Tofa language

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Тоъфа дыл (Tòfa dıl)
Spoken in Russia
Region Irkutsk Oblast
Total speakers 28 (2001) [1]
Language family Altaic
Language codes
ISO 639-1 None
ISO 639-2 tut
ISO 639-3 kim

Tofa, also known as Tofalar or Karagas, is one of the Turkic languages. It is a moribund language spoken in Russia's Irkutsk Oblast by the Tofalar. Today, it has less than 30 native speakers.[citation needed]

Tofa is most closely related to the Tuvan language and forms a dialect continuum with it, Tuha, and Tsengel Tuvan, which may be dialects of either Tuvan or Tofa. Tofa shares a number of innovations with these languages, including the change *d>z (as in *adaq > azak "foot") and the development of low tones on historically short vowels (as in *et > èt "meat, flesh").


[edit] Writing System

Tofa, although not widely written, employs a modified version of the Cyrillic alphabet:

А а Б б В в Г г Ғ ғ Д д Е е Ә ә
Ё ё Ж ж З з И и I i Й й К к Қ қ
Л л М м Н н Ң ң О о Ө ө П п Р р
С с Т т У у Ү ү Ф ф Х х Һ һ Ц ц
Ч ч Ҷ ҷ Ш ш Щ щ ъ Ы ы ь Э э
Ю ю Я я

The additional letters in Tofa are Ғғ (ɣ), Әә (æ), Ii (), Ққ (q), Ңң (ŋ), Өө (œ), Үү (y), Һһ (h), and Ҷҷ [d͡ʒ]. Additionally, the letter ъ is sometimes used after a vowel to mark low tone, as in эът "meat".

[edit] Morphology and syntax

[edit] Pronouns

Tofa has six personal pronouns:

Personal pronouns
Singular Plural
Tofa (transliteration) English Tofa (transliteration) English
мен (men) I биъс (bìs) we
сен (sen) you (singular) сілер (siler) you (plural, formal)
оң (oŋ) he/she/it оларың (olarıŋ) they

Tofa also has the pronouns бо ('this'), тээ ('that'), кум ('who'), and чү ('what').

[edit] Numbers

The cardinal numbers in Tofa are бірәә birəə (1), иъһ̃и íhı (2), үш üş (3), дөрт dört (4), беш beş (5), аълты áltı (6), чеді çedi (7), сеъһес séhes (8), тоъһос tóhos (9), он on (10). After ten are иъһён (20), үчжөн (30), дөртөн dörtön (40), бечжөн beçjön (50), аълтон álton (60), чедон çedon (70), сеъһезон séhezon (80), тоъһозон tóhozon (90), чүс çüs (100), тыысиччи tıısççï (1000).

[edit] Notes

  1. ^

[edit] References

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