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About Last Night - TV Recaps

Check out our recaps for some of the hottest shows on the air — beware of spoilers!

Modern Family "Modern Family": Send Out the Clowns
Aired Wednesday - March 14
"Survivor": A Bunch of Idiots
Aired Wednesday - March 14
"American Idol": Top 12 Finalists Compete
Aired Wednesday - March 14
"New Girl": Control
Aired Tuesday - March 13
"Justified": Loose Ends
Aired Tuesday - March 13
"Cougar Town": A One Story Town
Aired Tuesday - March 13
"The Voice": The Battles, Week 2
Aired Monday - March 12
"Pretty Little Liars": If These Dolls Could Talk
Aired Monday - March 12

IMDbTV Picks For Thursday

Community Missing The Vampire Diaries Touch

"Community" Greendale's favorite study group is back...with a wedding? Yep: Andre proposes that he and Shirley remarry. (NBC, 8pm - new)

"Missing" When the son of ex-CIA agent and single mother Becca Winstone goes missing, she will stop at nothing to find him. (ABC, 8pm - series premiere)

"The Vampire Diaries" Present-day murders in Mystic Falls remind Damon of a similar crime spree a century earlier. (CW, 8pm - new)

"Touch" Martin Bohm, a widower and single father, discovers that his emotionally-challenged son Jake can predict events before they happen. (Fox, 9pm - repeat)

"Awake" Detective Michael Britten's two worlds spin out of control when, in one of his realities, his son Rex is kidnapped by an escaped convict. (NBC, 10pm - new)


HBO has cancelled its freshman drama Luck, after a third horse died during production this week. “It is with heartbreak that executive producers David Milch and Michael Mann together with HBO have decided to cease all future production on the series,” See more »


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