Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Magical moments of mediocrity.

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"The true state of the Self, the soul, is bliss,
wisdom, love, peace. It is to be happy that
no matter what you are doing you enjoy it. Isn't
that much better than to blunder through the
world like a restless demon, unable to find
satisfaction in anything?"

~Paramahansa Yogananda~

[Sep 30 2002, last modified Dec 01 2010]

(+11)(+11) A Baker's Day in San Francisco
(+8) An Un-temporary Farewell
(+21, -7)(+21, -7) Angels on my front walk
(+7, -1) Animal Squares
(+4, -1) Armourettes
(+10, -3) Beat My Blunder
(+11)(+11) Bowling for Nutcrackers
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Chanting Wheels
(+8, -2) Claire Chair
(+5, -1) Custom Mummies
(+9, -1) Dawg Bells
(+7, -2) Dog Walking Shoe Laces
(+4) Elbow Grease
(+3) Full On Heating Pad Helmet
(+8) Hefty Leaves
(+15, -2)(+15, -2) Ho Ho Ho, let it snow...
(+24, -3)(+24, -3) Kitchen Hoodies
(+6, -1) Larvae Lamp
 Life's Little Karma Display Board
(+6, -1) Merry-Go-Round Playground
(+10)(+10) Nerf Kitchenware
(+20, -5)(+20, -5) Now you see it, now you don't
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Popeye The Opera
(+34, -4)(+34, -4)(+34, -4) Professional Doodling Contests
(+6, -1) Red Reubins
(+7) Remote Controlled Toilet Paper
 Reusable Bread Crumbs
(+12)(+12) Roller Coasters
(+9, -6) Royal Bail Out
(+6, -1) St. Patrick's Day Masquerade Parade
(+17)(+17) The Daily Bird
(+21)(+21) The Goth Squad
(+15, -4)(+15, -4) The Invisible Tattoo
 The Library Of No Pants
(+16, -2)(+16, -2) The Lingerie Fairy
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) The Stick em up Coaster
(+15, -5)(+15, -5) To Peace
 Toothpaste Sandwiches
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) United Airline's Goose-along, Goose-be-gone

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