Universitat Pompeu Fabra

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Data 8/9/2010
A contribution to the legal culture of Catalonia
The research group on History of Law in Catalonia Josep M. Font i Rius is an interuniversity group that aims to study the origins, evolution and structure of Catalan law through history.
  • Data 21-09-2010
    The UPF is among the top 200 universities in the world
    Only two universities in Spain are listed in the 2010  Times Higher Education among the top 200 universities in the world: the University of Barcelona (142) and Pompeu Fabra University (155). In European terms, the UB is in 49th place and the UPF is in 58th.

  • Data 21-09-2010
    UPF consolidates and improves its position among the world's top 500 universities
    For the second consecutive year, UPF is included in the ARWU ranking and rises 100 places compared to 2009, to the 301-400 band.

  • Data 13-07-2010
    The class of 2010 master's degree and doctorate course students graduate
    The graduation ceremony for master's degree and doctorate courses at the UPF was held on 1 July. Flora de Pablo, a professor at the Center for Biological Investigation at the Spanish Research Council, gave the graduation lecture on "Stopping degeneration and regenerating tissues: biohealth challenges of the third millennium".


  • Data 17-06-2010
    Jewish populations have a common genetic origin
    On 10 th June, Nature published an article analyzing the genome diversity of different Jewish groups and populations in the Middle East and among the authors was David Comas, researcher at the Evolutionary Biology Unit of the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (CEXS) of the UPF.

  • Data 09-06-2010
    The first results of the Neanderthal Genome project have been published
    On 7 th May, the journal Science published two articles about the Neanderthal genome, one year after announcing the end of this project, led by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (Germany) with the collaboration of two researchers of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (UPF-CSIC).

  • Data 09-06-2010
    Emma Puighermanal receives the Jose Antonio Salvá prize for Basic Pharmacology
    Her work has been selected by the Catalan Society for Pharmacology to receive the prize. The prizegiving ceremony took place on 25th of May, at 8.00 pm at the Catalan and Balearic Academy of Medical Sciences.

  • Data 26-05-2010
    UPF awards Michelle Bachelet with a degree honoris causa
    The former president of Chile has received the top academic distinction for defending human rights, democracy and justice. During the ceremony, our thoughts went out to M. Rosa Virós, ex-Rector of UPF, who was scheduled to give the encomium of Sra Bachelet but passed away at the weekend. 

  • Data 11-05-2010
    Five courses taught at UPF are considered the best in Spain
    The bachelor's degrees in Political Sciences, Audiovisual Communication, Economics, Finances and Accounting and Labour Relations are in first place in the ranking of universities published today in El Mundo.

  • Data 28-04-2010
    UPF is the leader in scientific productivity in Spain
    It has moved up from second position in this ranking, which measures scientific work at the Spanish public universities. It is also in first place in the specific criteria which provide the basis for the study carried out by the University of Granada and published in Psicothema.

  • Data 19-04-2010
    Registration for the Erasmus-Columbus international mobility programme is now open
    ERACOL is an academic exchange scholarship programme between Europe and Latin America in the fields of medicine and health sciences. The consortium comprises eleven institutions, six from America and five from Europe, one of which is UPF.

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