many of whom have yet to find permanent housing[citation needed]. There was significant opposition to the plan among parts of the Israeli public, and especially those living in the territories. American President George W. Bush has said that a permanent peace deal would have to reflect "demographic realities" in the West Bank regarding Israel's settlements.[147]

Within the former settlements, almost all buildings were demolished by Israel, with the exception of certain government and religious structures, which were completely emptied. Under an international arrangement, productive greenhouses were left to assist the Palestinian economy but these were destroyed within hours by Palestinian looters.[148] Following the withdrawal, many of the former synagogues were vandalized by Palestinians, in a clear instance of religiously motivated aggression[citation needed].

Some Israelis believe the settlements need not necessarily be dismantled and evacuated, even if Israel withdraws from the territory where they stand, as they can remain under Palestinian rule. These ideas have been expressed both by people from the left,[149] who see this as a possible situation in a two-state solution, and by extreme right-wingers and settlers[150] that, while objecting to any withdrawal, claim stronger links to the land than to the state of Israel.

A July 2009 survey of Israeli public opinion found that people are about evenly divided on the issue, with 46 percent of those polled in support of further construction and 44 percent opposed.[151]

[edit] Recent events

In January 2009, Israeli political activist group Peace Now stated that settlement construction rose by 60 percent from 2007 to 2008.[152] A classified Israel Defense Forces study allegedly leaked to the Israeli media that month reported that 3 out of every 4 settlement building projects did not have proper permits.[153] Israel-based Palestinian solidarity group Yesh Din argued that the report described Israelis "systematically violating international law and the property rights of Palestinian residents".[153] The Israeli government has not commented on the authenticity of the report.[153] The New York Times has published a Google Maps-based adaptation of the data.

President Barack Obama and his special envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, both support taking down the settlements.[154] In January 2009, Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni vowed to dismantle them should her party win in the that month's election.[155] Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu planned to expand them, saying specifically that "I have no intention of building new settlements in the West Bank... But like all the governments there have been until now, I will have to meet the needs of natural growth in the population. I will not be able to choke the settlements."[154]

On 15 October 2009, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he had ended talks with the Americans over the settlements.[156]

[edit] Operation Price Tag

Operation Price Tag is a coordinated tactic adapted by the Israeli settlers movement of attacking Palestinian property in retaliation for attempts by the Israeli government efforts to remove illegal West Bank outposts. Several hundred, mostly young Israeli settlers, are involved. Israeli security forces, the Israeli Defense Force, IDF, are poorly equipped to deal with the outbreak.[157] The Israeli government has responded with a plan to increase law enforcement and cut off aid to illegal outposts.[158]

[edit] Terminology

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Palestine Monitor factsheet, [1], [[ Palestine Monitor]] 15 March 2010
  2. ^ Donald MacIntyre, The Big Question: What are Israeli settlements, and why are they coming under pressure?, The Independent 29-05-2009
  3. ^
  4. ^ "Jerusalem: Crucible of the conflict". BBC News. 4 Dec. 2001. Retrieved 5 May 2010. 
  5. ^ B'Tselem - East Jerusalem
  6. ^ UN Security council resolution 497 of 1981
  7. ^ a b So argued the government of Israel before the country's Supreme Court in the spring of 2005, defending its decision to dismantle all Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip and four in the northern West Bank.. 
  8. ^ a b c d "IDF: More than 300,000 settlers live in West Bank". Retrieved 9 May 2010. 
  9. ^ a b c d "Palestinians shun Israeli settlement restriction plan". BBC. 25 Nov. 2009. Retrieved 10 December 2009. 
  10. ^ Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention: Declaration, GENEVA, 5 DECEMBER 2001 [2]
  11. ^ See UN General Assembly resolution 39/146, 14 December 1984; UN Security Council Resolution 446, 22 March 1979; and International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion, 9 July 2004, Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, para 120
  12. ^ "Canadian Policy on Key Issues in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict". Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. 
  13. ^ See CERD/C/SR.1250, 9 March 1998
  14. ^ The Carter Administration View: "Settlements are Inconsistent with International Law"
  15. ^ a b "Letter of the State Department Legal Advisor, Mr. Herbert J. Hansell, Concerning the Legality of Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories", cited in Progress report - The human rights dimensions of population transfer including the implantation of settler prepared by Mr. Awn Shawhat Al-Khasawneh.
  16. ^ Stephen Schwebel, "What Weight to Conquest", American Journal of International Law 64 (1970), 345-347.
  17. ^ a b Rostow, Eugene. Bricks and stones: settling for leverage; Palestinian autonomy, The New Republic, 23 April 1990.
  18. ^ Lacey, Ian, ed. International Law and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (pdf) - Extracts from Israel and Palestine - Assault on the Law of Nations by Julius Stone, Second Edition with additional material and commentary updated to 2003, AIJAC website. Retrieved 10 April 2006.
  19. ^ Retrieved 13 May 2007.
  20. ^ "7. The vast majority of jurists in Israel and abroad hold the opinion that the Fourth Geneva Convention is binding on Israel in the territories it occupies, and that Article 49 indeed prohibits the establishment of settlements."
  21. ^ "Israel, the Conflict and Peace: Answers to frequently asked questions". Retrieved 9 May 2010. 
  22. ^
  23. ^ "Canadian Policy on Key Issues in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict". Government of Canada. 
  24. ^ "Britain: Israeli settlements are 'illegal' and 'obstacle' to peace". Haaretz. 4 Nov. 2009. Retrieved 16 Mar. 2010. 
  25. ^ "EU's Ashton SAYS Israeli settlement plans hurt peace moves". Reuters. Retrieved 16 Mar. 2010. 
  26. ^ a b "Israeli settlement plan denounced". BBC. 8 Nov. 2009. Retrieved 16 Mar. 2010. 
  27. ^ "Israeli Settler Population 1972-2006". Foundation for Middle East Peace. Retrieved 15 Mar. 2010. 
  28. ^ "Population by year in West Bank settlements". B'Tselem. Retrieved 14 Mar. 2010. 
  29. ^ The roadmap, Full text, BBC News 30-04-2003
  30. ^ Urquhart, Conal (6 Aug. 2004). "Israel flouts road map with new settlement". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 5 May 2010. 
  31. ^
    • "In 2004 the Israeli Government and Parliament approved the evacuation of the Israeli settlements from the Gaza Strip and four settlements from northern Samaria." Nurit Kliot, "Resettlement of Refugees in Finland and Cyprus: A Comparative Analysis and Possible Lessons for Israel", in Arie Marcelo Kacowicz, Pawel Lutomski. Population Resettlement in International Conflicts: A Comparative Study, Lexington Books, 2007, p. 57.
    • "Instead, he chose total disengagement from Gaza and the dismantlement of four settlements in northern Samaria." Zvi Shtauber, Yiftah Shapir. The Middle East Strategic Balance 2005-2006, Sussex Academic Press, 2007, p. 123.
    • "Prior to forming his new coalition with the Labor Party, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon strong-armed members of his Likud cabinet to support Labor's idea of unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and four settlements in northern Samaria." Getz, Leonard. "Likudniks Against Sharon: Rebels or Loyalists?", The Jewish Exponent, 01-13-2005.
    • "Understandably so: in the end, the Gaza withdrawal took all of six days while the pullout from four settlements in northern Samaria was accomplished in a single day." Zelnick, Robert. Israel's Unilaterialism: Beyond Gaza, Hoover Press, 2006, p. 157.
    • "The four West Bank settlements that Israel is evacuating are all located in the biblical Land of Israel—territory that observant Jews believe was promised to the Jewish people in the Old Testament. The area of the West Bank, known as northern Samaria, was inhabited by the tribe of Menashe, one of the 10 tribes of Israel that were forced into exile." "Biblical significance of West Bank settlements", International Herald Tribune, 23 August 2005.
    • "Others not only support comprehensive talks but call for abandonment of Israel’s plan to disengage from Gaza and four settlements in northern Samaria." Sofaer, Abraham D. "Disengagement First", Hoover Digest 2005 No. 1, Hoover Institution.
    • "In August 2005, Israel vacated the Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip--mainly in Gush Katif--as well as four settlements in northern Samaria." Inbari, Motti. "Fundamentalism in crisis - the response of the Gush Emunim rabbinical authorities to the theological dilemmas raised by Israel's Disengagement plan", Journal of Church and State, Autumn, 2007.
    • Tamir, Naftali (15 August 2005). "Retreat with peace in mind". The Australian. "Four settlements will be evacuated in the northern Samaria region of the West Bank." 
  32. ^ "EU criticises Israel settler plan". BBC. 10 Dec. 2007. Retrieved 5 Jan. 2010. 
  33. ^ "Rice calls for Israel to halt settlement expansion". Reuters. 31 Mar. 2008. 
  34. ^ Report Slams Israeli Claim of Settlement Freeze
  35. ^ Israeli PM Says Settlement Building to Continue During Peace Talks
  36. ^ U.S.: We will be flexible on conditions for Mideast talks
  37. ^ Sa'ar: Netanyahu saving Israel from global isolation
  38. ^ Hamas Leader says Israeli Settlement Proposal "Dangerous"
  39. ^ US raps Israeli settlement plan BBC News website 18 Nov. 2009 Retrieved 2009-11-18
  40. ^ a b c d e f g h "Jewish settlers in West Bank building curb protest". BBC. 9 Dec. 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009. 
  41. ^ "Obama Called "Racist" By Israeli Rabbi". The Huffington Post. 27 Jul. 2009. Retrieved 30 August 2010. 
  42. ^ "Israeli minister: no real "freeze" on settlement". Reuters. 11 Dec. 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009. 
  43. ^ "Kouchner: Gilo construction won’t necessarily hinder peace talks". Ynet. 18 Nov. 2009.,7340,L-3807450,00.html. Retrieved 12 December 2009. 
  44. ^ "Netanyahu questions Abbas's commitment to peace". Reuters. 29 Nov. 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009. 
  45. ^ Schneider, Howard (9 Dec. 2009). "E.U. moderates stance on Jerusalem". The Washington Post. Retrieved 12 December 2009. 
  46. ^ Middle East quartet statement: full text (The Guardian, 19 March 2010)
  47. ^ For further discussion see Americans for Peace Now report on Settlement Blocs, 9 May 2008,
  48. ^ See Americans for Peace Now report on outposts, 9 Jan 2008,
  49. ^ Erlanger, Steve (9 Mar. 2005). "Israeli Report Condemns Support for Settlement Outposts". New York Times. 
  50. ^ Mitnick, Joshua (28 Nov. 2008). "Israeli court rebukes state over illegal outposts". Christian Science Monitor. 
  51. ^ See Americans for Peace Now reports on Gush Etzion settlement, and
  52. ^ See Americans for Peace Now reports on Hebron settlements, and
  53. ^ Israel Central Bureau of Statistics: [3] [4] [5]
  54. ^ Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies: [6] [7] [8] [9]
  55. ^ Foundation for Middle East Peace: [10] [11].
  56. ^ "Comprehensive Settlement Population 1972-2008—FMEP". Retrieved 9 May 2010. 
  57. ^ Sources of Population Growth: Total Israeli Population and Settler Population, 1991 - 2003, Foundation for Middle East Peace.
  58. ^ Settler Population Growth East and West of the Barrier, 2000-2007, Foundation for Middle East Peace.
  59. ^ Encouragement of migration to the settlements, B'Tselem.
  60. ^ "Successive Israeli governments (led by both Labor and Likud) heavily subsidized the settlements, for various reasons."
  61. ^ a b Database of Institutions, Israeli Council for Higher Education
  62. ^ Tamara Traubmann, Education council angry over decision to upgrade Ariel College status Haaretz 10-10-2006
  63. ^ UK issues new guidance on labelling of food from illegal West Bank settlements
  64. ^ "Israel confirms settlement growth". BBC News. 21 Mar. 2005. Retrieved 5 May 2010. 
  65. ^ "Gaza diary: Hakeem Abu Samra". BBC News. 12 Aug. 2005. Retrieved 5 May 2010. 
  66. ^ Israeli Settlements and International Law, Israel Foreign Ministry website, 5/4/01, accessed 7/11/07.
  67. ^ "Occupied Territories" to "Disputed Territories" by Dore Gold, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 16 January 2002. Retrieved 29 September 2005.
  68. ^ Diplomatic and Legal Aspects of the Settlement Issue, by Jeffrey Helmreich, Institute for Contemporary Affairs,, accessed 7/11/07.
  69. ^ Kessler, Glenn (5 Jan. 2006). "Bush at Risk of Losing Closest Mideast Ally". The Washington Post. Retrieved 5 May 2010. 
  70. ^ "Israel 'to keep some settlements'". BBC News. 12 Apr. 2005. Retrieved 5 May 2010. 
  71. ^ [12][dead link]
  72. ^ Israel/Middle East (News & Politics): settlements
  73. ^ [13][dead link]
  74. ^ "What Happened to Secure Borders for Israel? The U.S., Israel, and the Strategic Jordan Valley" by Dore Gold
  75. ^ Emma Playfair (Ed.) (1992). International Law and the Administration of Occupied Territories. USA: Oxford University Press. p. 396. ISBN 0-19-825297-8. 
  76. ^ Cecilia Albin (2001). Justice and Fairness in International Negotiation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 150. ISBN 0-521-79725-X. 
  77. ^ Mark Gibney; Stanlislaw Frankowski (1999). Judicial Protection of Human Rights: Myth or Reality?. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood. p. 72. ISBN 0-275-96011-0. 
  78. ^ See ICERD Article 3
  79. ^ See CERD/C/SR.1250, 9 March 1998
  80. ^ paragraphs 95-101 and 120
  81. ^ "Security Council Resolutions 1980". Retrieved 9 May 2010. 
  82. ^ a b Israel/Occupied Territories: Removing unlawful Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories: Time to act Amnesty International, 2005.
  83. ^ a b "Siege". 
  84. ^ a b "Report" (PDF). 
  85. ^ a b "Israeli Army Checkpoints". 
  86. ^ a b "Taking control of the land in the West Bank". 
  87. ^ "Forbidden Roads" (PDF). B'Tselem. 
  88. ^ "Israel: Palestinian Drivers Routinely Abused". 
  89. ^ Meron Benvenisti, ‘Who lost? The people of Israel,’ Haaretz 15/04/2008
  90. ^ "Guide to the West Bank barrier". BBC News. Retrieved 5 Jan. 2010. 
  91. ^ "Q&A: What is the West Bank barrier?". BBC News. 15 Sep. 2005. Retrieved 5 Jan. 2010. 
  92. ^ Palestinians oppose settlement labor ban
  93. ^ "Apartheid in the Holy Land", Desmond Tutu
  94. ^ Jerusalem Post
  95. ^ "Palestinian workers in Israeli West Bank settlements - 2008". Kav LaOved. 
  96. ^ "". B'Tselem. 
  97. ^ See for example Kretzmer, David "The occupation of justice: the Supreme Court of Israel and the Occupied Territories, SUNY Press, 2002, ISBN 0791453375, 9780791453377, page 83
  98. ^ See General Assembly Resolution 3103, 12 December 1973, "Basic Principles Of The Legal Status Of The Combatants Struggling Against Colonial And Alien Domination And Racist Regimes" and United Nations General Assembly Resolution 39/17, 23 November 1984, "Universal realization of the rights to self-determination"
  99. ^ See Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 8 June 1977 [14]
  100. ^ Hillier, Tim "Sourcebook on public international law", Routledge, 1998, ISBN 1859410502, 9781859410509, page 627-628
  101. ^ See the Judgment in "Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory", para 120, 134, and 142 [15] and PAUL J. I. M. DE WAART (2005) International Court of Justice Firmly Walled in the Law of Power in the Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process. Leiden Journal of International Law, 18, pp 467-487, doi:10.1017/S0922156505002839
  102. ^ "Fatalities". B'Tselem. 
  103. ^ Sontag, Deborah (2 April 2001). "Israeli Baby's Funeral Becomes Focus of Settler Militancy"". New York Times. Retrieved 17 Feb. 2009. 
  104. ^ Dudkevitch, Margot; Herb Keinon (5 May 2001). "Casualties of war". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 15 Jul. 2008. 
  105. ^ Phil Reeves, Settlers' baby dies after Palestinian stoning, The Independent 12-06-2001
  106. ^ Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Gila Sara Kessler
  107. ^ 4 family members slain in Itamar infiltration, Jerusalem Post 21-06-2002
  108. ^ Army searches for Bat Ayin terrorist, Jerusalem Post 02-04-2009
  109. ^ 'Hundreds join' settler violence (BBC, 2 October 2008)
  110. ^ Hider, James (15 October 2009). "West Bank settlers use ‘price tag’ tactic to punish Palestinians". The Times (London). Retrieved 16 October 2009. 
  111. ^ Gee, Robert W. (25 Aug. 2008). "Settlers Increase Attacks On Palestinians In West Bank". 
  112. ^ B'Tselem: Settler Violence
  114. ^ "Settler violence: The dual system of law in the Occupied Territories". B'Tselem. 
  115. ^ "Defeat settler terror". Haaretz. 27 Oct. 2008. 
  116. ^ "29 Oct. 06: B'Tselem Urges the Security Forces to Prepare for the Olive Harvest". B'Tselem. 29 Oct. 2006. 
  117. ^ Israel makes life very hard for Palestinians, says ICRC (BBC, 17 February 2010)
  118. ^ Kershner, Isabel (25 Sep. 2008). "Radical Settlers Take On Israel". New York Times. 
  119. ^ "Radical settlers using violence against Jews". 8 Oct. 2008. 
  120. ^ "Statistics". B'Tselem. 
  121. ^ Erekat: Settler violence reflects Israeli policy (Maan News Agency, 21 April 2010)
  122. ^ 3 Palestinians, left-wing activist suspected of uprooting trees at outpost, ynetnews
  123. ^ Arabs, Left-Wing Extremists Uproot Jewish Vineyard, arutz sheva
  124. ^ stone throwing Naalin protest, ynet
  125. ^ Weiss, Efrat (16 Jun. 2008). "Police: Leftists in Hebron more dangerous than right-wing counterparts".,7340,L-3556322,00.html. 
  126. ^ Grossman, Shmulik (11 Apr. 2010). "Naked leftist irks settlers".,7340,L-3873968,00.html. 
  127. ^ Baruch, Uzi (10 Apr. 2010). "פרובוקציה בלב הישוב עתניאל". (Hebrew)
  128. ^ a b c d Winder, Rob (6 Jul. 2005). "Pollution politics in the West Bank". BBC. 
  129. ^ a b Rinat, Zafrir (10 Jun. 2005). "Settlement sewage kills off 200 olive trees grown by Palestinians". Haaretz. 
  130. ^ Friends of the Earth Middle East, A Seeping Time Bomb: Pollution of the Mountain Aquifer by Sewage, pp. 6–8
  131. ^ Results of Stream Monitoring in Judea and Samaria Published, Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection 23-09-2008
  132. ^ Ratner, David (4 Apr. 2005). "Israel to dump 10,000 tons of garbage a month in the West Bank". Haaretz. 
  133. ^ 'US will accept Israel settlements', BBC News Online, 25 March 2005.
  134. ^ 'UN Condemns Israeli settlements', BBC News Online, 14 April 2005.
  135. ^ 'Obama Speech In Cairo: VIDEO, Full Text', The Huffington Post, 4 June 2009.
  136. ^ Israel 'to keep some settlements', BBC, 4/12/05.
  137. ^ Review of Dennis Ross book, BY RAY HANANIA,, 8/16/04, accessed 7/11/07.
  138. ^ Remarks by Pres. Clinton, 1/7/01. (Full transcript available at: cnn transcript)
  139. ^ Tony Blair press conference, 4/17/04, incl. comments on compromising on settlements, UK Foreign office, accessed 7/12/07. (Sscroll down to question that begins with the phrase, "But Mr Sharon sees a final settlement...")
  140. ^ PNA to ask UN to reestablish 1967 border with Israel if Mideast talks fail - ambassador
  141. ^ Let them stay in Palestine
  142. ^ Arafat may allow Jewish settlers to stay in West Bank
  143. ^ Arab MK: I would agree to grant settlers Palestinian citizenship
  144. ^ PA: Settlers can become Palestinian citizens
  145. ^ Israel's Religious Right - Not a Monolith: "Second, a policy of retaining Jewish settlements under Palestinian control is likely to provoke more opposition than dissolving them; settlement is perceived as a half of the inseparable whole understood as the "Jewish presence in the land." Maintaining communities without Israeli sovereign control over them is the same as losing the land.36 Thus, transferring settlements to Palestinian control while allowing Jewish settlers to remain in them would also be perceived as jeopardizing Jewish lives and would be prohibited under the requirement to preserve human life. Therefore, it is better to dissolve the settlements than to maintain them under PA control"
  146. ^ 'No need to remove any settlements' By HERB KEINON, Jerusalem Post, 16/04/2010
  147. ^ "". BBC News. 25 Mar. 2005. 
  148. ^ Looters strip Gaza greenhouses, MSNBC.COM, Associated Press, 13 Sept. 2005.
  149. ^ "". Archived from the original on 6 Oct. 1999. 
  150. ^ "". 
  151. ^ Berger, Robert (3 July 2009). "Poll Gives Netanyahu Positive Marks Despite Rift with US". Voice of America. Retrieved 3 July 2009. 
  152. ^ Israeli Military Allows West Bank Settlements To Grow. By Allen Pizzey. CBS News. Published 29 January 2009.
  153. ^ a b c Settlement data 'implicates Israel'. Aljazeera English. Published 30 January 2009.
  154. ^ a b Netanyahu would let West Bank settlements expand. By Mark Levie. Yahoo! News. Published 26 Jan. 2009.
  155. ^ Dead link
  156. ^ Netanyahu: Israel and U.S. have resolved settlements row
  157. ^ "West Bank settlers' lawlessness, violence" article by Ori Nir in The Washington Times 22 October 2008 Wednesday
  158. ^ "Israel Acts to Cut Off Funds to Illegal Settlements" article by Isabel Kershner in The New York Times 2 November 2008
  159. ^ Ian Lustick, 'The Riddle of Nationalism:The Dialectic of Religion and Nationalism in the Middle East', Logos Vol.1, No-3, Summer 2002 pp.18-44 pp.38-9.
  160. ^ Tovah Lazaroff (18 June 2007). "We are not settlers. We are Jews". The Jerusalem Post. 
  161. ^ "Planned obsolescence - The slow death of the two-state solution - Palestinian-Israeli conflict". Christian Century. 3 May 2003. Retrieved 15 Feb. 2008. 
  162. ^
    • Ian Lustick (2002). The Riddle of Nationalism: The Dialectic of Religion and Nationalism in the Middle East. Logos, Vol.1, No-3. pp. 18–44. "The terms “occupied territory” or “West Bank” were forbidden in news reports. Television and radio journalists were banned from initiating interviews with Arabs who recognized the PLO as their representative." 
    • Myron J. Aronoff (1991). Israeli Visions and Divisions: Cultural Change and Political Conflict. Transaction Publishers. p. 10. "[...] “Judea and Samaria”, the biblical terms that the Likud government succeeded in substituting for what had previously been called by many the West Bank, the occupied territories, or simply the territories. The successful gaining of the popular acceptance of these terms was a prelude to gaining popular acceptance of the government’s settlement policies." 
    • Shlomo Gazit (2003). Trapped Fools: Thirty Years of Israeli Policy in the Territories. Routledge. p. 162. "[...] the Likud Government was not satisfied with the name ‘Administered Territories’. Even though the name ‘Judea and Samaria’ had been officially adopted as early as the beginning of 1968 instead of the ‘West Bank’, it has hardly been used until 1977." 
    • Emma Playfair (1992). International Law and the Administration of Occupied Territories: Two Decades of Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Oxford University Press. p. 41. "On 17 December 1967, the Israeli military government issued an order stating that “the term “Judea and Samaria region” shall be identical in meaning for all purposes . .to the term “the West Bank Region”. This change in terminology, which has been followed in Israeli official statements since that time, reflected a historic attachment to these areas and rejection of a name that was seen as implying Jordanian sovereignty over them." 
    • Ran HaCohen (1992). Influence of the Middle East Peace Process on the Hebrew Language. Undoing and Redoing Corpus Planning, Michael G. Clyne (ed.). pp. 385–414, 397. "During a short period immediately after the 1967 war, the official term employed was ‘the Occupied Territories’ (ha-shetahim ha-kevushim). It was soon replaced by ‘the Administered Territories’ (ha-shetahim ha-muhzakim) and then by the (biblical) Hebrew geographical terms “Judea and Samaria”. The latter were officially adopted and successfully promoted by the right wing governments (since 1977) and are still the official terms in use." 
  163. ^

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