2 Rossi Street

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Building in 2008 (in right)

Rossi Street, is located in St Petersburg, Russia, and is named after the architect Carlo Rossi. The building at address number 2, is situated on the corner of Ostrovsky Square and Rossi Street, and has extended facades on both sides.


[edit] History

In the middle of 18th century this territory was occupied with domestic constructions and gardens of Vorontsov's Palace and Anichkov Palace. In the end of 18th century is part is sold under building to private persons. Design works on area reconstruction are begun in 1816 by Committee for structures and hydraulic works.

All five houses along the street projected and built with 1828 on 1834 Russian architect Carlo Rossi , this house have constructed in 1832.[1] Building facades has remained practically without changes.

The house has initially been constructed as profitable Department of destinies of Ministry of an imperial court yard. In due time on the ground floor benches of merchants names Dejter, Kolpakov, Nizovsky and porcelain, glass and paper factories here settled down.[1]

Building in the beginning of 20th century

Merchants of Gostini dvor have counted opening of new floor spaces by threat for the activity and have submitted to Nikolay I the petition about their protection against a competition. In 1836 the highest order on building transfer under management of Management of imperial theatres has arrived. Architect A.K.Kavos has executed the project of change of a facade for new mission: arcades have been put, arches are transformed into window niches. Also interiors have been changed and create halls for the St. Petersburg Imperial theatrical school (now called Vaganova Ballet Academy) are created.

In street court yard alterations were repeatedly made. Per 1890-1891 in a court yard of this house under the project of architect Alexander Geshvend has been constructed a warehouse of scenery of ballet troupe of Management of imperial theatres.

In time of Second World War (1941–1945) in there was the staff of the Leningrad military district for which buildings in an average part the concrete bunker has been constructed settled down. In 1999 within the limits of works on an accomplishment under control Committee on town-planning and architecture of city had been spent works at this house. Under the project "Architectural workshop - TRI" street sidewalks have been paved by plates of a grey and red granite which are made in large cards. Entrances to street gates are carried out on special inclined ramps which are executed from stone blocks.

Russian: К 2006 году здание пришло в аварийное состояние, что стало угрожать безопасности учащихся, поэтому было принято решение ремонтировать Вагановское училище за счет городских средств. На сегодня значительная часть помещений уже отреставрирована, работы ведутся на хорошем уровне. К тому же, за счет переоборудования удалось увеличить площадь здания на 3200 квадратных метров, что позволит решить проблему нехватки помещений для занятий
Translated: By 2006 the building has come to an emergency condition that began to threaten safety of pupils, the decision to repair Vaganova Ballet Academy building at the expense of city means therefore was accepted. For today the considerable part of premises is already restored, works are conducted at good level. Besides, at the expense of re-equipment it was possible to increase the building area by 3,200 square metres that will allow to solve a problem of shortage of premises for employment.[2]

Valentina Matviyenko, Governor of Saint Petersburg.

In the end of 2007 it has been declared forthcoming reconstruction of a building with possible construction of penthouses,[3] their building has been confirmed later and to 2009 they have been constructed.[2] In August 2009 repair terms have been put - the first stage should be handed over by the December, 2009, the second turn by December, 2010.[4]

[edit] Peoples memory

On this house the memorable signs devoted to various art workers and arts are established.

[edit] Ulanova monument

Galina Ulanova's monument, created by the sculptor Elena Janson-Manizer in 1936 has rich history. It has been established on Yelagin Island in the Central recreation park of a name of Kirov in 1936. There it has staid to the middle 1980s when its condition has considerably worsened also it has been dismantled and placed in spare funds of Yelagin Palace.[5]

To celebrating the 300th anniversary of Saint Petersburg foundation employees of Vaganova Ballet Academy have found for a sculpture in museum store rooms. Under own initiative and at own expense Academy has restored a monument and has accepted it on responsible storage. The rector of Academy L. N. Nadirov became the basic initiator of installation of a monument.[5]

The sculpture has been established in a court yard of Vaganova Ballet Academy, it has occurred by 94th anniversary from the date of a birth of the great Russian ballerina on January, 8th, 2004. The sizes of a statue is 233 x 107 x 65 sm, pedestal height is 140 sm[5]

[edit] Memorial boards

Translate Author information Place In Russian
Marius Ivanovich Petipa
Here, in rehearsal halls of the St.-Petersburg Imperial ballet troupe and theatrical school, since 1847 on 1905 there passed Marius Ivanovich Petipa's creative activity, the great Russian ballet master, the actor, the teacher 1993, architect is D. L. Kalinin, electroplating In a building Здесь, в репетиционных залах Санкт-Петербургской Императорской балетной труппы и театрального училища, с 1847 г. по 1905 г. проходила творческая деятельность Мариуса Ивановича Петипа, великого русского балетмейстера, артиста, педагога
Vera Arkadevna Michurina-Samoilova
In this house since 1917 the vein, worked and in 1948 has died the national actress of the USSR Vera Arkadevna Michurina-Samoilova 1950. architect is Smirnov N. I, sculptor is Dydykin N. V., marble On a building facade В этом доме с 1917 г. жила, работала и в 1948 г. скончалась народная артистка СССР Вера Аркадьевна Мичурина-Самойлова

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b On July, 1st, 1832 newspaper "Severnaya pchela" (Translated: Northern bee) has published announcements of letting of benches and apartments in this house
  2. ^ a b "Restoration of a building of Vaganova Ballet Academy will come to the end of 2010 Russian: Реставрация здания Академии имени Вагановой завершится в 2010 году" (in ru). Referring to Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (TV Kultura). 2009-08-19. Archived from the original on 2009-09-04. http://www.webcitation.org/5jXWpOijq. Retrieved 2009-08-23. 
  3. ^ "On Vaganovka there can be penthouses Russian: На Вагановке могут появиться мансарды" (in ru). City (fontanka.ru). 2007-12-19. Archived from the original on 2009-09-04. http://www.webcitation.org/5jXWlENOV. Retrieved 2009-08-21. 
  4. ^ "The governor of Petersburg: at restoration of Vaganovsky school it is necessary to keep within the estimate Russian: Губернатор Петербурга: при реставрации Вагановского училища надо уложиться в смету" (in ru). City (fontanka.ru). 2009-08-19. Archived from the original on 2009-09-04. http://www.webcitation.org/5jXWnif8H. Retrieved 2009-08-21. 
  5. ^ a b c "Ulanova monument" (in ru). Encyclopedia of Saint Petersburg. Archived from the original on 2009-09-04. http://www.webcitation.org/5jXWmWkaL. Retrieved 2009-08-17. 

[edit] External links

"Building of Vaganova Ballet Academy Russian: Здание Академии русского балета имени А. Я. Вагановой" (in ru). Vaganova Ballet Academy. Official Cite. http://www.vaganova.ru/page.php?id=13&pid=6. Retrieved 2009-08-21. 

Coordinates: 59°55′50″N 30°20′10″E / 59.930504°N 30.336015°E / 59.930504; 30.336015

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