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Growth Servicing Plan

Sydney Water’s Growth Servicing Plan for 2010-2015 is our plan for the delivery of water, wastewater and recycled water infrastructure to service urban growth over the next five years. It outlines where Sydney Water is delivering infrastructure, and how we are meeting the NSW Government’s development timetable.

The plan provides a short-medium term growth expenditure servicing strategy to the development industry. It reflects the forecast lot production changes from the Department of Planning’s 2008/9 Metropolitan Development Program, Illawarra Urban Development Program and data on employment lands.

It is released around September each year.

Section Title/link
1. Introduction and the Growth Servicing Plan (PDF - 341KB)
2. Maps (PDF - 7481KB)
3. Tables (PDF - 371KB)
4. Appendices (PDF - 261KB)

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