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Programmes and Fellowships

Doctoral Programme (Ph.D.) with Grants

The Ph.D. programme offered in the EUI’s four departments leads to an internationally recognized doctorate. In the first and second years researchers attend seminars and carry out research. During the third and fourth years they are expected to write up their research and defend the thesis. Researchers are supervised at all stages of the programme.

Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies

The Max Weber Programme is the largest postdoctoral programme for young academics in the social sciences in Europe. It is funded by the European Commission and supports fellows to develop a succesful academic career.


The EUI hosts a number of fellowships for both young and senior academics. These are Max Weber Fellowships, Jean Monnet Fellowships at the RSCAS, and the Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships. It also hosts externally funded postdoctoral fellowships, such as Marie Curie, Canon Foundation, and the Academy of Finland.

Master of Laws (LL.M.)

The EUI offers a Master of Laws (LL.M.) programme in Comparative, European and International Law. This one-year programme aims to develop legal knowledge and analytical skills in a stimulating interdisciplinary environment. LL.M. participants may apply to continue on to the Ph.D. programme. 

Summer Schools

The EUI also organizes a number of Summer Schools. These include the Academy of European Law’s two annual summer programmes in European Union Law and in Human Rights Law, and specific schools such as the 19th ECPR Standing Group Summer School hosted by the Department of Political and Social Sciences in 2009.


Page last updated on 15 September 2010

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