Arizona Law

Books Allegedly Banned From High School Being Smuggled Back To Arizona

The Huffington Post | Laura Steiner | Posted 02.02.2012 | Latino Voices

A caravan of cars, full of activists and writers will be heading soon from Houston, Texas, to Tucson, Arizona. It's cargo: books that were alleged...

Escaping DUI Charges Won't Fly Under Legislative Immunity Repeal Proposal

AP | By PAUL DAVENPORT | Posted 01.21.2012 | Politics

PHOENIX -- An Arizona senator gets in a fight with his girlfriend on a Phoenix freeway and avoids arrest. An Arkansas legislator leads officers on a h...

John Celock

Money For Recalled State Official Raises Legal Questions

HuffingtonPost.com | John Celock | Posted 01.11.2012 | Politics

The possibility of state reimbursement for the recalled Arizona Senate president has raised a series of legal questions, as Democrats gear up for the ...

Amnesty: It Is Not Too Late to Step Away From the Abyss

Ed Koch | Posted 05.25.2011 | New York

Ed Koch

Is the Justice Department saying the federal government is unable to keep our borders safe, not only from the criminals seeking to cross, but also from economic refugees?

McVeigh - Arizona

Jeff Danziger | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Jeff Danziger


Arizona Immigration Law Carries Peril For Both Democrats And Republicans

AP | LIZ SIDOTI | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

WASHINGTON — Backed into a corner by Arizona's tough new immigration law, Democrats and Republicans alike find themselves grappling with a volat...

No One Is Illegal: Boycott the Arizona Diamondbacks

Dave Zirin | Posted 05.25.2011 | Sports

Dave Zirin

I won't be boycotting the Diamondbacks merely because they are the team from Arizona. The organization is a primary funder of the state Republican Party, which drove this law through the legislature.

Tom Tancredo Says Arizona Immigration Law Goes Too Far, Still Supports It

Posted 05.25.2011 | Denver

UPDATE: In an interview with Westword, Tancredo says that he does NOT believe that the Arizona bill "would allow police to simply pull someone over be...

Unmelting Pot

John O'Kane | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

John O'Kane

We need more of the kind of education Arizona's recent education law seems intent on suppressing. One of its not-so-veiled targets is "critical thinking," a code for subversion to some on the sectarian fringe.

Hispanics Leaving Arizona In Advance Of Controversial Immigration Law's Enforcement

The Huffington Post | Nick Wing | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Arizona's controversial new immigration law may be prompting a mass dispersion of Hispanics -- both legal and illegal -- from the state. Though enfor...

The Latino 11th Commandment: Thou Shall Not Criticize the "Leaders"

Fernando Espuelas | Posted 05.25.2011 | Los Angeles

Fernando Espuelas

The Latino activist community has by any objective standard failed in its stated mission of achieving immigration reform.

Jason Linkins

Ohio Legislature Bans Human-Animal Hybrids

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

I don't think any of us will ever forget that time that President George W. Bush stood in front of Congress at the 2006 State of the Union Address and...

Shocker: Most Backers of Arizona Law Support Humane Immigration Reform

Frank Sharry | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Frank Sharry

How can voters enthusiastically support an Arizona law aimed at expelling undocumented immigrants and even more enthusiastically support immigration reform that puts undocumented immigrants on a path to citizenship?

Arizona Graduation Speech Criticizing Immigration Laws Elicits Boos, Jeers

Posted 05.25.2011 | College

University of Arizona associate professor Sandra Soto has come under intense criticism for talking about Arizona immigration laws in her graduation sp...

Recognizing the Human Rights of Immigrant Children

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana

To put children at the center of our arguments about immigration is to appeal to something beyond cold reason. Children are symbols of our future, and how we treat, view, care and talk about them matters for the nation we are.

Felipe Calderon Gets Standing Ovation In Congress After Condemning Arizona Immigration Law (VIDEO)

Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

Mexican President Felipe Calderon spoke before a joint session of Congress Thursday and received resounding applause after condemning Arizona's contro...

Eternal Vigilance

Sunil Adam | Posted 05.25.2011 | New York

Sunil Adam


An Open Letter To Arizona Senator Sylvia Allen

William Fisher | Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics

William Fisher

Let's agree that job one right now is to exert maximum political pressure on President Obama and Secretary Napolitano and those timid souls who we send to Congress. They can begin to clean up this mess. Arizona can't.