All posts in Video

Top Ten Viral Videos of All Time from Ad Age

September 4, 2010 by Donna DeClemente
I was going to skip writing a blog post today since it's the start of the Labor Day weekend and there isn't much online activity going on. But, hey I'm still at my computer, so why not?My last post was on YouTube's Day in the Life video project. So when I read this article, Advertising Age's Top 10 Viral Ads of All Time, I thought I'd... [read more]

Social media is therapy for the 21st century

August 16, 2010 by Sandy Miller
Sandy Miller has been working in marketing and advertising for many years. During that time she has met many people that could benefit from some good therapy and some that she felt were driving her to need therapy. You can check her out at @sandeemiller or [read more]

Steve Jobs: Let Them Eat Case!

July 16, 2010 by Douglas Karr
I’m writing this on an Apple keyboard, with my Apple MacBookPro, on my Apple Cinema Display, with my Apple mouse… connected to my Apple Time Machine. I don’t call myself an Apple fanboy, but the quality of their products is always worth the additional cost in my opinion.  It’s not just the beauty of their products that I appreciate... [read more]