Sunday Morning Talk Shows

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 08.28.2011 | Media

Good morning everyone, and welcome to your Sunday Morning Liveblog of the political chat shows, Hurricane Irene edition. I hope all of you who are or ...

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 08.21.2011 | Media

My name is Jason and things look to be shinier than ever now that Rick Perry's jumped into the race, splashed around a little bit, threatened Ben Bernanke with corporal harm, and got everyone watching from the side of the pool to wonder, "Are you sure Paul Ryan won't run?"

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 08.14.2011 | Media

Hello everyone! Welcome to your Sunday Morning Liveblog! My name is Jason, and I was wondering: where were you when Michele Bachmann won the 2011 Ames Straw Poll?

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 08.08.2011 | Media

The difference between being standard and poor and being Standard And Poors is that everyone runs to the teevee cameras when the latter has something to say.

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 07.31.2011 | Media

Oh, hello there! Remember this? Your Sunday Morning, quickly-typed, snap-judgment infused semi-live blog of the terrible political chat shows? Well, m...

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 07.24.2011 | Media

Well, hello there! Welcome once again to your weekly liveblog of the Sunday Morning political prattlefests! My name is Jason, and once again, I am away from my desk, overseas on vacation.

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 07.17.2011 | Media

Hello and good morning people and welcome to your Sunday Morning liveblog of the Sunday morning political pundit power-yammer-jammer-yellow-hammer. My name is Jason and I am not here! Yes, as you probably know, I am on vacation.

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 07.10.2011 | Media

Good morning everyone, and welcome once again to your quickly-typed bang through the intellectual wasteland that is Sunday morning political television.

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 09.02.2011 | Media

Welcome to another edition of your quickly-typed recap/rundown of your least favorite shows on television, the Sunday Morning Politics-Themed Blatherfests.

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 08.19.2011 | Media

Happy Father's Day, and welcome to the latest edition of this quickly typed liveblog of political chat show hi-jinks that's secretly a blog about eschatology.

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 08.12.2011 | Media

We cut to Pawlenty and he is... uhm... murmuring something? Is he speaking in tongues? Is this the first ever mumblecore interview with a president?

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 07.29.2011 | Media

Excitement abounds today, as Amanpour mines America's two deepest veins of charisma -- Tim Pawlenty and Mitch Daniels, for president stuff.

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 07.22.2011 | Media

The exciting news today is that Mitch Daniels is not going to be running for president in 2012. The good news is that Herman Cain is here to tell us about his path to the White House.

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 07.15.2011 | Media

I'll let you know right now: Mike Huckabee is running for President. [WAIT, WHAT? SORRY EVERYONE! He is NOT running for President. First rule of liveblogging: never start typing until I've had coffee.

Maddow Rips Sunday Talk Shows For GOP Slant

Posted 07.10.2011 | Media

Rachel Maddow lit into the Sunday morning talk shows on her Monday show for their guest selection on their latest programs. Specifically, Maddow was s...

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 07.08.2011 | Media

What a week, right? A few hours after we parted ways on Sunday, the White House was freaking out reporters over a big announcement. Is it proper to celebrate the death of a man, even if it's a really bad man?

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 07.01.2011 | Media

Welcome to another version of your quickly-typed semi-liveblog of your various, Sunday political chat roulettes. My name is Jason. We've had quite a week of pseudo-events, haven't we? Royal weddings, and birth certificate reveals, and White House Correspondents' Dinners, and today the news media will almost certainly struggle to cover these stories alongside the more important ones they also struggle to cover, whilst omitting the ones they aren't smart enough to cover at all. And panels will discuss these things!

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 06.24.2011 | Media

Today Michael Bloomberg is here to hopefully not need to clear snow from the set, and also Rick Santorum is here, to convert Bloomberg to Christianity and maybe burn some witches or something.

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 06.10.2011 | Media

Hello and good morning and welcome once again for another edition of your Sunday morning political talk show and fast typing thingy. My name is Jason...

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 06.03.2011 | Media

Are we building up to an exciting announcement where Paul Ryan calls for the end to the War in Afghanistan? Let's see! No: statutory spending caps, which the GOP has famously fallen out of love with.

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 05.25.2011 | Media

What is the Congress going to do to stave off a government shut down? Well, their workin' it out with Smilin' Joe Biden. Maybe they'll just cut a few things each week?

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 05.25.2011 | Media

Good morning to one and all and welcome to your Sunday morning liveblog of the fast-typing and the political chit chat. My name is Jason, and today i...

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 05.25.2011 | Media

Good morning everyone and welcome to your Sunday Morning liveblog, where I mine the weekly political chat shows for four or five good one-liners and then hide them among several pages of spelling errors and weird emotions.

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 05.25.2011 | Media

Welcome to the liveblog of the political chitter-chat shows that we are forced to contend with in order to understand the minds of your political figures (addled) and the men and women who cover them (needy).

Jason Linkins

TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 05.25.2011 | Media

Ow, wow, people: Happy New Year and welcome to this, your first Sunday Morning Liveblog of 2011, and thus, THE FUTURE. Yes, today we have a new innov...