French Socialist party Julien Dray SOS Racisme corruption investigation

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Release date
January 14, 2009


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File size in bytes
File type information
PDF document, version 1.6
Cryptographic identity
SHA256 e052a17bbc1019b03db7125c94ce2ec3206e6167a880b35b3fdb2a1d15821ced
Description (as provided by our source)

1. The document has already been released a few hours earlier today on but is likely to be taken down quickly due to legal injunctions.

2. This file has been produced by an Anti-Corruption Government Agency during the ongoing investigation on Julien Dray and the SOS Racisme association. It shows who gave money and who received money from their corrupted system.

3. Anyone in the French public would want to see that.

4. L'Est Republicain (newspaper) may comment. The Government agency (TRACFIN) may give additional informations. Also, Julien Dray, his party (the Socialist Party), and the various unions and associations and individuals involved in the corruption scandal.

5. It was leaked to show the public what investigators currently know and how public figures have used public money for their own interest.

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