Notícies de la UAB

18/09, 06:54 La Cataluña central y el área de Barcelona encajan el golpe más duro de la crisis

El país Compartir | Nunca en la historia cayó tanto la economía como en 2009, el año por excelencia de la recesión más intensa y más rápida. Ni en las estadísticas más antiguas se vio algo igual a un retroceso del 4%. [+]

18/09, 02:39 El Pais La Cataluña central y el área de Barcelona encajan el golpe más duro de la crisis

La industria se 'come' la mitad de todo el empleo destruido en la... [+]

18/09, 03:53 La Nueva Espana La formación

n La necesidad de afrontar cuanto antes una reforma... [+]

18/09, 03:47 Amnistía Internacional ¿Quieres formar un grupo de Amnistía Internacional?

No dudes que un pequeño grupo de ciudadanos conscientes y pensantes pueden cambiar el mundo; en realidad es lo único que ha conseguido cambiarlo Margaret Mead Pincha en los nombres de las comunidades y averigua donde estamos: Andalucía Almeria Cádiz Córdoba Granada Huelva Jaen Málaga Sevilla Aragón... [+]

18/09, 03:37 dBaleares Bústia

Expresidents L'estampa de tots els expresidents democràtics de Catalunya fent cos amb l'actual president Montilla, i acompanyats de més d'un milió de ciutadans, és molt més que una estampa: és una fita històrica, però d'aquestes que són icona de manual d... [+]

18/09, 02:30 ElPerió La mitad del nuevo desempleo catalán proviene de la industria

Las zonas agrarias con peso del sector alimentario aguantan mejor que la media Las comarcas centrales, Tarragona y el eje metropolitano caen más que el... [+]

18/09, 02:24 La Comunidad Companys sigue condenado. JOAN B. CULLA I CLARÀ.

_________________________ Companys sigue condenado El Paí (España) JOAN B. CULLA I CLARÀ 17/09/2010 Resumen del capítulo anterior: cuando, con una demora de tres décadas, la actual democracia española se decidió por fin a promulgar una Ley de la Memoria Histórica, el socialismo gobernante no quiso... [+]

18/09, 00:00 una tardor de letargia econòmica

El fort endeutament que encara s'arrossega tenalla la recuperació de l'economia, que serà llarga i fràgil. Els beneficis tornen a poc a poc a les empreses, que desempolsen els projectes d'inversió... [+]

18/09, 00:00 Catalunya perd amb la crisi un terç de la seva indústria

L'anuari econòmic de Catalunya Caixa conclou que el país va patir l'any passat una caiguda de la producció industrial i un descens de l'ocupació en el sector sense... [+]

17/09, 23:05 El Confidencial Digital Cómo educar a Leonor, futura reina de España

Cuando, el miércoles, la infanta Sofía tropezó y cayó al suelo mientras caminaba hacia su clase en el colegio Rosales, la pequeña no miró a su madre. Instintivamente, volvió la cara hacia atrás, a donde se encontraban los periodistas y las... [+]

17/09, 21:55 Tímido avance español en uno de los principales 'ranking' universitarios

El país Compartir | Ninguna universidad española está entre las 100 mejores del mundo en los ranking internacionales de mayor repercusión: ni en el de la Universidad de Shanghay ni en el del consejo académico QS ni en el de la publicación británica Times Higher Education, cuya edición de 2010 se acaba de... [+]

17/09, 18:54 El Pais Tímido avance español en uno de los principales 'ranking' universitarios

La Autónoma de Barcelona mejora 29 puestos y se le une la Pompeu Fabra entre las 200 mejores - España sigue sin representantes en el 'top' 100 de la clasificación del Times Higher... [+]

Notícies internacionals de la UAB

16/09, 20:23 Globedia Localizan la partitura de la primera ópera de Mozart representada en España

Categoría: Cultura | Tipo: Reportaje | Tags: localizan opera partitura primera | 0 Comentarios El grupo de investigación 'Las músicas en las sociedades contemporáneas' de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) ha localizado la partitura de la primera ópera de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. [+]

16/09, 13:40 Alpha Galileo The finding of the score of Mozart's first opera performed in Spain

The score is the Barcelona version of Così fan tutte preformed in 1798, almost ten years before its debut in Milan and London Until now only the opening act and a quintet had been inventoried by the National Library of Catalonia in 1960 and 1961 The research group Les músiques en les societats... [+]

16/09, 11:29 New Design World Exposure to chemicals in pool water is related to possible health effects

(NewDesignWorld Press Center) - Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause genotoxic effects (DNA damage) and respiratory effects. It is said by a new study published in Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) journal, coordinated by researchers from CREAL (Centre for Research in Environmental... [+]

16/09, 10:37 El Siglo De Torreon Cloro en albercas daña ADN de nadadores

Nadar en albercas tratadas con cloro puede generar daños a nivel genético de acuerdo con un estudio que encontró que los subproductos de desinfección (DBPs) utilizados pueden causar mutaciones permanentes en el... [+]

15/09, 09:48 El Siglo de Durango Cloro en albercas daña ADN de nadadores

Nadar en albercas tratadas con cloro puede generar daños a nivel genético de acuerdo con un estudio que encontró que los subproductos de desinfección (DBPs) utilizados pueden causar mutaciones permanentes en el... [+]

14/09, 23:29 Reportero de la comunidad Cloro en albercas daña ADN de nadadores

México, DF, 14 de Septiembre de 2010 Se recomienda tomar un baño antes de nadar, utilizar gorro de baño, evitar orinar en las piscinas y realizar un mantenimiento adecuado (Foto: Especial ) CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA Los desinfectantes modifica la proteína CC16, relacionada con la permeabilidad pulmonar Nadar.. [+]

14/09, 22:10 Difusor Online Cloro en albercas daña ADN de nadadores

Tweet me! Los desinfectantes modifica la proteína CC16, relacionada con la permeabilidad pulmonar. Nadar en albercas tratadas con cloro puede generar daños a nivel genético de acuerdo con un estudio que encontró que los subproductos de desinfección (DBPs) utilizados pueden causar mutaciones permanentes en.. [+]

14/09, 17:36 Vanguardia Cloro en albercas daña ADN de nadadores

Los desinfectantes modifica la proteína CC16, relacionada con la permeabilidad... [+]

14/09, 11:11 ELIMPARCIAL.COM Cloro en albercas daña ADN de nadadores

WASHINGTON, EU(SUN)Nadar en albercas tratadas con cloro puede generar daños a nivel genético de acuerdo con un estudio que encontró que los subproductos de desinfección (DBPs) utilizados pueden causar mutaciones permanentes en el... [+]

14/09, 02:47 El Universal Cloro en albercas daña ADN de nadadores

Los desinfectantes modifica la proteína CC16, relacionada con la permeabilidad... [+]

15/09, 13:30 Sys-Con EN Español Universitat de Barcelona es la número 54 en Ciencias Naturales en el QS World Rankings (R) Top 300 por materia

- QS World University Rankings(R) completa el Top 500, además de Top 300 en cinco temas de carácter general, disponible desde las 12:01 GMT +1:00 el martes 14 de... [+]

15/09, 13:17 Cloud Computing Journal (Sys-Con) Universitat de Barcelona es la número 54 en Ciencias Naturales en el QS World Rankings (R) Top 300 por materia

- QS World University Rankings(R) completa el Top 500, además de Top 300 en cinco temas de carácter general, disponible desde las 12:01 GMT +1:00 el martes 14 de... [+]

15/09, 13:09 SYS-CON India Universitat de Barcelona es la número 54 en Ciencias Naturales en el QS World Rankings (R) Top 300 por materia

- QS World University Rankings(R) completa el Top 500, además de Top 300 en cinco temas de carácter general, disponible desde las 12:01 GMT +1:00 el martes 14 de... [+]

15/09, 13:04 PR Newswire Universitat de Barcelona es la número 54 en Ciencias Naturales en el QS World Rankings (R) Top 300 por materia

LONDON, September 15, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- - QS World University Rankings(R) completa el Top 500, además de Top 300 en cinco temas de carácter general, disponible desde las 12:01 GMT +1:00 el martes 14 de septiembre - La Universidad de Oxford bate a Cambridge y Harvard en la tabla de las mejores en Artes y. [+]

15/09, 03:46 Kfi AM.640 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 23:48 KASE 101 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 23:35 920 WHJJ Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 21:31 Z 106.7 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 19:45 810 WGY Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 19:38 96.1 The Rocket Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 19:21 The Drive 100.5 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 19:05 B104.7 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:58 Am 1320 and 1450 The Dove Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:53 700 WLW Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:52 Am 600 WMT Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:49 WRVA Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:37 AM 620 KPOJ Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:33 The River - 102.3 FM Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:32 94.7 WDSD Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:28 Cool 92.5 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:23 106.7 Lite FM Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:22 Eagle 105.7 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:22 960 Werc Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:18 NewsRadio 610 WIOD Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:18 105.9 The Rock Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:13 Superhits 99.9 KGOR Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:12 99.5 FM Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:08 98.1 Kvet Fm Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:08 News Radio 1150 Wjbo Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:04 1490 WBEX Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 18:02 1450 WILM Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:59 KHBZ Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:58 Wgir AM 610 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:56 1190 KEX News Radio Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:54 Magic 107.1 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:54 830 AM KHVH News Radio Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:53 Newsradio 850 KOA Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:51 News Radio 1510 WLAC Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:50 Bill 95 FM Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:50 107.5 WGCI Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:35 JET 107.9 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:33 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:32 94.3 WSC FM Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:32 K 102 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:31 KMJM Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:21 933 FLZ Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:15 1150 Wima Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:15 620 Wdae Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:13 KFIV 1360 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:11 570 WSYR Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:10 1180 Wham Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:06 The Wave 92.1 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:05 KWHN Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:03 News Radio 630 WLAP Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 17:02 96.1The River Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:47 Kissfm 95.9 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:45 News Talk 610 WTVN Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:45 102.1 The River Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:45 960 Weli Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:44 970WFLA Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:43 96 Rock Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:41 Fox News Radio 600 KCOL Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:40 am540WFLA Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:38 92.5 KGB Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:38 Ketucky News Network Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:34 ROCK 105 (AP) Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:31 100.3 The Peak Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:29 640 WHLO Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:28 Sunny 99.1 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:28 Today's KNIX 102.5 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:27 KFYI Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:27 910 KNEW Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:26 Buckeye Country 105.5 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:22 WHYN News Talk 560 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:20 Newsradio 1290 WJNO Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:06 98.1Kiss FM Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:00 AM 1230 KOY Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 16:00 News Talk 1310 WIBA Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 15:57 AM 600 KOGO Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 15:42 News Radio 1000 Ktok Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 15:40 95 Ksj Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 15:37 B-95 Radio Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 15:34 103 Jamz Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 15:33 AM 1400 WCOH Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 15:28 Mix 104.5 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 15:26 B-100 FM Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 15:22 1200 News Radio WOAI Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 15:19 930 KOGA Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 15:17 News/Talk 1130 Wisn Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 11:14 News Talk 1530 KFBK Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 11:10 ArcaMax Publishing Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

BARCELONA, Spain (UPI) -- Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 06:39 News Radio 600 WREC Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 06:25 640 WGST Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 05:51 St. Louis Globe-Democrat Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

Send this to a friend Grab the link Copy and paste the link: Blog about it Blog about this page. Close Comment -- BARCELONA, Spain, Sept. 14 (UPI) -- Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 04:23 Chlorinated pools linked to DNA damage

BARCELONA, Spain, Sept. 14 (UPI) -- Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

15/09, 00:52 El Cloro de albercas daña ADN de nadadores

Los investigadores hallaron cambios en un biomarcador, un ligero aumento en la proteína CC16, lo que sugiere un aumento de la permeabilidad del epitelio... [+]

14/09, 17:00 TED Spain E-Bellaterra: IT-tjänster: konsultverksamhet, programvaruutveckling, Internet och stöd 2010/S 178-270828

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, edificio A, planta baja, attn: Unidad de Contractación Administrativa, SPANIEN-08193Bellaterra. Tel. +34 935812479. [+]

14/09, 13:10 Official Wire Chlorinated Pools Linked To DNA Damage

(iWireNews and OfficialWire) BARCELONA, SPAIN Swimming in chlorinated indoor pools can cause DNA damage, but researchers in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands say they don't suggest not... [+]

14/09, 13:03 Notisistema Cloro en albercas podría causar mutaciones en el ADN

Nadar en albercas tratadas con cloro puede generar daños a nivel genético de acuerdo con un estudio que encontró que los subproductos de desinfección (DBPs) utilizados pueden causar mutaciones permanentes en el... [+]

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