Filipinos in Israel

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Filipinos constitute one of the largest groups of immigrant workers in Israel. Israel is home to a substantial population of foreign workers (300,000).[1]


[edit] Migration history

In 2009, Israeli finance minister Yuval Steinitz blamed the population for "widening of social gaps".[1] Reliable figures regarding the number of Filipinos in Israel are hard to come by as the government is often concerned about non-Jewish immigration into Israel. However many Filipinos are known to work in the service and agricultural industries. Following the second intifada, Israel tightened security for Palestinian workers dramatically; this led, some say, to a large rise in Filipino, and other east Asian, immigrants in order to fill the gaps in the labour market.[citation needed]

Recent plans to attempt to deport large numbers of Filipinos and other immigrant workers from Israel have caused much international concern.[2] Many children of Filipino workers were born in Israel, and speak Hebrew rather than Tagalog as their first language.[3]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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