
A mobile app made solely for stalking and voyeurism


  • Developer: color
  • Release Date: 03/2011


An iphone app which allows you to broadcast your photos to those with physical proximity. The app provides no security filters of any kind, so every image a user posts goes to all of the users in the physical proximity of each other. The trolling applications are huge.

Color says that because it uses proximity that only people in your vicinity will see you, but this has already been hacked with the use of GPS spoofing apps on the iPad. The possibility for color hacking and trolling rivals that of grindr.

Many early adopters complained that they logged in to color the first time and the app was blank because no one around them had color. This led many to simply abandon the app and not use it, meaning when others signed on they also got an empty screen.

Because it is proximity based, many photos shared on color are of other people taking photos and posting them on color, which leads to many images of rooms full of people holding their phones up trying to take more pictures. This essentially turns color into an endless stream of people taking pictures of people taking pictures.

How to Hack Color and Spy on Everyone

  1. Jailbreak your iPad or iPhone
  2. Install the color app
  3. Install FakeLocation app
  4. Alter your location to find interesting pictures

Location choices tend to be places where there are early adopters of the app, as it has been criticized for not having enough presence to present good images. Things like private, gated neighborhoods, office campuses of high tech companies and just about anywhere in Las Vegas tends to do well.

Post the undercover photos below.

Current status

Lots of speculation and commentary going on about it, but no real progress. When the company received $40 million in venture funding, the startup community had a meltdown. As of April 2011, color has made no money and released no plans for monetization.


  • Streaming pictures of people taking pictures
  • Spending lots of money and making none
  • Pleasing voyeurs and exhibitionists
  • Sparking talk of another "tech bubble"


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