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In the United States, the title "governor" refers to the chief executive of each state, not directly subordinate to the federal authorities, but the political and ceremonial head of the state. The governor may also assume additional roles, such as the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard (when not federalized), and the ability to commute or pardon a criminal sentence. Governors serve four-year terms except those in New Hampshire and Vermont, who serve two-year terms.

In all states, the governor is directly elected, and in most cases has considerable practical powers (notable exceptions with very weak governorships include Texas), though this may be moderated by the state legislature and in some cases by other elected executive officials. They can veto state bills. The specific duties and powers vary widely between states.

List of current governors

AL: Bob Riley
AK: Sean Parnell
AZ: Jan Brewer
AR: Mike Beebe
CA: A. Schwarzenegger
CO: Bill Ritter
CT: M. Jodi Rell
DE: Jack Markell
FL: Charlie Crist
GA: Sonny Perdue

HI: Linda Lingle
ID: Butch Otter
IL: Pat Quinn
IN: Mitch Daniels
IA: Chet Culver
KS: Mark Parkinson
KY: Steve Beshear
LA: Bobby Jindal
ME: John Baldacci
MD: Martin O'Malley

MA: Deval Patrick
MI: Jennifer Granholm
MN: Tim Pawlenty
MS: Haley Barbour
MO: Jay Nixon
MT: Brian Schweitzer
NE: Dave Heineman
NV: Jim Gibbons
NH: John Lynch
NJ: Chris Christie

NM: Bill Richardson
NY: David Paterson
NC: Beverly Perdue
ND: John Hoeven
OH: Ted Strickland
OK: Brad Henry
OR: Ted Kulongoski
PA: Ed Rendell
RI: Donald Carcieri
SC: Mark Sanford

SD: Mike Rounds
TN: Phil Bredesen
TX: Rick Perry
UT: Gary R. Herbert
VT: Jim Douglas
VA: Bob McDonnell
WA: Christine Gregoire
WV: Joe Manchin
WI: Jim Doyle
WY: Dave Freudenthal

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