
MC15 offers two web interfaces

Library Server

Enable the Library Server


A simple interface to control MC using a browser on a PC or a smart phone.

The URL is the name of the computer running MC, the port and the name of the application.




A simple web interface to play the music on the PC or smart phone

If you select a song, it is downloaded to the device.

On my HTC (Win Mobile, yes I know it sucks) everything is converted to MP3.

A bitrate of 139 kbs is reported.


If you forward the port on your router to the PC running MC you can access the library over the internet.

Using MC on the remote you can connect to the library.

Using WebPlay you can play the content.

Using WebRemote you can remotely control MC


At the moment MC15 comes with one default skin for WebRemote and WebPlay.

As they run in a browser, you can easily adjust the CSS to create your own skin.


In C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 15\Data\WebPlay there is a folder Default

Make a copy e.g. MySkin and fool around.

In my case the fonts are a bit to big for my HTC.


body, input
font-size: 10pt;
font-family: "georgia", "times new roman", serif;
color: #333333;


Changing 10pt into 6 did the job as all other fonts are defined in em (relative size)

Fontsize 6pt