Universitat Pompeu Fabra
International Campus

Entry formalities

*Before leaving your home country

If you are a citizen of any of the EU countries, the European Economic Area (EEA: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) or Switzerland, there are no special requirements prior to departure.

If you are a citizen of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or the Schengen Area, you must obtain a student visa from the nearest Spanish embassy or consulate before leaving your country. You may check the Consular Office / Embassy at http://www.maec.es/es/EYC/Paginas/embajadasyconsulados.aspx

To apply for your student visa, you will need, among other documents, an acceptance letter from the UPF, which you can get from:

In order to do this, you must also fill in and submit the exchange/study abroad student registration form that may be found at http://campusglobal.upf.edu/AtlasIAS/SVEntradaFormulariEstrangers

Important: A tourist visa does not allow you to study in Spain. Furthermore, please be aware that the student visa is only valid to study at the university you have applied for admission and for the period of your studies stated on the admission letter (i.e. a 90-day student visa or a 180-day student visa). Thus, if you decide to study in a different educational institution (even though it belongs to the same country as the one you chose in the first place) and once you have your student visa ready, please contact the Spanish Embassy/Consulate to check the steps you will be required to take before leaving your country.

* Once you arrive in Barcelona

*If you are a citizen of any of the EU countries, the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, and your stay is longer than three months, you will need to register at the "Registro de Ciudadanos de la Unión".

Info (CAST) - Info (ENG)  - Form: http://www.mir.es/SGACAVT/modelos/extranjeria/modelos_extranje/ex_16.pdf

If your stay is shorter than three months, no further steps are required.

*If you are a citizen of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or the Schengen Area, and you have been issued a:

-90-day student visa but you are actually going to spend one-year of studies: you must apply for an Autorización de Estancia por Estudios (study permit) within the first month of your entrance in the Schengen area. This document is your legal proof of your right to reside in Spain.

Info (CAST) - Info (ENG) - Form: http://www.mir.es/SGACAVT/modelos/extranjeria/modelos_extranje/ex_15.pdf

-180-day student visa: 180-day student visas do not allow you to extend your stay for a period longer than 180 days. Thus, after the aforementioned number of days, the permit expires and you have to return to your country. Moreover, if your 180-day student visa has only got one entry, you will not be able to leave Spain and enter again while you are studying here.

More information about the Schengen Area and the requirements you would need to fulfil in order to visit another Schengen country: http://europa.eu/abc/travel/doc/index_en.htm

You can obtain further information at the:

Mobility and Welcome Office (OMA)
Tànger Building. Communication Campus.
Tànger 122-140. 08018 Barcelona
Phone: (34) 93 542 24 11/ 12 64 
Fax: (34) 93 542 24 11
e-mail: oma.poblenou@upf.edu

Public opening hours:

Monday to Thursday, 10:00-13:00 and 15:30 to 17:30h
Friday, 10:00-13:00h

You can also carry out the following processes:

-Renew your study permit:

Info (CAST) - Info (ENG)  - Form: http://www.mir.es/SGACAVT/modelos/extranjeria/modelos_extranje/ex_11.pdf


-According to the new "Ley de extranjería (Ley orgánica 2/2009)", taxes must be paid (16,32 euros) before applying for the renovation of your study permit. You can download the document at the Ministerio webpage, tick 1.b, fill it in with your personal data, print it and go to any bank to pay before handing it in our office when you apply for the renovation of the study permit.

-Please be aware that you can start the process of renewal within the 60 days prior to the study permit expiration date. Furthermore, the office of foreign affairs will not be renewing any expired study permit. If this is your case, you will need to apply for a new student visa.

-Apply for a return permit:

If you have to leave the country and your card is being renewed, you can apply for authorization to be able to re-enter the country provided your card has already expired. This authorization allows you to leave and re-enter the country within 90 days.


-According to the new "Ley de extranjería (Ley orgánica 2/2009)", taxes must be paid (1o euros) before applying for the return permit. You can download the document at the Ministerio webpage, tick 1.i, fill it in with your personal data, print it and go to any bank to pay before handing it in our office when you apply for the return permit.

Info (CAST) - Info (ENG) - Form: http://www.mir.es/SGACAVT/modelos/extranjeria/modelos_extranje/ex_08.pdf 

For further information, please check the website of the "Secretaría de Estado de Inmigración y Emigración" - Ministerio de Trabajo e Immigración, and the Servei Català d'Ocupació (SOC) of the Government of Catalonia.

Last updated 26-09-2010
© Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona