Wealth in the United States

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Total net worth of US households and nonprofit organizations 1945–2009, unadjusted for inflation or population change.
Year-on-year change in total net worth of US households and nonprofit organizations 1946–2007, unadjusted for inflation or population change.

Wealth in the United States is commonly measured in terms of net worth, which is the sum of all assets, including home equity, minus all liabilities.[1]

For example, a household in possession of an $800,000 house, $5,000 in mutual funds, $30,000 in cars, $20,000 worth of stock in their own company, and a $45,000 IRA would have assets totaling $900,000. Assuming that this household would have a $250,000 mortgage, $40,000 in car loans, and $10,000 in credit card debt, its debts would total $300,000. Subtracting the debts from the worth of this household's assets (900,000 - $300,000 = $600,000), this household would have a net worth of $600,000. Net worth can vary with fluctuations in value of the underlying assets.

The wealth—more specifically, the median net worth—of households in the United States is varied with relation to race, education, geographic location and gender. As one would expect, households with greater income feature the highest net worths, though high income cannot be taken as an always accurate indicator of net worth. Overall the number of wealthier households is on the rise, with baby boomers hitting the highs of their careers.[1] In addition, wealth is unevenly distributed, with the wealthiest 25% of US households owning 87%[2] of the wealth in the United States, which was $54.2 trillion in 2009.[3][4]


[edit] Income vs. Wealth

While income is often seen as a type of wealth in colloquial language use, wealth and income are two substantially different measures of economic prosperity. While there may be a high correlation between income and wealth, the relationship cannot be described as causal.

[edit] Changes in wealth, 1989–2001

When observing the changes in the wealth among American households, one can note an increase in wealthier individuals and a decrease in the number of poor households, while net worth increased most substantially in semi-wealthy and wealthy households. Overall the percentage of households with a negative net worth (more debt than assets) declined from 9.5% in 1989 to 4.1% in 2001.[1]

The percentage of net worths ranging from $500,000 to one million doubled while the percentage of millionaires tripled.[1] From 1995 to 2004, there was tremendous growth among household wealth, as it nearly doubled from $21.9 trillion to $43.6 trillion, but the wealthiest quartile of the economic distribution made up 89% of this growth.[3] During this time frame, wealth became increasingly unequal, and the wealthiest 25% became even wealthier.

According to US Census Bureau statistics this "Upward shift" is most likely the result of a booming housing market which caused homeowners to experience tremendous increases in home equity. Life-cycles have also attributed to the rising wealth among Americans. With more and more baby-boomers reaching the climax of their careers and the middle aged population making up a larger segment of the population now than ever before, more and more households have achieved comfortable levels of wealth.[1] Zhu Xiao Di (2004) notes that household wealth usually peaks around families headed by people in their 50s, and as a result, the baby boomer generation reached this age range at the time of the analysis.[3]

[edit] Changes in wealth after 2007

Household net worth fell from 2007 to 2009 by a total of $17.5 trillion or 25.5%. This was the equivalent loss of one year of GDP.[5] By the fourth quarter of 2010, the household net worth had recovered by a growth of 1.3 percent to a total of $56.8 trillion. An additional growth of 15.7 percent is needed just to bring the value to where it was before the recession started in December 2007.[2]

[edit] Mechanisms to gain wealth

Assets are known as the raw materials of wealth, and they consist primarily of stocks and other financial and non-financial property, particularly homeownership.[6] While these assets are unequally distributed, financial assets are much more unequal. In 2004, the top 1% controlled 50.3% of the financial assets while the bottom 90% only held 14.4% of the total US financial assets.[6]

These discrepancies exist despite the availability of many wealth building tools established by the Federal Government. These include 401k plans, 403b plans, and IRAs. Traditional IRAs, 401k and 403b plans are tax shelters created for working individuals. These plans allow for tax sheltered (or pre-tax) contributions of earned income directly to tax sheltered savings accounts. Annual contributions are capped to ensure that high earners cannot enjoy the tax benefit proportionally. The Roth IRA is another tool that can help create wealth in the working and middle classes. Assets in Roth IRAs grow tax free; interests, dividends, and capital gains are all exempt from income taxes. Contributions to Roth IRAs are limited to those with annual incomes less than the threshold established yearly by the IRS. The benefits of these plans, however, are only available to workers and families whose incomes and expenses allow them excess funds to commit for a long period, typically until the investor reaches age 59½. The effect of these tools are further limited by the contribution limits placed on them.

[edit] Wealth inequality

This section had been seriously flawed by writers who do not understand the numbers: A U.S. Treasury study of tax data of actual households from 1996 through 2005 concluded: “While the share of income of the top 1% is higher than in prior years, it is not a fixed group of households receiving this larger share of income.” In addition, tax changes during the Reagan Administration make comparisons of incomes before 1987 and after 1987 “apples and oranges”. One of several tax changes that made the top 1% income appear higher (even when there was no actual change) followed the Reagan Adminstration lowering the top tax rate from 70% to 28%. As a result of the top individual tax rates becoming lower than corporate tax rates, a lot of business income suddenly switched from being reported on corporate tax returns to being reported on individual tax returns (as subchapter S corporations, or partnerships). This was not a change in income – just a change to where it was reported. The IRS warned about this change affecting income comparisons: “Data for years 1987 and after are not comparable to pre-1987 data because of major changes in the definition of ‘adjusted gross income’ (AGI)." This IRS advice is ignored in the data below. In addition, all income segments have a specific income range except the top segment, which includes all incomes above a certain level. A very small number of households with extremely high incomes cause the average income in the top segment to be much higher than the median income. In all other income segments, the average and median income are very close. Using averages is a statistical error that particularly affects “top 10%” and “top 1%” data. The average income for “the top 10%”, for example, is about two-thirds higher than the median income for “the top 10%”. So for the top 10% income segment, the average income provides a very distorted view of a typical household in the top 10%, while the median income does not. Another issue is that transfer payments are not included in the income data even though they account for 70% to 80% of the actual income in the bottom income quintile.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, between 1979 and 2007 incomes of the top 1% of Americans grew by an average of 275%. During the same time period, the 60% of Americans in the middle of the income scale saw their income rise by 40%. Since 1979 the average pre-tax income for the bottom 90% of households has decreased by $900, while that of the top 1% increased by over $700,000, as federal taxation became less progressive. From 1992-2007 the top 400 income earners in the U.S. saw their income increase 392% and their average tax rate reduced by 37%.[7] In 2009, the average income of the top 1% was $960,000 with a minimum income of $343,927.[8][9][10]

In 2007 the richest 1% of the American population owned 34.6% of the country's total wealth, and the next 19% owned 50.5%. Thus, the top 20% of Americans owned 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 80% of the population owned 15%. Financial inequality was greater than inequality in total wealth, with the top 1% of the population owning 42.7%, the next 19% of Americans owning 50.3%, and the bottom 80% owning 7%.[11] However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 34.6% to 37.1%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 87.7%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36.1% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11.1% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the 1% and the 99%.[11][12][13] During the economic expansion between 2002 and 2007, the income of the top 1% grew 10 times faster than the income of the bottom 90%. In this period 66% of total income gains went to the 1%, who in 2007 had a larger share of total income than at any time since 1928.[14]

[edit] Wealth and Housing

Home ownership is one of the main sources of wealth among families in the United States.[15][16] However, there are racial differences in the acquisition of housing, and this inequality reproduces stratification in housing wealth across the races.[15] For white families, homeownership is worth, on average, $60,000 more than it is worth for black families. The idea of buying a house to let it appreciate in value over time in order to increase wealth is not possible for some people of color.[17] For black families, higher interest rates often cause roadblocks to home ownership.[15]

Because Blacks pay on average, interest rates about 1/3 higher than whites, they are unable to afford the housing, because this subtle change can add up over time. One explanation for why there are higher interest rates is because whites typically come to the table with more assets in the form of down payments which sets them up to pay lower interest rates. Black families do not typically have these assets or down payments to place down on a home in order to lower the interest rates. White Flight also decreases the value of African American homes as they are not able to resale their house at reasonable value.[15][18] It also cannot be ignored that Black Americans have been hit hardest by the historical practice of redlining, which continues today. That and the sub-prime mortgage fiasco, also focused at Black families, contributed to both strip equity out of black neighborhoods and wealth from Black families.

Recent statistics (2003) have shown that the homeownership rates for blacks are close to 25 percentage points less than white families (Whites = 75.4% homeownership rates, Blacks = 48.1%).[15] Homeownership among Latino Americans is lower than other groups in the United States with a rate of 47%. For Asian/Pacific Islander, the homeownership rate is 56.3%. For Native American, it is 54.3%.

[edit] Distribution of wealth

The total value of all U.S. household wealth in 2000 was approximately $44 trillion. Prior to the Late-2000s recession which began in December 2007 its value was at $65.9 trillion. After, it plunged to $48.5 trillion during the first quarter of 2009. The total household net worth rose 1.3% by the fourth quarter of 2009 to $54.2 trillion, indicating the American economy is recovering.

Family net worth, by selected characteristics of families, 1989–2004 surveys[19]
Thousands of 2004 dollars

Family characteristic 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004
Median Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median Mean

All Families 68.8 272.6 65.2 245.7 70.8 260.8 83.1 327.5 92.2 422.9 93.1 448.2

Percentiles of income

Less than 20 2.6 36.2 5.2 43.4 7.4 54.7 6.8 55.4 8.4 56.2 7.5 72.6
20-39.9 35.3 96.4 36.6 84.6 41.3 97.4 38.4 111.4 39.9 122.7 33.7 121.5
40-59.9 61.1 148.5 52.1 133.3 57.1 126.0 61.9 146.6 67.8 173.3 72.0 194.6
60-79.9 97.5 199.3 99.3 185.4 93.6 198.5 130.2 238.3 152.6 313.2 160.0 340.8
80-89.9 193.5 326.1 151.8 297.1 157.7 316.8 218.5 377.1 280.3 487.0 313.3 487.4
90-100 569.5 1,438.5 479.3 1,266.0 436.9 1,338.0 524.4 1,793.9 887.9 2,410.9 924.1 2,534.6

Age of head (years)

Less than 35 11.4 68.7 12.0 59.7 14.8 53.2 10.6 74.0 12.5 96.6 14.2 73.5
35-44 82.7 216.4 58.7 175.5 64.2 176.8 73.5 227.6 82.6 276.6 69.4 299.2
45-54 144.8 405.1 103.1 353.3 116.8 364.8 122.5 420.2 141.6 517.6 144.7 542.7
55-64 143.5 451.2 150.2 445.4 141.9 471.0 148.2 617.0 197.4 779.5 248.7 843.8
65-74 112.4 410.2 130.0 377.6 136.6 429.3 169.8 541.1 189.4 722.6 190.1 690.9
75 or more 106.2 354.2 114.5 282.3 114.5 317.9 145.6 360.3 165.4 499.6 163.1 528.1

Education of head

No high school diploma 35.3 121.8 24.6 92.4 27.9 103.7 24.5 91.4 27.2 110.8 20.6 136.5
High school diploma 54.0 163.3 50.7 147.1 63.9 163.7 62.7 182.9 61.8 193.0 68.7 196.8
Some college 67.4 273.3 76.0 226.0 57.6 232.3 85.6 275.5 77.5 305.7 69.3 308.6
College degree 162.8 530.2 129.4 447.5 128.6 473.6 169.7 612.3 227.2 848.0 226.1 851.3

Race or ethnicity of respondent

White non-Hispanic 104.2 333.4 91.9 292.9 94.3 308.7 111.0 391.1 130.2 520.2 140.7 561.8
Nonwhite or Hispanic 9.8 92.1 15.8 102.0 19.5 94.9 19.3 116.5 19.1 125.1 24.8 153.1

Current work status of head

Working for someone else 55.7 166.7 51.6 161.0 60.3 168.4 61.2 194.8 69.3 240.3 67.2 268.5
Self-employed 248.7 955.2 190.2 790.6 191.8 862.7 288.0 1,071.3 375.2 1,342.9 335.6 1,423.2
Retired 96.9 267.9 92.9 250.1 99.9 277.2 131.0 356.5 123.1 483.6 139.8 469.0
Other not working 1.2 57.6 4.3 70.0 4.5 70.1 4.1 85.8 9.5 192.3 11.8 162.3


Northeast 128.1 316.1 84.5 277.2 102.0 308.9 109.3 351.3 99.3 483.2 161.7 569.1
Midwest 77.0 274.8 75.1 228.1 80.8 244.7 93.1 288.5 113.3 363.3 115.0 436.1
South 51.7 192.8 45.5 185.5 54.2 229.5 71.0 309.6 78.6 400.6 63.8 348.0
West 67.2 360.0 94.2 335.4 67.4 286.1 71.1 379.1 93.4 470.4 94.8 523.7

Housing status

Owner 147.1 394.8 130.2 355.7 128.1 373.7 153.2 468.7 183.8 596.9 184.4 624.9
Renter or other 2.9 56.3 4.2 50.9 6.0 53.8 4.9 50.4 5.1 58.6 4.0 54.1

Percentiles of net worth

Less than 25 0.3 -0.9 0.6 -0.8 1.2 -0.2 0.6 -2.1 1.2 1.7 -1.4
25-49.9 30.9 33.7 30.9 33.4 34.7 37.6 37.9 41.6 43.5 47.2 43.6 47.1
50-74.9 127.0 130.4 115.4 119.2 117.1 122.6 139.7 149.1 168.2 177.9 170.7 185.4
75-89.9 308.2 331.2 268.5 287.4 272.3 293.6 357.7 372.7 458.8 480.7 506.8 526.7
90-100 1,009.5 1,820.7 876.2 1,645.8 836.7 1,766.7 1,039.1 2,244.2 1,388.5 2,944.3 1,430.1 3,114.2
Note: See note to table 1. † Less than 0.05 ($50).

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d e "US Federal Reserve on wealth distribution in the United States". http://www.federalreserve.gov/pubs/oss/oss2/papers/concentration.2001.10.pdf. Retrieved 2006-07-12. 
  2. ^ a b "Americans' net worth up for 3rd straight quarter". U.S. Federal Reserve. 2010-03-11. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100311/ap_on_bi_go_ec_fi/us_net_worth. Retrieved 2010-03-11. [dead link]
  3. ^ a b c Growing Wealth, Inequality, and Housing in the United States. Zhu Xiao Di. Feb. 2007. Joint Center for Housing Studies.
  4. ^ Wealth Inequality: Data and Models. Marc Cagetti and Mariacristina De Nardi. Aug. 2005. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
  5. ^ Broder, David (4 February 2010). "Syndicated column:A sobering message. Budget show US on 'unsustainable path'". Melbourne, Florida: Florida Today. pp. 11A. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/03/AR2010020302914.html. 
  6. ^ a b Haskins, Ron: "Wealth and Economic Mobility". Economic Mobility Project, 2007.
  7. ^ It's the Inequality, Stupid By Dave Gilson and Carolyn Perot in Mother Jones, March/April 2011 Issue
  8. ^ Who are the 1 percent?, CNN, October 29, 2011
  9. ^ "Tax Data Show Richest 1 Percent Took a Hit in 2008, But Income Remained Highly Concentrated at the Top." Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Accessed October 2011.
  10. ^ Top Earners Doubled Share of Nation’s Income, Study Finds New York Times By Robert Pear, October 25, 2011
  11. ^ a b Occupy Wall Street And The Rhetoric of Equality Forbes November 1, 2011 by Deborah L. Jacobs
  12. ^ Recent Trends in Household Wealth in the United States: Rising Debt and the Middle-Class Squeeze—an Update to 2007 by Edward N. Wolff, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, March 2010
  13. ^ Wealth, Income, and Power by G. William Domhoff of the UC-Santa Barbara Sociology Department
  14. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named autogenerated1; see Help:Cite errors/Cite error references no text
  15. ^ a b c d e The Hidden Cost of Being African American. Thomas Shapiro. 2004. Oxford University Press.
  16. ^ Housing and Wealth Inequality: Racial-Ethnic Differences in Home Equity in the United States. Lauren Krivo and Roberty Kaufman. Aug. 2004. Demography.
  17. ^ The Color of Wealth. Meizhu Lui, Barbara Robles, Betsy Leondar-Wright, Rose Brewer, and Rebecca Adamson. 2006. The New Press.
  18. ^ Wealth, Race, and Inter-Neighborhood Migration. Kyle Crowder, Scott South, and Erick Chavez. 2006. American Sociological Review. 71.
  19. ^ https://www.federalreserve.gov/pubs/oss/oss2/2004/Chartbook.xls

[edit] Further reading

[edit] External links

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