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Comic Sans

(Redirected from Comic sans)

Comic sans.png

  • Date Found: 10/1994
  • Used By: AOL users, People that won't be taken seriously
Comic sans is a standard font, used especially in comics, and is by far the most overused and annoying font ever. Using the font is a good way of pissing people off and having them hate you, or at the very least, not take you seriously at all.

Comic Sans has been around since comic books, however the modern version of it that has plagued the internet was designed by former Microsoft employee, Vincent Connare and released it in 1994.

Everybody hates comic sans. In fact, everybody loves to hate comic sans.

Indeed, one will never be taken seriously in the event that they use this eyesore of a font. As a matter of fact, some university teachers will opt to failing a student's essay for using the font. Even the sight of comic sans will cause many to instantly press the back button. Because of how hated it is, there have been opposition for comic sans usage and in 1999, a movement was started in hopes of banning widespread use of the font.

Common usage

Comic sans was very common during the web 1.0 days where it was seen in many places such as those old Geocities web pages, emails and IMs. Today, not much usage of the font is very common, unless used for the sake of irony and trolling. Alas, comic sans has still a far way to go before reaching a much deserved death.



The History of Comic Sans
A short documentary about the font Comic Sans

Related Pages

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