All posts in Personal Branding

The New Threat of Typosquatting (Misspelled Brands) in Social Media

September 13, 2010 by Barry Wise
A recent tweet by Andrew Nystrom of RedBull brought attention to a growing trend we've noticed in Social Media sites such as Twitter and Facebook -- that of Typosquatting. Typosquatting is a form of brandjacking/cybersquatting in which someone registers the misspelling of a brand or trademark term in an attempt to capture traffic from a legitimate well-known entity. In the case of social networks, this is done by using the misspelling of a username, such as in Justin Bieber's case. The real @justinbieber has 5.2 million followers, but a misspelled dupe account of @justinbeiber (the i and e transposed) with zero tweets already has over 16,000 followers. [read more]

Why You Should Create a S.W.O.T. for Your Brand

September 9, 2010 by Daniel Schawbel
In marketing, one of the first qualitative assessment mechanisms you learn is the S.W.O.T. analysis. I used to think that I would never need to do something so basic in my career, but recently began assessing brands through S.W.O.T. related analysis much more frequently. Anyone who cares about their personal brand should perform this... [read more]

Personal Branding and Career Advice From Male Celebrities

September 6, 2010 by Daniel Schawbel
You’re fed up with the job market right now or you’re feeling stuck in your career, with nowhere to go, and you’re out of people to complain to. If so, then you’re probably watching your favorite show on TV, or browsing because you’re too cheap to purchase cable. Either way, you watch, listen, and hear about celebrities all... [read more]

Will Bad Grammar Reflect Your Online Brand Poorly?

September 4, 2010 by Elaine Fogel
If you're like many other social media participants, you've likely made some grammatical, spelling, or typo boo-boos in your online communication. Heck, I've been known to do that from time to time. :) BUT, what if you use bad grammar consistently? Will it reflect your online brand poorly? [read more]

12 Steps To Hiring A Social Media Manager

August 30, 2010 by Maria Ogneva
I think we can all agree by now that social media is here to stay. As such, the importance of formulating a social media strategy, executing on it, educating and aligning the whole organization, is paramount. This is why your social media manager / director is going to be a crucial hire. Someone asked me on Wednesday night at the SFAMA... [read more]

Brand Image: You Are What Your Followers Say You Are

August 26, 2010 by Gini Dietrich
We’ve all heard the expression you are what you eat. As a columnist and author, I’ve come to understand in many ways that you are what you write. But social media has given us an entirely new way of understanding our personal brand image: You are what your followers say you are. Currently, more than 100 of my Twitter followers have put... [read more]

How to Maintain Consistency Across Branding Channels

August 24, 2010 by Daniel Schawbel
There’s no doubt that you have a lot of branding opportunity on the Internet today. With every newly released social networking or blogging site comes another way to brand yourself to this new audience. Just like a company’s brand needs to be consistent, so does your personal brand. A problem some people may have is that they sign up... [read more]

Social Media Inspires the American Dream

August 23, 2010 by Sandy Miller
If you were raised in America, that means you were exposed to the basic premise of the American Dream which is that in America anything is possible. If you are willing to work hard enough you can be whatever you want to be.Social media is one way that has given new life and inspiration to this concept. For years kids who grew... [read more]

Automate Your Brand?

August 21, 2010 by Daniel Schawbel
Is there such a thing as automating anything?  Or, is human interaction necessary at every level? I posed those questions over dinner last week to Brandon Kennington and Matt Dotson , the two thought leaders who podcast, Automate My Small Business. MATT: And you know both of us have been focused on internet for most of the... [read more]

Personal Brands: Change Your Channel

August 20, 2010 by Nance Rosen
You probably believe you’ve dialed in reality by now. You know how you roll and how the world turns. You think it’s a rat race or a breeze, chaotic or linear. You may even think you know who you are in the hearts and mind of people who meet you and interact with you. How would your life change if you changed the channel? That’s... [read more]

Personal Brands: Wait for It

August 18, 2010 by Nance Rosen
You take your clothes to the dry cleaner. They say it all be ready on Saturday. You go in. Not ready. You’re leaving for New York and they’ve got your best suit. It’s the lucky one – the one where you’ve gotten every offer or every deal in the last two years. Your suit is being held hostage. What do you do? Do you... [read more]

Personal Brands: It Don’t Mean a Thing

August 17, 2010 by Dan Schawbel
Great parties depend on variety. Different styles, attitudes, even intentions: spice it up – give it that zing. Really great parties, like great sustainable romance, need surprise, along with the two other key elements of happiness: pleasure and meaning. So if your life or your job is no party: you know what to do. How often do you... [read more]