Chat Guide

New And Improved Guide to #site19

Newer and Even More Improved Guide to to the SCP Foundation IRC Chatrooms.

Hello kids! Today we're going to talk about the SCP Foundation IRC chatrooms, and the rules and expectations therein! All of our chatrooms are IRC channels in the SynIRC irc network. If you don't know what anything I just said means, you can find some help here:

For further information: Google is a lovely and welcoming friend.

For the purposes of this guide, we'll be focusing only on #Site19, General Chat. The other IRC channels have their own rules and administration, talk with an operator there if you have any questions.

Introduction to #Site19

#site19 is open to all: you don't have to be a site member to join. It's a great place to talk about SCPs, get advice about your article, and the like. It's an even better place to socialize with members of the site from around the world, including some of our oldest and most involved members. The chat, like the wiki, has a variety of rules that you will be expected to follow. Claiming ignorance of a rule is never a proper defense, so let's go over them quickly.

General Principles

  • When in doubt, apply Wheaton's Law: Wheaton's law states, quite simply, "Don't be a dick." So if you're doing something, and it makes you a dick? Don't do it. That covers 90% of everything in the rules below.
  • These rules are by no means exhaustive: No set of rules can cover every possible situation. That doesn't mean that just because something is left out in these rules, it's not important. Where there is any doubt, the decision of the mod is final.

Chat Behavior

  • No Spamming: This is one of the most bannable offenses we come across in the chat. Anything where you disrupt the flow of the chat by making repeated posts with no content is considered spamming. This includes advertising other sites or products, by the way.
    • On a related note: do NOT feed the trolls. Don't encourage disruptive behavior, don't comment on it. Just ignore it as best you can and move on. Feeding trollish behavior is trolling in itself.
  • Be Civil: Anything excessively derogatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, et cetera, will not be tolerated. This being the internet, we do expect people to play around, even disagree with each other, but flaming and nasty behavior is strictly discouraged.
  • Leave your baggage at the door: Disagreements outside the chat should stay outside the chat. This is not Facebook. We're not interested in your personal drama.
  • Be Understandable: This is a writing community. The primary language is English. We expect you to use the language properly so we can understand you. This also applies to your chat nickname: Names with unnecessary numbers or alternative characters in them are discouraged though not strictly prohibited. Don't use colored text in chat. Don't spam. Don't use excessive formatting.
  • Maturity: The SCP Foundation is a creepypasta wiki that covers some fairly mature subject matter. We expect chat users to be able to handle the same level of mature subject matter. For this reason, children under the age of 14 are strictly forbidden from entering the chat.
    • On that note, any NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content MUST be tagged as such. This applies even if you think it's obvious from the link name: tag ALL NSFW content.
  • Respect the Mods and Admins: The mods and admins in #site19 are, for the most part, not evil. They're there to keep the chat moving smoothly and to deal with any problems as they come up. Don't make their life harder. If a mod tells you to drop a subject, drop it immediately: don't get in the last word, don't say one more thing, just stop and move on.
    • In particular: if a mod is carrying out disciplinary actions, that is not the time to make stupid smartass comments. It's also not the time to play "Mod Jr." Treat it as you would a car accident when the cops have already arrived: you stay out of the way and let the people in charge do their job.
    • If you think a mod or admin is abusing their power, tell someone. Start with a different mod or admin first. The final authority in the chat is Clef, the Chat Owner: report any serious misuses of authority to him.

Discussion Suggestions.

The primary purpose of #site19 is the discussion of the SCP Foundation wiki and its related works. Secondary discussions, like socializing and such, are also allowed, but not to the detriment of the main subject. In particular, politics and religion are hot-button topics that tend to dominate when they get brought up: it is up to the chat operators to decide if a topic has gone too far and too long and should be stopped. The decision of the operator is final.

The following subjects have been done to death, and we're sick and tired of hearing about it:

  • Decommissioning anything.
  • Killing SCP-682
  • Saving SCP-231
  • Putting stuff into SCP-914
  • Quoting Shakespeare around pooryoric
  • Pinging Break
  • Talking about Chechens in front of Waxx
  • Talking about FATAL in front of Clef

The following memes and subjects are not appreciated here. Don't bring them up. If you don't know what these are, don't ask in the chat, but instead PM someone, or google it.

  • Zalgo

In addition, several prominent site users left under inauspicious circumstances. We're not interested in talking badly about people behind their backs, so please don't ask what happened to them. If you must know, PM someone instead of bringing it up in public.

One last note: #site19 is a strictly out of character environment. No roleplaying is to be done here. If you must roleplay, we have a variety of wonderful roleplaying chatrooms to participate in: ask an Admin or Mod for more details.

Secondary Chatrooms

The following chatrooms are associated with the SCP Foundation Wiki and #site19:


  • #scpactiveduty - Active Duty RP (IRC roleplay based on the SCP Foundation.)
  • #activedutyooc - Active Duty out-of-character chat
  • #wandererslibrary - Serpent's Hand RP (IRC roleplay based on supernatural entities.)
  • #libraryooc - Serpent's Hand out-of-character chat


  • #scpminecraft - All discussion of the game Minecraft takes place here, plus some shenanigans every now and then.


  • #site17 - Wiki moderation and administration. Restricted to wiki admins and moderators only.
  • #site35 - Chat operation. Restricted to #site19 chat operators and half-ops only.


Aside from the two following, do not bring any bots into this chat. Do not abuse bot functions by spamming commands. If you must, PM the bot instead.

  • Grapewhistle is the latest in chatbot technology and has subsumed Nala's functions. Grapewhistle performs lookup-by-number (SCP-173, or !SCP-173 when embedded in text), search-by-title (!search cat), dice-rolling (!roll 2d6: do not abuse), reporting the last time someone said something in chat (!seen Clef), and a multitude of other helpful and unhelpful functions for which there is not space here. (For a full list of commands, type "/msg grapewhistle !help".) Grapewhistle is maintained by Gnosis.
  • Nala provided a variety of features within the chat, many of which were previously performed by Magic-8_Ball, AKA Alanna, and many of which are now performed by Grapewhistle, AKA Grapewhistle. Nala was maintained by Mackenzie (Aelanna in chat), and is kept in reserve for when Grapewhistle goes down.

The following bots are no longer active in this chatroom.

  • Hatbot was a chatbot that uses Markov chains to learn to converse with the rest of the chat. He was frequently a source of simultaneous headache and hilarity, but soon proved to be overly disruptive, as chat users would spend their time feeding him lines, often times overriding other users with actual questions and concerns. For that reason, hatbot has been taken offline for the time being. Hatbot was maintained by seisatsu.

If you have any further questions:

Contact a chat mod or admin. If they have time, they should be able to give you an answer. If they don't they can point you to someone who can.

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