Oh Internet:Current events

Put current events here that should be covered or are breaking.

Tim Buckley dun goofs with racist joke - 15/04/2011

On 15th April 2011, Tim released a comic which was considered racist via his series Ctrl Alt Del. The comic involved the robot Zeke wearing a black face and one of them making an offensive stereotypical remark. Although soon the comic was found and argued about, Buckley immediately took it down however it still can be viewed here.

He then re-released the comic and made the racism slightely more subtle, but also kept it with a huge dosage of unfunny. However he took it down once more and re-released it with just minor word change.

In the wake of the shitstorm, Buckley disabled anyone from registering on the forums. He then tried to apologize using tl;dr, ultimately failing to get people to cry for him.Sirmudkipz 07:53, 15 April 2011 (CDT)

Mojang to sue ProjectorGames - 16/04/2011

Mojang, the developer who brought you Minecraft, a game which was inspired by the block building sandbox game Infiniminer, is suing developer ProjectorGames over their game FortressCraft, a block building sandbox game inspired by MineCraft. Ironic huh?

News articles can be found here: http://n4g.com/news/744640/minecraft-to-sue-fortresscraft http://vvgtv.com/2011/04/15/voice-of-indie-xblig-news-minecraft-sues-fortresscraft/

--Sirmudkipz 05:38, 16 April 2011 (CDT)

British govt. learns about PDFs - 18/04/2011

They released a sensitive document about nuclear submarines to the public. Some text was redacted (blacked out) in the PDF. Instead of removing the sensitive text, they just make the background black, leaving the text. So anyone could just copy and paste the "hidden" text, etc.

Link: http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2011/04/18/how-not-to-redact-a-pdf-nuclear-submarine-secrets-spilled/

Lexx 10:09, 18 April 2011 (EDT)