The SCP Foundation

Classified Material Beyond This Point
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Featured Article

SCP-149 - The Blood Flies

Feel that itching? The one that started at the small, red bump on your arm and slowly worked its way up? That heavy, stuffy feeling in your nose? It's not allergies.

Featured Group

Marshall, Carter, and Dark ltd.

Here's a few stories about our favorite elusive club…

An Item of Interest:

Check out our Russian counterpart!

Translation avaliable through google here.


  • SCP Fronts - Facades used to cover up the organization.
  • SCP Library - Articles about SCP objects and non-SCP content


  • 4/25/11 Staff would like to remind all users that direct rips from other sources are not allowed on the SCP wiki and will be deleted with no voting process. In lighter news, our very own doctor Gears returned for a brief moment to post a new story. Check out elevator, if you're brave enough. Also, the sandbox wiki has been given a new custom subdomain, . So, feel free to adjust your bookmarks accordingly.
  • 4/18/11 Check out the great work being done by our Russian language sister site! They're interested in members who can assist with writing and or translation, so if you're cyrilically inclined ask a Staff member to help you get in touch.
  • 12/5/10 We've got a donation button on the side of the site, in order to help us fund our own ads! Check the forums for more information.
  • 1/12/10 Front Page has been revised: thanks to Mackenzie for fixing several broken bits.
  • 12/6/09 The Mass Edit is finished! Pages are once again creatable! Go forth and multiply!
  • 10/29/09 New questions up on the application. If you have been given the option of reapplying, now would be the time.
  • Archived News


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