All posts in facebook

Does your small business owner really need Facebook?

September 13, 2010 by Sandy Miller
This is a question facing many small business owners. They wonder do they really need Facebook and what can it really do for you. Many of these owners look at Facebook as another task added to an already busy day. Their focus is on running their business and servicing customers. They don’t have a huge staff that gives them the... [read more]

5 Ways to Nurture Client Relationships Using Social Media

September 13, 2010 by Deana Goldasich
With the noise and flood of information on the networks, don’t let your clients get lost in the social shuffle. Here are easy ways to stay connected with clients in meaningful ways. [read more]

Do Facebook Fans Really “Like” You?

September 13, 2010 by Dave Fleet
They like you, but do they really like you? I just returned from Podcamp Montreal, where I attended several thought-provoking sessions which I’ll write about over the next little while. One of those touched on an interesting question: If someone “likes” your company on Facebook but hasn’t tried your product, what is that worth? Not in... [read more]

Careful, Google: Facebook Has Passed You in Time Spent on Site

September 10, 2010 by Pam Dyer
  If Google isn’t already worried about Facebook, this should unnerve them. According to the latest data from comScore, time spent on Facebook was greater than time spent on Google sites in the U.S. in August for the first time ever. In the meantime, Yahoo continues its downward slide. [read more]

No Place Like Home: Is Facebook the Wizard of Your Oz?

September 9, 2010 by Gini Dietrich
Businesses are flocking to Facebook these days, and with more than 500 million users, it’s easy to see why. But we must be careful not to let Facebook become the wizard of our Oz. Nearly everyone wants to direct your attention to Facebook. Small and large businesses are spending lots of money to get us all to their Facebook pages, stay... [read more]

12 Reasons Why You Like A Facebook Page

September 9, 2010 by Eric Miltsch
If you’re still searching for the secret sauce why people like your Facebook page, here’s 12 great reasons. This helps put some perspective on a continuous debate… [read more]

Parents: Don't make Facebook Profiles for your Children

September 9, 2010 by Jay Dolan
Parents who make and update Facebook profiles for their children drive me nuts. Why does your infant need a profile separate from your own when s/he cannot even update it on their own? You don’t need to secure a domain for your unborn baby.  You don’t need to start building their personal brand.  Let them live their own... [read more]

Rejecting an Ad: Facebook Says No

September 8, 2010 by Benish Shah
Facebook has blocked ads from the Just Say Now campaign backing California’s Prop. 19, which aims to legalize marijuana and goes to the state’s electorate on the November ballot. Some Prop 19 campaigners are claiming that this decision by Facbeook infringes on the group’s 1st Amendment rights.  However, it is common corporate... [read more]

Top 10 Most Popular Facebook Pages

September 8, 2010 by Kris Olin
How famous is Lady Gaga really? We’ll, she has recently become the most popular living musician/artist on Facebook. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta better knows as an american recording artist, Lady Gaga has gathered over 17 million fans on the most popular social network. She has reached the stardom with her hugely popular hits... [read more]

Surf the Web or surf Facebook? Top 15 Reasons Why You’re Surfing Facebook!

September 6, 2010 by Pam Moore
As I was writing a blog post the other day without thinking I included the words “surfing Facebook”. Who “woulda thunk” five years ago I would visit Facebook more than the web?  And what is the web anyway? Is the web a website? Nope! Is the web Google?  Nope! Is the web Facebook? Nope! The web is all of the above.  It is... [read more]

Social Media MegaTrends : Facebook, the new search engine

September 5, 2010 by Sanjay Mehta
No, this is not a typo. I was not referring to Google. I was indeed referring to Facebook as a search engine. What is a “search engine”? From a users perspective it is a platform where I can quickly get relevant results for whatever I am looking for. Five years back if were looking for, say a recruitment agency, I would go to Google,... [read more]

How to Reward Yourself Using Social Media

September 3, 2010 by Keredy Stott
As social media and marketing professionals, we all spend lots of time thinking about how to use social networking to improve our business, contact lists or to advise others to do the same. Part of this process is looking what others are doing and transposing successful ideas into our own campaigns but how often do we put our... [read more]