{{cleanup-date|September 2005}} '''Johanan ben Nappaha''' was a follower of Judah_ha-Nasi, and believed it to be his duty to carry on the writing of the Jerusalem_Talmud. He started a school in Tiberias, and did something that was quite controversial at the time by letting anybody into his school if they wanted to learn. He was a practical and liberal man, and much loved by his people. He laid the foundations for the Yerushalmi (Jerusalem Talmud) and gives many traditions relating to the destruction of the Second_Temple. His colleague, Simeon ben Lakish, was also his brother-in-law. He was the first person to disagree with some of the Mishnah and want it changed. He was a very independent man and a creative thinker. Succeeding Johanan ben Napaha as head of the Tiberias school was Eleazar ben Pedat. Category:Ancient_Jewish_Roman_history {{Judaism-bio-stub}}