D'Oraita and D'Rabbanan

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D'Oraita (דאורייתא) and D'Rabbanan (דרבנן) are two terms used extensively in discussion and text relating to Jewish law. The former refers to halachic requirements that are biblically mandated, while the latter refers to halachic requirements that are rabbinically mandated.

Examples of the application of these two terms abound. One such application appears in the laws relating to Grace after meals. There are four blessings contained within the Grace after Meals, and while the first three are biblically mandated, the fourth blessing was added much later on in Jewish history and is rabbinically mandated.[1] The first three blessings would thus be referred to as D'Oraita and the last blessing would be referred to as D'Rabbanan. While this distinction had practical ramifications in the Talmudic era in terms of certain instanced in which someone might be exempt from reciting the fourth blessing, these distinctions are now purely academic.

Another example are the commandments regarding the famous phrase "Thou shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk." From this, many laws of kashrut are derived by the rabbis. One might think this would make it D'Rabbanan because it was derived by the rabbis, but the laws are actually D'Oraita because they originally come the Torah.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Bavli Brachot 45b