Frequently asked questions, Tutorials, and Help

FAQ: Fair Use - Using text and images from another site in your review

Rules and whatnot when citing work in your review

2010-10-11 10:39

FAQ: Shooting Video for CDX reviews

How to shoot video and embed on YouTube or other services

2010-10-11 10:39

FAQ: Taking photos the CDX way

The how-to guide to getting started photographing your toys. Useful for new reviewers.

2010-10-11 10:39

FAQ: How to embed high-quality youtube video to reviews

How to embed high-quality youtube video to articles. Updated for HD

2010-10-11 10:42

FAQ: How to post news on CDX

How to post news on CDX...

2010-10-11 10:43

FAQ: Adding images to reviews and articles

Adding images to articles and reviews using the Gallery2 Image tool

2010-10-11 10:43

FAQ: Modifying your profile

Tips on modifying your profile

2010-10-11 10:42

FAQ: Common Questions

Answers to your most common questions.

2010-10-11 10:47

FAQ: How to add your collection to CollectionDX

Adding your collection is free and easy. Just follow these simple steps:

2010-10-18 20:36

FAQ: Preparing Images for CollectionDX

We have a few basic guidelines when preparing images for inclusion on CollectionDX.

2010-10-11 10:47

FAQ: Using the G2 Filter

This special bit of code, when inserted in between paragraphs, allows you to display images from the gallery in the middle of a review or other text area.
2010-10-11 10:47

FAQ: Publishing a review on CollectionDX

I allow certain people to publish their own reviews, solely based on if I trust them or not. Trust is gained by being a personal friend, or past contributions to CollectionDX. If you want to publish your own material on CollectionDX, and you don't meet the above criteria, you can contact me about doing a few reviews first. ANYONE CAN SUBMIT A REVIEW, but not everyone can publish it themselves. Please contact me to inquire about doing a review.

2010-10-11 10:41

FAQ: How do I find and buy items from Japanese sites?

Before you get started with any of this, it is recommended that you make sure your browser can display Japanese character sets. To test this, go to any Japanese site listed below and see if the characters display correctly. You can do some of this "blind" without the character set, but it's tough.
2010-10-11 10:46

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