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Awesome face is awesome


  • Date Discovered: 01/2007
  • Discovered On: Something Awful


Awesome face is a smiley face image that, due to its level of win, can both be used to express a high level of approval or ironically to express disdain. Plastered around nearly every forum and imageboard on the internet, 'Awesome face' has spawned many spin-off images and is a frequent subject of meme combining.


The artist explains the origin of awesome face:

I drew the icon years ago as part of an emoticon set he wanted for their new forum software, and I think he showed you all the other ones that were designed along with it. I’m not really sure what exactly I wanted it to represent but I think the ‘ridiculous childish glee’ that it now signifies is probably close! I’m also a member at Something Awful and the first time I saw it posted I did a double take… I even remember my mind racing as to why and HOW someone had picked up a crappy lil’ icon off a tiny website, and I’m still not sure to this day… I assume a Pokemopolis member posted it on 4Chan. At that point I thought its posting would be a one time thing, but then I saw it more and more. It got to the point where I couldn’t read SA because everytime I saw it I’d just be completely freaked out, and naturally I came to hate it! I hoped every day that it would become bannable to post it, but the next best thing was replacing the VBCode. I also posted in BYOB in a thread Whalley made saying that I had made the icon originally, trying to get him to divulge where *he* had gotten it from. Most of SA assumed it was a ‘BYOB thing’ which was probably good because they’d probably want to lynch me if they actually knew where it was from. I never expected it to become such a widespread meme, and I can’t say I even understand why its popular or why people want to make bag pins of it (Sure wish I could get some commission for the design though haha). It still weirds me out when I see webcomics use it though I’ve grown used to it now, sometimes I even tell nerdy neckbeard types that my dirty secret is *psst I drew THAT smiley*, which makes them say “MOAR!” or whatever is cool on 4Chan this week. Though just for clarity sake my excuse for being on a Pokemon site in the first place was that I was young and stupid. But that’s the price of Internet fame!


—Anonymous Artist of Awesome Face

Current status

Awesome face is considered an established or "classic" meme. It is found several places and used by many. It's meaning is unambiguous for the most part, so it has been adopted in many different parts of the web, some which usually do not use memes frequently. However, this massive boost in popularity has led to extreme overuse similar to what happened with several other memes, to the point where more than a few Internet denizens just want it to be retired to old-meme-dom.


  • It is awesome.
  • The eyes are sometimes altered to give a different meaning


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