The Official SCP Foundation FAQ

Why was the old FAQ Deleted? It was getting unwieldy, so I figured I'd start again, see if I could slim it up some.

How do I upload images? Well, that info IS in the Newbie Guide, but since you asked: Go down to the bottom of the page where it says files, click upload a file from your computer, and go from there.

What are some things that generally cause an article to accumulate downvotes? That's like asking how many grains of sand are on a beach. Everyone has a different reason for downvoting. But, some simple reasons: Bad grammar, poor writing, doing something that's already an SCP, or failing to write in the tone of the Foundation.

How do I familiarize myself with the site? Uhm. Read it? No, seriously, go through, and read as many SCPs and tales as you can, it's the easiest way.

Why does the Foundation keep this SCP around? Why don't they just destroy/kill it? Well, for starters, if you've read our logo, you know SCP stands for Secure, Contain, Protect, not Destroy, Destroy, Destroy. That said, if we destroyed everything, we wouldn't have much of a site, would we? In character… suspension of disbelief. Make something up, if it's good, it might be used.

What are these -D, -ARC, and -EX SCPs that people keep talking about? -D are Decommissioned SCPs, ones that were so bad, we had to write stories about their destruction. -ARC are archived SCPs, ones that were used in good stories, or that the old hands think of favorably, but that have drifted into the negatives, due to changing standards. -EX, which i wish there were more of, are explained SCPs, ones that no longer stand out as unusual in this world.

What are all those [Redacted] and [Data Expunged] that are everywhere? They are information removed from the article, generally in order to make it scarier. While most writers know what is behind the removal, they are unwilling to tell. It's a lot worse when you have to imagine what it is.

What is procedure 110-Montauk? An amateur shadowcast of the Rocky Horror picture Show.

What, really? Well, no, probably not. But, see, that's the point of expungement and redaction, you can fill in your own answer!

If you've read the required reading, make sure to include the words 'White Lightning' in your application, along with the required content and the other passwords.

My application has been rejected and I… uhm.. The paragraph directly above this one is probably why, isn't it? Yup. No password, no join.

Can I reapply? Of course! Simply go to 'my account' and withdraw your application, then apply again.

I totally put the passwords in, but you still denied me! Well, either you missed something somewhere, or you tried to get cutesy with your passwords and so I missed it. Seriously, just tuck those two words at the end of your application, don't try and weave it in.

So, I want to write an SCP or story, what canon do I have to keep in mind? Nothing. Or everything. See, we have a saying here at the Foundation wiki. 'There is no Canon.' What this basically means is that, when writing your article, you are free to pick and choose what you use. For example, some of us believe the Foundation is a force for good, protecting humanity from things they wouldn't understand. Others believe the Foundation is evil, hurting people just because they can.

D-class is another good example. The standard belief is that D-class are killed at the end of every month, and are culled from the scum of the earth. However, there are a lot of variations from this. The Foundation spreads across the earth, so there are bound to be a lot of political dissidents given to us from bad countries. Or do we use clones from SCPs? And ARE D-class killed at the end of every month or do we just tell researchers that so they don't object to subjecting these people to horrible things? Which class of amnesiacs are the strongest? These are all questions that you can answer.

Another good example: Telekill. I hate it, can't stand the stuff. So, when I write my articles, they're written in a universe where telekill doesn't exist, and as such is not used in containment.

So, while TONE may be canon, actual details are generally open for exploration. Just because, say, someone has written a story where 343 claims he can't do anything to 682, doesn't mean you can't write a story where he always wails on the reptile like no ones business.

About the only thing that IS canon is how certain characters act. Gears has no emotions. Bright is bound to 963. Strelnikov hates Chechens. You don't have to use previously written characters, but if you do, and you write them out of character people will likely pick it apart.

What happened to SCP-XXX? Deletions and You, or Why That Page Isn't Here Anymore

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