Jewish population

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Jewry in 2006

Jewish population refers to the number of Jews in the world. Precise figures are difficult to calculate because the definition of "Who is a Jew" is a source of controversy.


[edit] Total population

According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics there were 13,421,000 Jews worldwide in 2009, roughly 0.19% of the world's population at the time.[1]

According to the estimates for 2007 of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, the world's Jewish population is 13.2 million.[2] cites figures ranging from 12 to 18 million.[3] These statistics incorporate both practicing Jews affiliated with synagogues and the Jewish community, and approximately 4.5 million unaffiliated and secular Jews.

[edit] Largest Jewish populations by country

Top countries by Jewish population
Rank Country Jews  % of Country  % of all Jews
1 United States 6,543,820 2.1% 38%
2 Israel 5,931,000 75.5% 41%
3 France 484,000-607,000 0.8% 3.9%
4 Canada 375,000 1.1% 2.8%
5 United Kingdom 292,000 0.5% 2.1%
6 Russia 205,000 0.1% 1.1%
7 Argentina 200,000 0.4% 1.0%
8 Germany 130,000 0.1% 0.7%
9 Ukraine 103,000 0.2% 0.6%
10 Brazil 100,000 0.1% 0.5%
11 Australia 88,800 (2006)[4] 0.1% 0.4%
12 South Africa 72,800 0.1% 0.4%
13 Hungary 60,600 0.5% 0.3%
14 Mexico 39,400 0.04% 0.2%
15 Belgium 30,300 0.28% 0.2%
16 Netherlands 30,000 0.20% 0.2%
17 Poland 29,200 0.05% 0.2%
18 Italy 28,400 0.04% 0.2%
19 Chile 20,500 0.2% 0.1%
20 Switzerland 17,600 0.1% 0.1%
21 Turkey 17,600 0.03% 0.1%
22 Uruguay 17,500 0.8% 0.1%
23 Belarus 16,500 0.1% 0.1%
24 Sweden 15,000 0.01% 0.1%
25 Venezuela 12,000 0.1% 0.1%
26 Spain 12,000 0.01% 0.1%
27 Iran 10,400 0.02% 0.1%
28 Romania 9,700 0.03% 0.1%
29 Latvia 9,700 0.02% 0.1%
30 Austria 9,000 0.01% 0.05%
31 Panama 8,000 0.004% 0.04%
32 New Zealand 7,500 0.1% 0.04%
33 Azerbaijan 6,400 0.003% 0.03%
34 Denmark 6,400 0.02% 0.03%

[edit] Current population estimates

According to the World Jewish Population Survey of 2002;[5] "The size of world Jewry at the beginning of 2002 is assessed at 13,296,100. One in about 457 people in the world is Jewish. According to the revised figures, between 2001 and 2002 the Jewish population grew by an estimated 44,000 people, or about 0.3 percent."

According to a 2002 study[6] by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."

The World Jewish Population Survey gives the following geographical breakdown of the Jewish population:

Jewish Population 2002
Region Population Percent b
World 13,296,100 100.0
Americas, Total 6,476,300 48.7
 North c 6,064,000 45.6
 Central 52,500 0.4
 South 500,000 2.7
Europe, Total 1,558,500 11.7
 European Union 1,034,400 7.8
 Other West 19,600 0.1
 Former USSR d 410,000 3.1
 Other East and Balkans d 94,500 0.7
Asia, Total 5,069,900 38.1
 Israel h 5,025,000 37.8
 Former USSR d 25,000 0.2
 Other 19,900 0.1
Africa, Total 87,200 0.7
 North e 7,400 0.1
 South f 79,800 0.6
Oceania g 104,200 0.8

a January 1.
b Minor discrepancies due to rounding.
c U.S. and Canada.
d Asian regions of Russia and Turkey included in Europe.
e Including Ethiopia.
f South Africa, Zimbabwe, and other sub-Saharan countries.
g Australia, New Zealand.
h Including about 370,000 Jewish Israeli citizens living in the Israeli West Bank and Golan Heights.

[edit] Populations as a percentage

All estimates of population in this section are generated by taking the estimated percentage of Jews in each country, and multiplying it by the population of the country. Though figures given in the table may seem precise to many digits, they are often highly inaccurate, and can vary by significant margins from other published surveys. This data is intended to give rough estimates of the number of Jews in each country, more precise estimates for some countries are available above.

As an example, the tables below give the Jewish population of Argentina as 195,000 Jews in Argentina, but the best survey-based sources generally estimate the number of Jews in Argentina between 185,000 and 250,000.[7] All the numbers below are similarly estimates, so the figures in the table below should be considered in the light of these variations, and should not be viewed as exact counts.

The percentage of Jewish population of each country was taken from the US State Department's International Religious Freedom Report 2004,[8] and, if not available on that site, from Jewish Population Tables.[9] The total population of each country was taken from (2005 estimates).[10]

These numbers are for Jews as an ethnicity; many, but not all, practice the religion of Judaism.

[edit] By country

Note: The total at the end shows the entire population of the world, not just the listed countries

Jews by country
Region Country Population (2005E)  % Jewish Estimated number of Jews
South Asia Afghanistan 29,928,987 0.0000035% 1
North Africa Algeria 32,531,853 0.0003% 100
South America Argentina 39,537,943 0.46% 182,300
Middle East Armenia 2,982,904 0.03% 750
Oceania Australia 20,090,437 0.53% 107,500
Central Europe Austria 8,184,691 0.1% 9,000
Middle East Azerbaijan 7,500,000 0.00333% 6,400
Middle East Bahrain 750,000 0.005% 40
South Asia Bangladesh 154,037,902 0.00011% 175
Eastern Europe Belarus 10,045,237 0.16% 16,500
Western Europe Belgium 10,364,388 0.3% 30,300
South America Bolivia 8,857,870 0.6% 2,500
Balkans Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,025,476 0.03% 500
Southern Africa Botswana 1,640,115 0.006% 100
South America Brazil 186,112,794 0.06% 105,600
Balkans Bulgaria 7,450,349 0.03% 2,300
North America Canada 32,805,041 1.1% 375,000
South America Chile 15,980,912 0.13% 20,200
East Asia China 1,306,313,812 0.0001% 1,500
South America Colombia 42,954,279 0.015% 6,436
Central Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo 60,085,004 0.0002% 120
Central America Costa Rica 4,016,173 0.06% 2,409
Central Europe Croatia 4,495,904 0.07% 3,000
North America Cuba 11,346,670 0.01% 1,500
Central Europe Czech Republic 10,241,138 0.03% 3,072
Western Europe Denmark 5,432,335 0.12% 6,400
Caribbean Dominican Republic 8,950,034 0.001% 100
South America Ecuador 13,363,593 0.005% 300
North Africa Egypt 77,505,756 0.0001% 100
Central America El Salvador 6,704,932 0.001% 100
East Africa Eritrea 4,401,000 0.00002% 1
Eastern Europe Estonia 1,332,893 0.14% 1,818
East Africa Ethiopia 73,053,286 0.03% 20,000
Western Europe Finland 5,223,442 0.02% 1,110
Western Europe France 60,656,178 1% 606,561
Middle East Georgia 4,677,401 0.17% 7,951
Western Europe Germany 82,431,390 0.14% 119,000
West Africa Ghana 18,412,247 0.004% 800
Balkans Greece 10,668,354 0.05% 5,334
Central America Guatemala 14,655,189 0.008% 1,172
Caribbean Haiti 8,500,000 0.000006% 50
Central Europe Hungary 10,006,835 0.5% 48,600
Western Europe Iceland 300,000 0.03% 100
South Asia India 1,080,264,388 0.001% 15,401
Middle East Iran 68,017,860 0.02% 10,400
Middle East Iraq 26,074,906 0.0004% 100
Western Europe Ireland 4,015,676 0.05% 1,931
Middle East Israel 7,374,000 78% 5,703,700[11]
Western Europe Italy 58,103,033 0.05% 28,400
Caribbean Jamaica 2,731,832 0.01% 300
East Asia Japan 127,417,244 0.004% 4,500
Central Asia Kazakhstan 15,185,844 0.03% 4,100
East Africa Kenya 33,829,590 0.001% 400
East Asia South Korea 48,422,644 0.0002% 100
Central Asia Kyrgyzstan 5,146,281 0.02% 926
Eastern Europe Latvia 2,290,765 0.4% 9,700
Middle East Lebanon 3,826,018 0.003% 100
North Africa Libya 3,826,018 0% 0
Eastern Europe Lithuania 3,596,617 0.1% 3,596
Western Europe Luxembourg 468,571 0.14% 655
Balkans Macedonia 2,045,262 0.01% 200
North America Mexico 106,202,903 0.04% 39,400
Eastern Europe Moldova 4,455,421 0.7% 31,187
Western Europe Monaco 35,000 2.9% 1,000
Balkans Montenegro 630,548 0.02% 100
North Africa Morocco 32,725,847 0.016% 5,236
Southern Africa Namibia 2,030,692 0.006% 115
Western Europe Netherlands 16,507,491 0.18% 30,000
Oceania New Zealand 4,035,461 0.2% 7,500
Central America Nicaragua 5,675,356 0.001% 50
West Africa Nigeria (see also Igbo Jews) 128,771,988 0.008% 10,000
Western Europe Norway 4,593,041 0.03% 1,240
South Asia Pakistan 165,803,560 0.0001% 200
Central America Panama 3,039,150 0.26% 8,000
South America Paraguay 6,347,884 0.015% 1,000
South America Peru 27,925,628 0.01% 3,000
Southeast Asia Philippines 87,857,473 0.0001% 100
Central Europe Poland 38,635,144 <0.0001% <4,000
Western Europe Portugal 10,566,212 0.007% 739
Caribbean Puerto Rico 3,916,632 0.06% 2,500
Balkans Romania 22,329,977 0.04% 9,700
Eastern Europe Russia 143,420,309 0.14% 205,000
Balkans Serbia 9,778,991 0.02% 2,200
Southeast Asia Singapore 4,425,720 0.007% 300
Central Europe Slovakia 5,431,363 0.06% 3,041
Central Europe Slovenia 2,011,070 0.025% 500
Southern Africa South Africa 44,344,136 0.16% 70,800
Western Europe Spain 40,341,462 0.03% 12,000
South Asia Sri Lanka 20,000,000 0.00005% 3
South America Suriname 438,144 0.05% 200
Western Europe Sweden 9,001,774 0.17% 15,000
Western Europe Switzerland 7,489,370 0.23% 17,600
Middle East Syria 18,448,752 0.0005% 100
Central Asia Tajikistan 7,163,506 0.001% 100
Southeast Asia Thailand 65,444,371 0.001% 650
Central America Trinidad and Tobago 1,088,644 0.1% 1,088
North Africa Tunisia 10,074,951 0.02% 1,813
Balkans Turkey 69,660,559 0.03% 17,600
Central Asia Turkmenistan 4,952,081 0.01% 495
East Africa Uganda 28,816,000 0.004% 1,100
Eastern Europe Ukraine 47,425,336 0.15% 71,500
Western Europe United Kingdom 60,441,457 0.5% 292,207
North America United States 311,943,000 1.7% 5,275,000
South America Uruguay 3,415,920 0.5% 17,500
Central Asia Uzbekistan 26,851,195 0.06% 17,453
South America Venezuela 25,375,281 0.05% 12,900
Middle East Yemen 20,727,063 0.002% 370
Southern Africa Zimbabwe 12,746,990 0.006% 764
Total 6,430,856,221 0.24% 15,143,912

[edit] By region

These percentages were calculated by using the above numbers. The first percentage, 4th column, is the percentage of population that is Jewish in a region (Jews in the region * 100/total population of the region). The last column shows the Jewish percentage compared to the total Jewish population of the world (Jews in the region * 100/total Jewish population of the world).

(Note: Egypt, Sudan, and the Arab Maghreb countries are counted as part of North Africa, not Middle East).

Jews in Africa
Region Total Population Jews  % Jewish  % of Jews total
Central Africa 83,121,055 1,000 0.001% 0.007%
East Africa 193,741,900 20,400 0.011% 0.142%
North Africa 202,151,323 7,249 0.004% 0.05%
Southern Africa 137,092,019 89,667 0.065% 0.624%
West Africa 268,997,245 42,000 0.016% 0.292%
Total 885,103,542 160,316 0.018% 1.115%
Jews in Asia
Region Total Population Jews  % Jewish  % of Jews total
Central Asia 92,019,166 23,074 0.025% 0.161%
East Asia 1,527,960,261 2,102 0.0001% 0.015%
Middle East 274,775,527 5,076,338 1.847% 35.33%
South Asia 1,437,326,682 15,401 0.001% 0.107%
Southeast Asia 571,337,070 599 0.0001% 0.004%
Total 3,903,418,706 5,117,514 0.131% 35.617%
Jews in Europe
Region Total Population Jews  % Jewish  % of Jews total
Balkans 65,407,609 18,299 0.028% 0.127%
Central Europe 74,510,241 99,437 0.133% 0.692%
Eastern Europe 212,821,296 977,173 0.459% 6.8%
Western Europe 375,832,557 1,224,176 0.326% 8.512%
Total 728,571,703 2,319,085 0.318% 16.131%
Jews in The Americas
Region Total Population Jews  % Jewish  % of Jews total
Caribbean 23,809,622 1,888 0.008% 0.013%
Central America 42,223,849 52,500 0.124% 0.365%
North America 446,088,748 6,361,443 1.426% 44.274%
South America 371,075,531 290,800 0.097% 1.504%
Total 883,197,750 6,775,631 0.767% 47.156%
Jews in Oceania
Region Total Population Jews  % Jewish  % of Jews total
Oceania 30,564,520 95,853 0.314% 0.665%

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ "Jewish population in the world and in Isrel". Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 
  2. ^ "Percent of world Jew living in Israel climbed to 41% in 2007". Haaretz. June 1, 2008. 
  3. ^ Judaism, continued... citations at
  4. ^
  5. ^ "World Jewish Population, 2002". American Jewish Yearbook 2002. The American Jewish Committee. 
  6. ^ "Number of Jews dropping, Israeli agency warns". Sydney Morning Herald. 4 December 2002. 
  7. ^ "Assessment for Jews in Argentina". Center for International Development and Conflict Management. 
  8. ^ US State Department's International Religious Freedom Report 2004'
  9. ^ Jewish Population Tables
  10. ^
  11. ^ "Israel in Figures - 2009". Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 

[edit] External links

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