Slonim (Hasidic dynasty)

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Derelict synagogue in Slonim

Slonim is a Hasidic dynasty originating in the town of Slonim, which is now in Belarus. Today, there are two Slonimer Rebbes, both in Israel. One in Jerusalem and the other in Bnei Brak. Colloquially, the Jerusalem side is called the "White" side and the Bnei Brak side is called the "Black" side, a reference to their political leanings, white meaning more liberal and black meaning more conservative in Haredi parlance. These names can also be attributed to the fact that when Slonim chasidim split into separate factions, the leader of one, Rabbi Sholom Noach Berezovski, had a white beard and the leader of the other, Rabbi Avraham Weinberg, had a black beard.

They are distinguished by different Hebrew spellings, the Jerusalem sect being known as סלונים and the Bnei Brak sect being known as סלאנים. They are two distinct groups today and have many differences between them.

The first Rebbe of Slonim was the author of Yesod HaAvodah.


[edit] Outline of Slonimer Dynasty

[edit] Spiritual legacy

[edit] Slonimer Rebbes

[edit] Main Hassidic Works of Slonim

In addition to those works revered by all Hassidim, the Slonimer Hassidim particularly revere the following books: Yesod HaAvodah, Divrei Shmuel, Beis Avraham, Birkas Avraham"Nachol Aiyson". The Slonimer Rebbes of Jerusalem have authored two tremendously popular Hassidic works, Nesivos Shalom, by the previous Slonimer Rebbe of Jerusalem, and Darchei Noam, by the present Slonimer Rebbe of Jerusalem. Nesivos Shalom is extremely popular even outside of Hassidic circles. The version of the siddur (Prayer Book) used by the Slonimer Hassidim is called "Siddur Magen Avraham".

[edit] Modern Day

Currently, there are approx. 1,300 Slonim families residing in Israel.[1] Recently, a dispute arose at the integration of Ashkenazi Slonim girls in a school with Sephardi girls. Over 50,000 ultra-orthodox Jews rallied in Israel to keep the groups separate, with the parents representing 40 families being jailed for their refusal to comply. The school in question is an Orthodox school in the Immanuel Jewish settlement in the northern West Bank. The families insist it is not a 'racial' issue, but rather that the "desire to remove their daughters from the influence of those less strict in their religious observance. Watching TV at home, having access to the internet and a more lax dress code among the Sephardic ultra-Orthodox have been cited."[2]

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Some 300,000 ultra-Orthodox rally in Israel
  2. ^ Jewish Mothers Fight Jail Over Segregation

[edit] Hasidic Dynasties

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