Join This Site

Who can join?

Anyone, from around the world and any walk of life, can join the SCP Foundation. We are always looking for qualified personnel with creativity and an interest in the strange and unexplained to contribute.

Joining allows you to take part and read the discussions on both the forums, and the discussion pages of the SCPs themselves. It also allows you to create and edit pages.

Once a week, the questions will be changed. If you have been denied, you may reapply one week after you were denied. If you do not fill out the forms properly,your application will have to be resubmitted. Make sure you do all the steps in order, within a short period of time. If I get one piece in, without the other pieces, you will be denied. If all you do is the application, you will never known you have been denied.

The most you should expect to wait is 72 hours. Most applications are answered in 12 to 24 hours. If you feel your application has slipped through the cracks, contact Bright, Yoric, or Gerald on either the wiki, or the chat.


Application Process

  • Step-1- Read -all- the steps before continuing.
  • Step-2 - Begin by creating a profile. It's free and only requires a valid email. You will receive no spam. This step is not joining the site, it's just joining Wiki-dot.
  • Step-3 -Send a wikidot Private message to the account 'DrBright,' with the title 'Application' and in the message field give an idea for a new SCP. It doesn't have to be good, it doesn't have to be original, it just has to be sent.
  • Step-5 - Go fill out the application form here. Read the questions carefully, and answer them fully. Please answer in long format, there is no character limit for any of these questions. Excessively short answers will be taken as wrong. All questions must be answered COMPLETELY. Any version of 'I don't know' will result in an AUTOMATIC rejection of your application. If you do this step, and not the step below, your application will be denied with out a message to tell you why.
  • Step-6 - Come back here and use the form below to actually apply to join this site. Put in whatever you feel will help you be approved, and then click apply. IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE THIS STEP, YOU CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR MEMBERSHIP. If you have been previously denied, you must first go to 'my account' and withdraw your application request, before re applying here.

If you manage to complete this step, you will get a notification of approval or rejection. This notification will come to your wikidot Private Message.

  • Step-7 -Do not do Step Three. If you do Step Three, you will be rejected.

You need to have a account and be signed to apply for membership.

if you already have a account


it is worth it and is free

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