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America is strong

I definitely agree with President Obama when he said that we didn't need a rating agency to tell us we need a balanced, long-term approach...

Steps to recovery

A first step toward recovery is relatively simple. If President Barack Obama would stop his ideological approach to governing and make calls...

Cheering against ourselves

I'm willing to admit I'm a partisan. However, I refuse to cheer against the United States.

That whooshing sound

The whooshing sound that you hear is our financial futures being flushed down the toilet bowl. I was hoping for a different kind of change.

All she wrote

As Porky Pig used to say: D-d-d-d-debt's all, folks!

Remember Reagan?

Has anyone asked former President Cheney (sorry, "Vice President") if he still believes in his comment that "Ronald Reagan proved that...

Empty suit

Arguably with Harry Truman, World War II and the atomic bomb decision, the job made the man. With Obama we get a left hand thumb and...


Now that the S&P; Principal has spanked the students in the classrooms at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue – and the rest of America – it...

Reason for riots

Balancing the budget at the expense of programs to help the poor -- how is that working out in England right now? I hope the Republican...

Business section sense

The business section has been a riot lately. I'm convinced just about every story and quote is from someone trying to break into comedy or...

Invisible progress

The current stock market is reminiscent of the 2008 financial meltdown. A couple months ago, presidential hopeful Romney coined a...

Apples and Pop-Tarts

So, apples cost more than Pop-Tarts. We have brought ourselves into a situation where the cost of food has doubled back on logic. Why...

Take the bus!

Bravo to Steve Chapman for bringing to light the outrageous taxpayer subsidies for the ridiculous Essential Air Service Program.

Chicago hot dog heresy

Bad enough that Kevin Pang offends real Chicagoans by recommending ketchup on hot dogs in his Aug. 4 Dining Section piece, he also adds fuel...

Fighting for fiscal and physical health

For the past few months, Congress has been searching for ways to balance the budget. Congressman Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) has introduced one...

Republicans block important nominees

Since he has become President, the Republicans in the Senate have put "secret" holds on some of President Obama's appointments to head...

Reconsidering 1776

I am an American commoner; you know, one of the ex-colonials. Don't take offense; you see, colonial is a status that I relish and aspire to....

Political suicide

The four congressional caucus leaders will select twelve congressmen to make the necessary cuts to our national budget that will result in a...

Fractured representation

Our representatives in Washington are divided by wildly differing, and sometimes extreme, ideas about how to cure the ills of our country...

Failed liberal policies

The primary measure of liberal policy success should be poverty rate decline. After all, that single goal served as the core justification...

USPS can keep Saturdays

If one was to believe the recent propaganda by the Postmaster General, you would think the internet, the economy and the declining mail...

Finally over the Cubs

Despite the entreaty published recently to hire Ryne Sandberg as the next manager of the Chicago Cubs, I beg you not to hire the former...

A double-edged fix

Everybody seems to agree on two things, we need more jobs and less debt. So Consider this:

Obama trades followers

Well, yes, the President has lost support of liberal Democrats, but look at the good side. By doing the bidding of the Tea Party he will...

Slashing stipends just the beginning

Just returned from vacation and read the July 27 article "Emanuel slashes stipends for 2 city boards, looking at others." The board of local...

Forgotten by Republicans

I was interested in reading how the debt limit process has hurt the President. It seems to me that he was the only responsible adult in the...

Oak Street Park bathrooms

My family and I were in the Chicago area on vacation last weekend and had the opportunity to go for a swim at the Oak Street Park after a...

Public bathing ordinance

The front page Millennium Park fountain photo of the Meyer couple provided a welcome distraction to news on the economy. I smiled as I...

Debt drama headline

The August 3 headline of "Debt drama hurts Obama" should have read "Debt drama DISGUSTS all."

Big governments don't work

The compromises between Republicans and Democrats are a big failure resulting in an increase in the debt ceiling. As always, this result...

Presidential birthday

Debt Ceiling: President Obama is happy that the debt ceiling was raised, so happy that he plans to fly to Chicago (on the taxpayer dime) to...

Wake up call

If the recent spectacle brought to us by our Washington officials is not a wakeup call, nothing is! The enormity of the public debt...

Lesson from Rep. Giffords

Is Gabby Giffords the only member of Congress who takes her job seriously? It seems that her fellow members of Congress (morons) could take...

Quinn's truthfulness

The hopes and expectations of the majority of voters have been frustrated by the lack of truthfulness of our governor. He made promises in...

Vocabulary enormities

Your editorial ("Hold your applause," Editorial, Aug. 1) states that the American people are now "much more aware that the enormity of their...

Not seniors' fault

R. J. Samuelson is another of the lackeys hired to spread the big lie that somehow retirees are responsible for Republican presidents giving...

Tricky tickets

I, like many other Big Ten fans, was really excited that they were having a championship game, but I got even more excited when I learned...

Needing money now

The argument that conservatives use for cutting government spending is that future generations shouldn't be saddled with heavy debt. They...

A solution for the economy

As another announcement of a "compromise" fills the 24-hour news channels, it is clearly just another 98 percent concession to the rich...

Seniors deserve Social Security

Oh really, Robert J. Samuelson, Social Security is an entitlement? My husband and I have paid Social Security taxes for 45-plus years....

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