Create, read, update and delete

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In computer programming, Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) are the four basic functions of persistent storage.[1] Sometimes CRUD is expanded with the words retrieve instead of read or destroy instead of delete. It is also sometimes used to describe user interface conventions that facilitate viewing, searching, and changing information; often using computer-based forms and reports. The term was likely first popularized by James Martin in a 1983 book titled "Managing the Data-base Environment".[2]


[edit] Database applications

The acronym CRUD refers to all of the major functions that need to be implemented in a relational database application to consider it complete. Each letter in the acronym can be mapped to a standard SQL statement:

Operation SQL
Read (Retrieve) SELECT
Delete (Destroy) DELETE

Although a relational database is a common persistence layer in software applications, there are numerous others. CRUD can be implemented with an object database, an XML database, flat text files, custom file formats, tape, or card, for example.

[edit] User interface

CRUD is also relevant at the user interface level of most applications. For example, in address book software, the basic storage unit is an individual contact entry. As a bare minimum, the software must allow the user to:

Without at least these four operations, the software cannot be considered complete. Because these operations are so fundamental, they are often documented and described under one comprehensive heading, such as "contact management" or "contact maintenance" (or "document management" in general, depending on the basic storage unit for the particular application).

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ InfoWorld | Developer World | REST and CRUD: the Impedance Mismatch | January 29, 2007 06:00 AM | By Martin Heller
  2. ^ James Martin, Managing the Data-base Environment, Prentice-Hall, 1983

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