Groups Of Interest

The Foundation is not the only group with an interest and investment in the paranormal and metaphysical. There are many other groups in existence who possess, use, or attempt to create SCP objects, either for their own personal gain or for the protection of mankind. Some are rival organizations, some are splinter groups of the Foundation, and some are trusted associates of the Foundation. In any case, it has been deemed necessary to create and distribute a brief on what agencies the Foundation knows about, and our stance towards them.

Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution

Also known as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard or the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, the AGIR or IRG (depending on whom is asked) was developed as a separate but parallel military to the National Iranian Army. The intent was to create a secular military and a religious military to act as checks and balances to each other in the newly-formed Islamic Republic of Iran.

Since its inception in 1979, the IRG has taken on all paranormal investigation in Iran, and become the foremost paranormal agency in the Middle East. Iran had long been a hotbed of paranormal activity, but not until the inception of the IRG had there been an agency who had attempted to weaponize any of the paranormal artifacts in Iran.

The inherently religious nature of the IRG, combined with their sheer military force, willingness to use it on foreign agencies, and their perceived legitimacy in the international community makes them one of the most dangerous elements in a world filled with inexplicable forces.

A rogue operative known as Bijhan has retrieved documentation of the IRG's involvement with SCP-112, SCP-139 and SCP-215.

The Chaos Insurgency

The Chaos Insurgency is a splinter group of the Foundation, created by a rogue cell that went A.W.O.L. with several highly useful SCPs in 1924. Since then, the Insurgency has become a major player on the world stage, using the SCPs that it obtains for its own personal benefit, and to consolidate its global power base. The Insurgency not only deals in SCPs, but also in weapons running and intelligence gathering.

It makes use of dictator regimes in Third World countries, often using their populations in the same manner as the Foundation does D Class Personnel. Because of this, it helps to maintain the extreme poverty and war that is suffered by these countries, so that it can continue its radical experimentation, easy conscription of forces, and lucrative business deals with rebel factions.

Most of the SCPs possessed by the Insurgency are unknown, but of those that are known, the most notable are the "Staff of Hermes", an item capable of warping the physical and chemical properties of any matter it touches, and the "Bell of Entropy", an object that can cause a variety of destructive effects depending on where it is struck. Both of these SCPs were originally obtained at no small cost by the Foundation, and were stolen by the original founders of the Insurgency. The Insurgency also has a known association with SCP-355 and SCP-884.

The main base of operations of the Insurgency is unknown, as are its leaders. This organization is directly antagonistic to the Foundation, coming to clash over SCP several times. Personnel are made to be aware of possible raids, terrorist attempts, and spies from the Insurgency, and to notify command about any strange behavior of fellow personnel.

The Church of the Broken God

Shortly after the discovery and containment of SCP-882, several members of this "church" came forward and demanded the return of "the heart of god". Led by one Robert Bumaro, they are a group of zealots, believing many of the SCP items to be parts of a "god" that was broken after the creation of the universe. By restoring it to its whole state, they will also gain godhood. Since first contact, two other key components of the "god" have also been tentatively identified: SCP-217, and SCP-271.

They are extremely hostile to Foundation operatives, branding them "heretics", and will attempt to kill operatives and break containment of SCP items. It is unknown how they are able to detect these items, but they have shown their ability to do so with frightening accuracy. In addition, they have shown a remarkable ability to resist the mental effects of SCP items, notably SCP-882 and its "mental lure".

The Church is viewed as a threat to both the Foundation and SCP. Members are to be detained by force, or eliminated by whatever means deemed necessary by Foundation agents.

The Factory

Little is known about The Factory, except that they seem capable of manufacturing anomalous artifacts — and that they use mass-production techniques to do so.

Current known creations are SCP-248, SCP-585, SCP-719, SCP-720, SCP-721 and SCP-750.

Doctor Wondertainment

It is not known whether Doctor Wondertainment is an individual or an organization. All that is known is that Doctor Wondertainment is capable of producing anomalous artifacts and entities which thematically resemble children's toys.

Links to the Factory have been speculated but are unconfirmed.

Current known creations are SCP-445, SCP-549, SCP-905, SCP-909, SCP-913, SCP-917, and

The Global Occult Coalition (GOC)

The GOC was created in the aftermath of WWII, from the remnants of defecting Occultists, Psychics, Priests and Scientists from Nazi, Soviet and Allied states, brought together and formed by the Allies. As the world stage broadened, so too did the number of countries that had their hands in the GOC, until it became what it is today.

The GOC are a largely political force, seeing themselves as the police of the paranormal world. They pride themselves on destroying supernatural entities, and make use of the most high tech experimental technology possible, obtained from their benefactors. Many potential SCPs have been destroyed by them before the Foundation could obtain and contain them.

They have been both on the side of the Foundation, and against it at times, depending on the situation. They largely hold the Foundation in contempt for their use and containment of SCP rather than their out and out destruction. The GOC has respected the Foundation's formidable might enough to leave it mostly alone, although there have been some questionable incidents with which the GOC have strictly denied involvement.

Agents of the GOC are to be treated with suspicion.

Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.

A “club” based in London, England. Catering to the super-rich and with extensive political and financial ties worldwide, this group has caused extensive problems for the Foundation. Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. is known for collecting rare and obscure items, along with providing its members the most exclusive, expensive, and rare experiences available.

These activities have resulted in conflict with the Foundation on numerous occasions. The group is not known for the use of force; they prefer to apply extreme financial and political pressure to achieve their goals. When forced to use more direct means, Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. employs outside agents, and it is very difficult to connect said agents to the organisation.

Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. has caused several SCP containment breaches, primarily through the use of money or social pressure. Several reports, records, and even items have been leaked by Foundation personnel who had been approached with large amounts of money, or threats of extensive jail time or torture. Notably, two containment sites were almost brought to public attention after the Foundation refused access to members of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.

Information pertaining to Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd., such as the name of the director or even a list of members, has proven very difficult to acquire. Agents encountering members of this group are advised to maintain a cover story and not, for any reason, reveal Foundation ties or SCP information.


Little is currently known about the person, entity, or group known as "Nobody." First sighted in 1954, they have had numerous appearances since. There has only been one person seen at any given time, typically described as a male caucasian dressed in a grey suit and a fedora. If asked his identity, he replies that he's "Nobody." However, it is not known if this is the work of a single person or multiple agents of a single, unknown agency. Their agenda is currently unknown, sometimes helping the Foundation, sometimes hindering it. Caution is recommended if any field agents encounter an operative identifying themselves as "Nobody."

Prometheus Labs, Inc.

Prometheus Labs was founded by ██████ ██████ in 1892 as a scientific research and development corporation based in [EXPUNGED] who had over the years developed several potentially marketable products of a preternatural quality.

Prometheus Labs was regarded as a profit organization claiming to "develop technology and tools that would aid humanity to surmount the so far extrinsic realm of the paranormal". Despite posing no direct threat to the Foundation, Prometheus Labs was relatively reckless in their regimens and refused the Foundation's recommendation of special containment procedures for certain products that would warrant them.

On 01/09/98, one of Prometheus Labs' projects, [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in the annihilation of their base facility. In the aftermath, the Foundation swept over Prometheus Labs' ground zero and recovered several surviving products and personnel. Products were retrieved as SCPs and survivors inducted as Foundation personnel. The Foundation is currently attempting to establish contact with Prometheus Labs' branches and affiliates.

Objects recovered from the labs' ruins include SCP-148 and SCP-534.

The Serpent's Hand

The Serpent's Hand is a small but formidable organization responsible for several security breaches. At least three different individuals have been encountered, all of whom used possible or confirmed anomalous items for infiltration purposes (including SCP-268, which was stolen from the Foundation, who had in turn recovered it during a raid of a Chaos Insurgency facility). The total number of members belonging to this organization is unknown, as is their level of technology, number of possible SCPs held, or total level of threat. However, it is clear they are highly coordinated and possibly dangerous. Their leader is though to be a figure known only as "L.S.", who is thought to be personally responsible for two security breaches in Foundation sites.

The Foundation currently has very little information about the Serpent's Hand, and almost all known information about the Serpent's Hand has been leaked from the GOC intelligence. The group seems to embrace the use and existence of paranormal items, and in particular seems to embrace humanoid and sentient SCPs. The Serpent's Hand has been highly vocal in criticizing the containment and destruction of these SCPs, especially those which are fully human and are not particularly destructive.

The group seems to have unfriendly relations with the Chaos Insurgency and the AGIR, and an extremely hostile relationship with the GOC. The only recorded cases of unprovoked violence by Serpent's Hand members have been against GOC agents.

Refer to Security Breach Incident - X23.

Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU), Federal Bureau of Investigation

Disparagingly referred to as "X-Files" (after the television program starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson) by the larger FBI community, UIU was formed after the SCP-███ Containment Failure Incident brought the existence of paranormal activity to the public consciousness. Although later debunked as a ████ █████████ █████████, a rider attached to HR██████ by Representative ███████ ██████ of ██ (███) required the creation of a special FBI division devoted to rapid response to paranormal events and crimes. Since official protests by then-FBI Director ██████ would have drawn suspicion, UIU was formed on ██-██-████ to "research and react to paranormal activity".

Members of UIU are generally well-meaning, although their lack of effective resources and training often make them a liability in the field. Early attempts to recruit from UIU have met with dismal failure: as UIU is generally considered a dead-end career path, the unit tends to attract the lowest rung of FBI talent. Personnel who request a transfer to UIU voluntarily are few, and those who do generally exhibit high levels of credulity and gullibility. For this reason, UIU operatives are to be recruited at the same tier as normal FBI agents.

Should UIU obtain possession of a genuine SCP, SCP Personnel are required to contact Assistant Director ███████ at the ██████████, ██ office for retrieval and replacement with an inert substitute. The standard "Man in Black" concealment pattern is recommended for these scenarios, and for incidents where UIU is operating in the same theater as Foundation elements.

FBI agents operating for the UIU have engaged in combat operations with Foundation Operatives and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard as detailed in I.215.02 of the Bowe Commission Reports.

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