McAfee Initiative to Fight Cybercrime

Additional Resources

McAfee whitepapers and reports

Avert Labs articles, blogs, and research

Press releases and related content

McAfee's Security Advice Center

Treaties and laws

  • The Council of Europe's Convention on Cybercrime
    This is the world's first international treaty on cybercrime, intended to harmonize the world's cybercrime legislation. To date, 43 countries have signed this treaty to leverage it within their own country's laws relating to the treatment of various forms of cybercrime.

  • U.S. Cybercrime Bill, the Identity Theft Enforcement and Restitution Act
    Passed and signed by the U.S. President into law in September 2008, this Act among other things compensates identity theft victims, eliminates the requirement that damage to a victim's computer must be at least 5,000 before a prosecution can be pursued; and makes damage to 10 or more protected federal government or financial institution computers within the same year a felony.